Well yes, and no.
Why does the #41 exists then? I guess the reason is to go the extra mile, just as with crimped primer pockets.
The thought behind this is the reason is that a customer making the order has noticed lack of quality in product (not necessarily with CCI, might be related to another manufacturer) but nonetheless, orders little bit stronger parts and fault mechanisms because it has experiences related to basic tolerances not living up to expectations.
According to this post from this very website, the CCI41 has different anvil geometry than the 450 but is otherwise the same:

CCI 450 vs. CCI 41 primers
I've heard these two are essentially the same thing just slight difference in the cup. I use a lot of 450's in a Dasher, 6BRA, and now 6.5 creedmoor. Just wondering if anyone has used the 41's with the same results as the 450's. I found an unopened case of 41's in the back of the closet so I...
I have no idea if that is true--I don't use the 41 primer. I use 450s almost exclusively.