I'm in a niche technical industry as well (still good sized), but if you're stuck, look to jump to a different role within that niche. I personally went from Engineering, to Sales/Bus. Dev. Best move of my career. Most Engineer's aren't capable of that move (aren't people persons), but those who are, flourish.
As JSCB said above, there's thousands of guys here on the hide that have similar situations (birds of a feather, as they say). Many of us own or work for corporations who are struggling for enough resources (people) to capture/keep business... my company now is between 14-15 thousand people globally. We have over 350 internal job postings right now just in the US, and another 335 external postings (some do overlap). There's over 700 job openings globally, and while we're decent size, we aren't even in the S&P 500 range (though we're close).
I'm not saying to use this place as a LinkedIn, but give some more info and let some of the guys here share their experience/insight.