This past Saturday we put on a little event called "Bringing Back the fun". It was a small event and we had 30+ shooters that attended. Entry fee was $20 and it was a winner takes all. We did not get sponsors as this was just going to be a fun day. Weibad, inc was here and they did donate a $50 certificate to the winner which was awesome of them. We also had a little fun as people placed bids on who they thought would win the competition. The person who guessed correctly would win that money. We also did a side event at the end of the day where we shot the tail off the donkey (similiar to pin the tail on the donkey....but not
). To participate in this event shooters were required to pay $90 and the money collected was going to go to "Homes for our Troops"! Everyone particpated! Rifles Only decided that we would match all the money collected for this event to donate to this great cause. Josh Pipes was the winner of the day and he generously donated his winnings to the cause as well. The winner of the bidding was Charles Stewart and he too did not take a dime but also donated the cash! This is why we did this event as it was a "get together" of people who love to shoot and were out to have fun. We donated $6,160 to Homes for our troops thanks to everyone that attended. We want to say thanks to all of those who came and donated. There is no doubt that we will do more of these events in 2013!!! It was a great break from routine and there is no doubt that the money is going to help our true heros! Thank you!!!