Chris Costa

David Nissen Kahn

Nov 9, 2018
Please educate me.

In various Hide threads on so-called tactical lever action rifles ("cowboy tactical"), I've seen negative comments about Mr. Costa. I'm an old guy, old enough to have trained with Jeff Cooper when Gunsite was nought but a couple of prefab buildings, and the Sconce not even a gleam in his eye. There are many legitimate teachers, younger than I, whom I don't know.

Anyway, most of the stuff I think I know about Mr. Costa comes from when he was with MagPul in Colorado, when he had what I took to be a favorable reputation. I know that he was absent from the scene for a while, perhaps mysteriously, and that he's now emerged again into the ambit of training and firearms use expertise. I see that he likes leverguns, that in Dallas he's done at least one how-to-run-a-lever-action-in-a-fight class, that he espouses some techniques with such long guns that I've not seen elsewhere but seem reasonable, and that he's endorsing some of Ranger Point Precision's levergun parts and accessories...or that they've made stuff to his specs.

Whence cometh the dislike? I don't care about Mr. Costas one way or another particularly. But I'm interested in training and trainers, having known and been taught by some of the old masters. I'm always ready to learn. So...what's what, gentlemen?

Cheers and salaams,

Cuz fags hate beards and mohawks.

Well you got 1/2 of that right anyway....

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Imagine it’s 15 years ago and you’re trying to help a new guy get his first ar15 and get squared away with some training. So you suggest he take a class from someone like the late Pat Rogers. But instead, he buys a dvd from magpul and spends 40% of his practice time perfecting his magazine flipping technique. Next time you see him his trigger control is still shit and he’s got 2nd deg burns on his support hand thumb from accidentally grabbing the front sight post, but his beard is starting to fill in.
Imagine it’s 15 years ago and you’re trying to help a new guy get his first ar15 and get squared away with some training. So you suggest he take a class from someone like the late Pat Rogers. But instead, he buys a dvd from magpul and spends 40% of his practice time perfecting his magazine flipping technique. Next time you see him his trigger control is still shit and he’s got 2nd deg burns on his support hand thumb from accidentally grabbing the front sight post, but his beard is starting to fill in.
I wonder if you had to give up your man card as a pre requisite to take a class...
Trained with Chris at his home range in WY a few years ago. Vehicle Elements Theory. It was legit. He qualified all shooters, segregated the slow movers and put a second instructor on them to get them up to speed. Ran a safe range and had good drills and props. He even took some ribbing about his "drop it like it's hot" tour in Japan with good humor. But probably go to class, don't just get the video. :ROFLMAO:
I took the levergun class. It was quite fun and money well spent. Of course, I like leverguns so I am a little biased. I took two close quarter combat courses a few years ago and ran a Winchester 1892 in 357 mag through both courses. It was a hell of a lot of fun. Just about every other student borrowed my rifle to run at least one progression. The only area where it was tough was reloading but the rifle holds 13rd of 357 or 14 rounds of 38 +p (which is primarily what I used).
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Aside from the perception many might have of his persona, I think it's probably good training. There are a ton of poor 'instructors' all over the place.
Imagine it’s 15 years ago and you’re trying to help a new guy get his first ar15 and get squared away with some training. So you suggest he take a class from someone like the late Pat Rogers. But instead, he buys a dvd from magpul and spends 40% of his practice time perfecting his magazine flipping technique. Next time you see him his trigger control is still shit and he’s got 2nd deg burns on his support hand thumb from accidentally grabbing the front sight post, but his beard is starting to fill in.

The way of the gun is a martial art, and like all martial arts, there is a theatrical/stunt/show component and a realistic, pragmatic, survival oriented component, and a very fine line dividing the two... A line finer than a strand of spider silk under a dry midday sun... 😂
I read where Costa said that the really ridiculous photo posing in that vid was a complete surprise to him. That is, he was in Japan and was put on the spot at the last minute to give some poses to the photogs.

I guess that's so....but the mohawk sort of undermines his seriousness in my admittedly bias mind.