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Charlize Theron Admits She Traded Dignity for Stardom


Full Member
Feb 25, 2017

Charlize Theron

Oscar-winner Charlize Theron admitted in a recent interview that she traded her personal dignity for stardom.
That’s how I read it anyway.
Because whining and playing the victim have replaced gratitude and class among America’s rotting celebrity culture, one of the most privileged people in the history of mankind is using a high-profile interview in Harper’s to crybaby about how hard her life has been.
All Theron did, though, was prove she has no character:
“Having absolutely no control over what you’re wearing is a big one that really fucking annoyed me for years. Having some guy make you have a fitting almost in front of them—stuff like that, it’s really belittling,” Theron explains. “When I started, there was no conversation around it. It was like, ‘This is what you’re wearing.’ And I remember one movie in particular, this male director who just kept bringing me in, fitting after fitting after fitting after … And it was just so obvious that it was to do with my sexuality and how fuckable they could make me in the movie. And when I started out, that was just kind of the norm.” [emphasis added]
You see what she’s doing there? Theron is pretending she’s a victim of the perfectly normal and acceptable practice of having the director choose what his actors and actresses wear.
But what’s truly revealing is her crybabying about how “belittling” this was.
And yet.
She did it anyway.
In other words, she was handed a choice: You can either hold on to your dignity by refusing to do this or not. And she chose to give up her dignity.
In those moments, Charlize Theron, a grown woman with the agency to walk off any project, chose — chose! — to be humiliated rather than give up stardom and fame.
That was her choice.
At any time, she could have walked away and supported herself behind a cash register or any other job that didn’t denigrate her.
Charlize Theron did not have to put up with being humiliated, belittled, and sexualized. She chose to be treated in that way. Clearly, stardom, fame, and money were more important to Charlize Theron than her personal dignity.
And why did she allow it to happen more than once? It would have been easy for her to include a contract rider about a more dignified wardrobe process. But she didn’t do that, did she? Why? Well, probably because she worried it might cost her work. So again, she chose stardom and money over her personal dignity.
There is no amount of money or fame you could offer most women to stand there and be treated like a “fuckable” piece of meat. But that’s because “most women” are not Charlize Theron. No, most women put their personal dignity ahead of their personal ambitions.
Now, I don’t want to be misunderstood here. … I don’t think actresses who dress sexy are whores. Not at all. As a healthy, normal, red-blooded heterosexual male, I enjoy looking at sexy women, just like the next guy. I’m all for T&A. I’m all for objectifying women who choose to be objectified, and I’ve seen plenty of actresses steam up the screen while retaining their self-respect and dignity.
But Theron is something different.
She had a choice to walk away or be humiliated.
She chose to be humiliated.
And that’s pathetic.
And the only person she should blame is Charlize Theron.
She failed a major test of her character, and her victim pose will not gaslight me into seeing it any other way.
It’s also worth mentioning that Theron’s naked boobs have enjoyed more screen time than Michael Caine.

Of course she would whine to the Americans about all this stuff and expect sympathy.
Poor me, I got paid millions and had to wear skimpy clothes and look sexy for my millions.

Europeans would be laughing as most art movies, full nudity is considered a standard part of the movie for both male and female actors.
They are totally equal opportunity about objectifying the male actors sometimes even more than the female ones HA!
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Charlize Theron

There is no amount of money or fame you could offer most women to stand there and be treated like a “fuckable” piece of meat.
Most women don't have the physical attributes required to be offered money to play a piece of meat on TV.

Of the ones that do, they have usually been treated differently their entire lives in a way that makes taking an enormous paycheck to flaunt their shit some more HIGHLY acceptable to them.

Finding a hot chick that doesn't ride that shit around like a horse is the hard part, not the other way around.
Fuck this bitch.
She's worth $170 MILLION fucking dollars.
How many of US would trade every shred of our dignity for a paltry $170,000,000.00 in cash ?????

OMG... Charlize Theron is SO. BRAVE. :rolleyes:
She is now pushing 50. No longer a hollywood sex kitten getting any good roles and she is having a melt-down about how she had to wiggle her ass to get to an Oscar.

Wah... Hope she never gets another role, goes bankrupt and ends up in an apartment in South Central with 47 cats and her Aston Martin up on blocks on the driveway.

Or be brave... get drugged up and drive your Mini Cooper into a house and burn to death while someone still remembers who you are, Charlize!

What a twat.

She is now pushing 50. No longer a hollywood sex kitten getting any good roles and she is having a melt-down about how she had to wiggle her ass to get to an Oscar.

Wah... Hope she never gets another role, goes bankrupt and ends up in an apartment in South Central with 47 cats and her Aston Martin up on blocks on the driveway.

Or be brave... get drugged up and drive your Mini Cooper into a house and burn to death while someone still remembers who you are, Charlize!

What a twat.

Funny how that happens.

At 21 they're out there running around, sluttin' it up with their hot girl summers, banging every Chad and Tyrone from here to Cancun and having the time of their life while celebrating how empowered they are.

At 35 all of a sudden they're somehow victims because nobody's buying their meals, drinks or taking them on vacations anymore. Then they start with the "where are all the good men?" bullshit. The race to settle down before their ovaries dry up begins.

At 50 they give up, adopt six cats and reluctantly accept their status washed up old spinsters. They never take responsibility for their situation though. It's all the patriarchy's fault.

Charlize just happens to be an actress with a platform. This is SOP across the board now. GTFOH with that crap.
Funny how that happens.

At 21 they're out there running around, sluttin' it up with their hot girl summers, banging every Chad and Tyrone from here to Cancun and having the time of their life while celebrating how empowered they are.

At 35 all of a sudden they're somehow victims because nobody's buying their meals, drinks or taking them on vacations anymore. Then they start with the "where are all the good men?" bullshit. The race to settle down before their ovaries dry up begins.

At 50 they give up, adopt six cats and reluctantly accept their status washed up old spinsters. They never take responsibility for their situation though. It's all the patriarchy's fault.

Charlize just happens to be an actress with a platform. This is SOP across the board now. GTFOH with that crap.
I study psychology. Have a degree in it, keep up on everything, but don't do it professionally because I sorta hate people. People with drama are even worse, and thats pretty much 100% of folks who need a psychologist. I am also an evolutionary psychologist in my leanings. That said...

The reason every male with a working dick is hunting 20-something pussy is that most babies with birth defects are born to women over the age of 35. As such, you are evolved to make sure that she ain't even close to 35 before you get out your baby maker and go to town.
I study psychology. Have a degree in it, keep up on everything, but don't do it professionally because I sorta hate people. People with drama are even worse, and thats pretty much 100% of folks who need a psychologist. I am also an evolutionary psychologist in my leanings. That said...

The reason every male with a working dick is hunting 20-something pussy is that most babies with birth defects are born to women over the age of 35. As such, you are evolved to make sure that she ain't even close to 35 before you get out your baby maker and go to town.
^^^ This. We are hard wired (see what I did there?) for young, fertile and hot. Because that produces the most-likely-to-succeed offspring.

Until modern technology, helmets and participation trophies fucked it all up.

^^^ This. We are hard wired (see what I did there?) for young, fertile and hot. Because that produces the most-likely-to-succeed offspring.

Until modern technology, helmets and participation trophies fucked it all up.

I’m still hard wired that way and all the soy and participation trophies in the world isn’t going to change that.

If the wife ever gives me the boot, I’ll be the creepy old guy hanging out at trendy bars in bespoke suits with a flashy watch and oversized Porsche keychain dropping corny pickup lines like:

“Hey girl, what are you doing out this late on a school night?”

ZERO shame whatsoever.
I feel so badly for her.
She had to wear what they told her to wear, and she's used up her body over the span of her career.
Gee, does that sound familiar to anyone?
But she's now worth $170M for her efforts.
She has nothing to complain about.
A whole lot of us trade our dignity in every day when we punch that time-clock. We get our asses chewed off for shit we didn't do, play nice with complete douchbags, and bite our tongues so we don't speak the truth and piss off our clients/customers. And we all do it for a whole lot less money and recognition. They don't call it work because it's fun bitch...
I can think of a couple Hollywood actresses that aren't whores, like Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino.

Seems that they chose dignity over money.

Chose being the important part
I’m still hard wired that way and all the soy and participation trophies in the world isn’t going to change that.

If the wife ever gives me the boot, I’ll be the creepy old guy hanging out at trendy bars in bespoke suits with a flashy watch and oversized Porsche keychain dropping corny pickup lines like:

“Hey girl, what are you doing out this late on a school night?”

ZERO shame whatsoever.

Some more material for you

Hey girl, are you a speeding ticket? Because you have FIIIIIIIINE written all over you

Hey girl, did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass!

Hey girl, you know the more I drink this _______, the hotter you look!

Hey girl, I’m new in town. Could you give me directions to your apartment?

Hey girl, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

This is by far her worst accomplishment in life…turning her son into a tranny. Demonic!

This is by far her worst accomplishment in life…turning her son into a tranny. Demonic!
My Pronoun is DICK! uh I mean little DICK! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Would bang, repeatedly.
I'd keep either my cock or my sock stuffed in her cock holster so I don't have to hear her talk, but she is a beautiful woman.

She's highly overrated on the looks department.

Plenty of much better looking folks that aren't nearly as whiny as she is.
Even back in her prime.