Cargo Pants recommendations please

For you guys that went from Wrangler to Duluth. Are they sized the same?
How do they shrink after multiple washings?
Getting close to needing new pants and want to try them out but closest store is 425 miles so online order for me.
Looking at the DuluthFlex Fire Hose Relaxed Fit Cargo Work Pants.
For you guys that went from Wrangler to Duluth. Are they sized the same?
How do they shrink after multiple washings?
Getting close to needing new pants and want to try them out but closest store is 425 miles so online order for me.
Looking at the DuluthFlex Fire Hose Relaxed Fit Cargo Work Pants.

The size is very close to wrangler. Maybe a little longer and loose fitting.

Just got them so no comments on washing. I also went with the fire hose flex cargos. The salesman at the store said they was the best sellers.
I would like to nominate for everyone's consideration the excellent Woolrich Elite pants. The Discreet (non-pocket) versions will almost pass as normal khakis in most office environments (the way that the front and rear pockets are cut will make them stand out just a bit). The versions with external pockets have double-layer knees and a shit-ton of storage space. Both have a generous amount of room in the thighs (nice for those of use that don't skip leg day), can accommodate proper 2" belts, and are treated with some sort of magic Dupont stain repellent. I got several years of daily use from the three pair I had in regular rotation, and still have several other pairs in use for range and shop wear.


I have mountain khakis. Nice pants but they don’t allow me to move well. And that damn seam across the back side pulls down your drawers. I won’t buy anymore of them.
Perhaps you bought them too small to show off your fine man azz? Mine are my favorite, especially when goin up high in the rocky stuff.
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Another vote for Duluth. They do seem to shrink in length slightly on the first washing to me, ending up at advertised length. We use Persil detergent and they shed stains very well. They even seem to hold up to welding sparks better than most. Most of mine are the relaxed fit Duluth Flex Firehose cargos.
Get the discount card/code and enjoy.
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All the ones that my local Walmart have the normal cargo pocket on the right and three little good for nothing pockets on the left so small you'd be hard pressed to put a pack of cigarettes in any of them.
I have been told that other walmarts still carry the normal relaxed fit ones with the good cargo pockets.

I started wearing the Wrangler's years ago after I was issued some 5.11's which I hated. Wal-Mart has been hit or miss, but Target carries them online and I have ordered several pairs from Amazon. You just have to make sure you get the style number off the tag. The best place I have found to walk in and buy is a VF Outlet, It carries lots of Wrangler and was the only place I could find the Wrangler cargo shorts that I wear. Of course with the Covid mess they are temporarily closed.
Look into Kitanica. I have a few pairs of the Raiders. 100% made in the USA. I wear them everyday, and it isn't light work. Went 4 weeks with no wash on them up until a week ago. Lot's and lot's of hunting miles, gutting Elk, dragging Coyotes, sitting in snow getting soaked, up, down, branding 500 calves, kneeling, cutting over 1/2 of them. Fencing, field work, lot's of pockets, I have a Letherman, Havalon, ZT 0425CF, Gerber 06, Samsung note 9 (front left pocket) on me all the time with room to spare.
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I switched from Dickies cargo to Duluth firehose flex . They wear like iron . I lose about 2 to 3 pair of Dickies a year to tears fromm catching on the machinery I work 9n . I'm about 2 or 3 m9nths in and haven't torn these . I got hung up a few times that would have messed em up id they were dickies .
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Kitanica Raider Pants ( I've worn them for years as my preferred cargo pants and they hold up much longer than any of the 5.11's I've owned. They are a little spendy but made in the USA (well California anyway :p)

Also nice but a bit spendy - Arc'teryx

Both Kitanica and Arc'teryx allow for built in knee pads for shooting, work, whatever...
Hop on Ebay, search up Levi's bush jeans circa 1970-1980'ish.
There is a reason they are the defacto standard.
Just make sure they are from that era and not whatever is current.
I still have some, they still fit, they show very little signs of wear after all these years.
I also have a (essentially) brand new pair of Levi corduroy big bell jeans that I've never worn.....because they are white :/
Anyone feel differently about white trousers ?