I have an ankle screwed back together, but no plate. Still in there, been since... I dunno, 1990? Think Gulf War timeline. 5 screws, makes for funny x-ray when you go in after dismounting a street bike @ 50mph and forget to tell the tech. As I recall it seemed to take forever(think 2-3months?) to get to the point that I could run again, much, much longer to run normally. I was passing PFT's before I felt like it was close to normal.
6-8 weeks for bones to heal properly, I don't know if it's more w/a plate, but that's when I started walking w/out crutches. It freaking hurt, but I worked as much as I could, then went to crutches to get through the rest of the day.
As for squatting, in that joint most of the pressure is on the front, and you don't say where the break and hardware is installed, so... Also be careful of the pressure upon the achilles attachment; if you haven't stretched/used it, it will come apart. Not pretty.
Deadlifting should not be a problem other than the pressure you are placing upon a joint that is the weakest part of the movement, so I would not go heavy for a long, long time. If you deadlift, you're likely to be unable to refrain from pushing the limits, so it's likely the wisest thing to stay light w/squats and avoid DL for another 3 months or so.
Most importantly, you said the long screws were just removed? If you have screw holes healing, you need to treat them JUST LIKE A BROKEN BONE! They need to fuse, and any pressure on the fibula can and will cause you to hear that "pop" once again, and start over, but this time have to hear all the med's say "I told you not to.." and "What were you thinking?" Just be careful. Everything worked for me, I play rugby, live like it never happened, but I had the luxury of taking it slowly.
Combat boots rub on one screw-head, so I don't wear them, and while hitting baseballs I wear a guard. PM me if you have more questions, glad to explain more.
I am a rugby player, not a doctor, so take my advice at your own peril!