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Canada's Embarrassment.

There were only TWO countries in all of Africa that were worth a damn, S. Africa and Rhodesia. I'll let you take a guess as to why, LOL.

Were these Canucks white peepo? If so, why the fuck would any sane white person set foot in Africa, especially Sudan? Let me guess, leftist scum thinking they will take in the wonderful culture and alleve their white guilt.
Well when us 30-40 year old whites get the largest inheritance transfer in the next 0-15 years...WATCH OUT WORLD.!!!!

There will be no inheritance for most 30-40yr olds, your boomer parents will spend it as fast as they can until they go batty & then the government will take the rest. Most 30-40yr olds will have to pass the hat to pay for their parents' care/funerals.
There will be no inheritance for most 30-40yr olds, your boomer parents will spend it as fast as they can until they go batty & then the government will take the rest. Most 30-40yr olds will have to pass the hat to pay for their parents' care/funerals.

You boomers will die from the vaxx..

Then the 2 Trillion Wil go to us..

So live lean like the greatest generation showed you to....

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You boomers will die from the vaxx..

Then the 2 Trillion Wil go to us..

So live lean like the greatest generation showed you to....

View attachment 8510279
For those Boomers that were dumb enough to take it.

You may want to check yer math again, they were a fairly small percentage.
There will be no inheritance for most 30-40yr olds, your boomer parents will spend it as fast as they can until they go batty & then the government will take the rest. Most 30-40yr olds will have to pass the hat to pay for their parents' care/funerals.
Right? My kids ain't getting shit. The last check I write had better bounce.
  • Haha
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  • Haha
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That his history doesn't make sense. Has access to the Canadian gun Registry, and knows the details behind car dealers.

I have worked in many industries. I typically learn them at an accelerated rate.



Factory worker...

Drug Dealer...(Marihuana for one week in grade ten).
5G Technician.
Dental Technician.

It's not hard to do different jobs.

He basically took out giant Billion dollar loans from his Jewy NYC buddies...built a casino...off shored the money...shit the bed on the Casino.

Tax shelter.

All that and still has time for mental masturbation on the internet. A true savant.
and he gets to live in your head rent free
So let me get this right...you are wringing your hands and lamenting because people born and raised in Sudan that somehow had enough money(wink wink loaded Sudanese totes legit and not a warlord or arms dealer) to travel to Canada and get dual citizenship are getting fragged?