help,, i need some inspiration to keep from pulling my order fron surgeon rifles
they told me i would have my fifle out the door no later than april 15'th.
2 weeks later, i call to ask why it has not shipped - and am told it is a few weeks out.
2 more weeks pass by after that call... now they trell me it is a few days away.
2 weeks later, nothing.
i am tired of calling and becoming a "pest"... i just want a fucking answer.
if they are missing a trigger, then just tell me - DO NOT BULLSHIT ME.
i am fucking tired of being bullshitted.
how long should i wait before calling back in and yanking my order?
they have $5600+ of my money and i can not even get an honest answer.
i just want a fucking honest answer!
wot would you do?
Be polite and call every two weeks. As far as I can tell, all gunsmiths lie on delivery and suck on scheduling. I needed a gun for the Nationals in 2005, called a well known builder and ordered away. He promised six months delivery. NINE months later and two weeks before go time, no damned gun. I got all the usual bullshit answers and he was ready to ship, looking for a box, did not know the number to FEDEX or some such shit. I am in my car driving east and my dealer calls,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"you package is here and this gun looks awesome." GREAT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I am 600 miles away and driving to the Nationals with no gun, only my back-up gun and a prayer.
Find a back-up rifle, keep checking in every couple of weeks and hope for the best. It always takes longer, something always goes back-ordered and someone always has a sick relative to slow the time table down. People always walk in the door wanting something out of order or ahead of schedule for their critical needs.
Remember this when doing your next build.