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Fieldcraft Clearing a house questions


Full Member
Feb 8, 2008
Sierra Vista AZ
I was laying in bed last night thinking about a breaking in we had not 1/4 mile from my house. I realized I have not praticed, thought about, or even know how to clear my house. I practiced at my old place and it was fairly easy. Upstairs rooms, kids room was past mine, and I had an advantage from the top of the stairs. Here I am unsure. Totally different lay out. I realize that there cant be much help with out a floorplan and I am cautious but if you do your reasearch you can find it on the net so I will post it. I didnt add this in the FP but there is only 1 window in each room. I have one child as of right now but have one due in december. That means both rooms will have children in them (during night time). I also live in a duplex and if I were have to fire on an intruder it would be directly into their home. That is not something I want to do but in a life or death situation you do what you have to.

Thank you for your help and if anyone thinks I shouldnt post this up like this please tell me. As I stated the floorplans are easily found on the net.

Re: Clearing a house questions

issue i see right off hand is your 100% exposed when you enter one of the bedrooms. Id post up on the wall between the Kitchen and Laundry room call 911 and wait
Re: Clearing a house questions

Thought I might attempt to help with your question. The best way to defend your household is to better fortify your castle against entry. While no one wants to live in a cement box with Iron doors and a mote. Take some basic steps to make your home less desireable to criminals. A good alarm system is a good place to start. Windows and doors, motion sensors and a panic button is a start with a siren inside and out and signs to let them know its there is a good deterent. Outside Lighting with motion sensors also gives criminals pause due to loss of suprise and chance of being observed by you or neighbors. Enough can't be said about a having a loyal dog or two as an early warning system and defenders of your homestead. It doesn't have to be a maneater either, Tho I do like the idea of a nice shepard or rotweiler getting a hold of an uninvited guest! A loyal well trained dog will protect your family with its life and ask nothing in return but the love of its master and family. Having a plan of defense can't be stressed upon more if the above steps to deter said criminal have failed. What assests do you have at your disposal to take on said assailant. Initially an immediate call to 911 should be started even if unable to talk most 911 systems will respond to your location just by dialing and leaving the line open. Enough can't be stressed upon providing as much information as possible to a 911 operator or else you might be looking down the business end of local law enforcement hardware.
Once again herein lies having a plan in advance. While your spouse calls and provides pertinent info this would be a good time to have ready whatever armament you are best suited for your domain. Many a discussion has been made and argued what is the best home defense weapon. For some a handgun,shotgun, taser, or louiseville slugger depending upon where you live and what your comfortable with. As for which way to assault your own home could be argued by many a competent warior here, and I'm sure there are those that would argue for or against even attempting such an endeavor. What I would do with my years of training and others would attempt all depends upon what training they have. What you have to question is what training do YOU have that will get you through this. That you are thinking through these senarios is a good start. I'm sure wherever one lives in this good old USA training is available to those interested in home protection. By providing a floor plan only tells us what you have to work with. It does'nt answer where your threat is or where you are situated when your threat arrives. Also I've seen too many TEAMS (not individuals) attempt to assault a location with lets say a floor plan like yours, but had no furniture inside. Now, lets ad a ton of furniture and all types of obstacles(KIDS TOYS ARE GREAT TEAM BOOBY TRAPS!) and suddenly training takes on a whole new level. I guess all I'm trying to bring to this discussion is that if you plan in advance, which you are, and train towards your home protection, you and your families chances of survival will increase dramatically. Hope this helped.
Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shibumi</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Where is the front door?? </div></div>

i went off the assumption it was off the courtyard. that gives you a good angle to cover the hall
Re: Clearing a house questions

Since I live in base housing I am not able to install an alarm. I have seen those little sticky alarms you can place anywhere. Not as good as a full fledge alarm but it might work. I also have a field in my back yard (torn down base housing). Its dark as hell there and IMO perfect place to hide and wait. I have 2 "front doors" both off the court yard.
Re: Clearing a house questions

I have a house similar to yours as I live on base as well... I have set my house up so that I dont use the front door and it has a couple of locks on it as well as a couch in front of it... If someone comes inmy house they are either breaking a window or coming through the back door so they basically only have one avenue of approach... I also put a bell on the back door so if it opens I will hear it... On the floor next to my bed sleeps my 2year old Black and Tan Coonhound and if she hears a mouse walk across the floor the entire neighborhood is awake, literally...

My pup(Daisy) goes crazy if she hears anthing and she has learned to clear the house... we clear the house together with her always enterig he room before I do... It took about 4 months to get her to do it perfectly on command but she looks in the closet and anywhere sombody can be hiding...

She is the best alarm system you can buy... And shes a good hunting buddy to boot
Re: Clearing a house questions

Just some thoughts for you Krink85,

If your concerned about ballistics within your duplex and the safety of your neighbors, look into shotgun type pistol loads(snake loads), or 410 pistols. My family uses a combination of 410 pistols(the judge) and .38/.357 revolvers. The reasons are two fold: 1. they're easy to use, even when you wake up from a dead sleep 2. the girls know how to use them.

On top of that we load said pistols with a non-lethal/ escalation of lethality mindset. An example; first three rounds in any given pistol are snake loads/ 410 the others are slug/hollow point(depending on the location of the gun). Exact aiming is not required with the snake loads however will still most likely result in a hit. So when someone unwanted is coming down the hallway, fire the first two below waist level of the intruder. Then asses. if you need to fire the rest there is a good chance that your intruder is on his way out of the house, if not squirming on the ground.

Its just how we've come to do it as a family. We chose to keep things as relatively simple as possible, encase none of the men were home, the women could just as easily employ the plan.

Window locks(as easy as a wooden dowel cut to length and laid in the track of the opening window) are effective both physically and as a deterrent to anyone casing your place. As stated earlier, a dog is one of the best deterrent/alarm systems. A well understood and rehearsed plan is your best bet. Ensure that your wife knows what to do or not to do in that situation. An example: if your the one closing with the intruder, she could possibly be calling 911 and moving to a safer location in the room.

There are multiple ways to accomplish a well thought out home defense plan. Just be sure that everyone in the house is familiar with it.

I hope this helps.

Semper Fi

Re: Clearing a house questions

It seems to me like all the ideas above are good ones. I have absolutely zero training in clearing anything, so take what I say with a grain of salt. It seems to me that the best way to clear would be with two people. You with a handgun/light, and the wife with a shotgun/light. I would first call 911, give your location and that you're a family of 3 (soon to be 4) and have a break-in. Make sure your BR is clear, then head into the hall with your wife behind you. She would immediately point in the direction of the living room and hold. Check your bathroom first. Next, check the first kids room with the wife at the door still pointed for the living room. Same thing with the next kids room. Assuming those are clear, grab the kid in the second room and have your wife take the kid into the first kids room. Follow behind her, lock the door if you can, and wait for the police.
You can then give even more details to the 911 dispatcher like where you are and you have weapons with you. Again, this is all coming from someone with no clearing experience. This is the way I would think about doing it, so if someone who's been trained would like to correct what I've said I would love to hear what the better way would be.
All I have in the house is my wife and our plan is pretty simple for clearing the house. Grab the shotties, make sure nobody's in the bedroom, call 911, and wait while pointed at the door. We have an external advanced notice alarm system (two dogs) as well.
Re: Clearing a house questions

If there really are one or more armed opponents in the house, attempting to clear it by a single person is foolish.

And sometimes we have to do foolish things. Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch said, "The reason we study these tactics [single-handed clearing] is not because we want to use them, but because we might <span style="font-style: italic">have</span> to."

Knowing how is better than not knowing. Knowing how requires training, preferably force-on-force.
Re: Clearing a house questions

Get a Samurai sword.

What everyone else said.

I have cleared my house before with my Bokken (Wooden sword), I trust it would knock someone unconscious and gives me reach to disarm someone if I had to...

I'd rather call an ambulance than the coroner, last thing I want is someone haunting my house

Re: Clearing a house questions

My personal thinking on it is you have the advantage being your bedroom is in the back along with your kids, i would have your wife call 911 and hole up in the master bedroom while you go to your kids room which is the furthest away working your way back to your room while getting your kids and keeping your eyes and muzzle pointed down the hallway towards the threat. Once you have your kids hole up in the bedroom. The layout leaves your very vunerable if you are doing it by yourself, best to just hole up in your room with your family. Someone wanting to fight their way into your room would be foolish just put some kind of cover between you and the door into your bedroom from which if you had to you could get a shot or ten off
Re: Clearing a house questions

1. This is not a topic I would go into detail in on an open forum because the tactics for a home defender to clear his castle are almost identical to the tactics a home invader could use.

2. There is a reason that SWAT teams, Police and Military work in teams when clearing a house.

3. You have a MUCH greater advantage as a ensconced defender than as a moving combatant.

Scoop up the kids and retreat to the master bedroom. Barricade the door and kill anything that tries to breach it.

If you were anywhere close to me and wanted to endure a quick background check, then I would be happy to show you what you need to know. AZ is a little far for me to fly for a quick CQB lesson.
Re: Clearing a house questions

'Couple things to consider.

What are the Base rules? Are you "inside the wire" or out in town? Guns? No Guns? Rules for shooting someone on base are (may) be different than on the other side of the fence.

Since you live in a duplex I would consider a large(er) bookshelf on the living room wall opposite the hall way (fatal funnel). Dry books and an extra sheet or two of ply wood make a fair decent deterrent to single through and through shots. If yours is like most duplexes the opposite wall is their living room also (bed rooms are on opposite ends of the house) giving more space.

Tactically I would be hard pressed to leave the hall way. If pressed I would consider advancing to the last bedroom door to have the wife clear the 1st child (farthest down the hall) then retreat back to the 2nd child's room and await police or escape through the window. You are in a (sub)urban area, help is next door, not 5 miles down the road. Retreat (or escape) to a safe place. If the BG's get stuck inside the house, the inside is no longer a safe place to be.

Since it's base housing there are only so many things you can do to the house itself. Bells on the doors are good choices as they are also "kiddy alarms" and press fit dowels in the windows are always a good choice. Dog's are best if allowed.

I'm partial to #4 Buck in a 12GA if I had to shoot inside a house with possible over penetration issues. Besides "It's your deer gun", right?

Finally, one of those boat air horns makes for a very effective non-lethal deterrent. Those things are LOUD and quite startling.

This isn't Ramadi and your not clearing houses to advance, your in the US and your DEFENDING your house. Different mind set.

That being said, if they do a dynamic entry........GAME ON.


Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LoneWolfUSMC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Scoop up the kids and retreat to the master bedroom. Barricade the door and kill anything that tries to breach it.
Yep. Once all friendlies are inside the wire, standby to fire the FPF.
Re: Clearing a house questions

What jumps off the page from your diagram are the funnel of the hallway, the need to get to two other bedrooms, the likelihood of being fired upon from another room, and the neighbor's house as the backstop.

The 'strong wall' technique is probably the safest and easiest to use. The problem is that you will need to clear multiple rooms, and to do that correctly and safely will require more than one person: you won't be able to follow your shots into an adjacent room by yourself.

So, +1 to 41 and USMC: Get them out; or gather and defend.
Re: Clearing a house questions

You know your house better than any other intruder. That will always work in your advantage. Invest in an alarm system that will allow you to know which door or window is open, thats another advantage. Have a tac light with you but don't use it until you think you see someone, or are in the same room. You want to be as quiet as possible then surprise them with A light in the face, and a shotgun loaded with birdshot in hand. I would suggest after positive ID just shoot them and make sure they are dead. It's YOUR house, You have a right to defend it. Unless you live in one of the shitty states that take that right away. Also I hope thats not an actual layout of your home. If it is take it off here, and don't put stuff like that on the net. If we can see it so can someone else. Did you use Photobucket? Everyone can see it. Just my .02 hope it helps.
Re: Clearing a house questions

It is a good thing to consider, and train for, and emphasis can be put on intel/counterintel in terms of knowing "how" other homes were breached, what was taken, etc., and then applying counters to them. An ADT sign placed near the street, beware of dog sign, and many more ideas can prevent those that screen neighbborhoods in the day from taking a chance on yours. Kind of like knowing your enemy.


What's odd is that I lived in base housing about 6 different times, and I don't think we locked our doors that often.
Re: Clearing a house questions

Just a few thoughts that are IMHO, I am no expert with just a few hours of "clearing" training. You're at a disadvantage with base housing - with identical floor plans abound. Thinking ahead is smart, practice and a plan is even smarter.Home invasions are on the rise no matter where you live. Engaging a true friend with experience to play BG may help. When you think about truly clearing a dwelling - its a huge task as already mentioned. Under beds, behind furniture & drapes, closets, attics are BG hiding places. BG can sneak in during day, and come out after your asleep. Focus on what it takes to get to the kids & mom and retreat to "safe room" (master bedroom, closet, must be behind a lockable door). Your little girl should be given a plan as well (she know's your address by heart, right?). Any smart burglar will cut land-lines, and a second cell phone line these days is cheap - $10.00/month with most plans, all it needs to be able to do is dial 911 so the phone itself can be basic/cheap; & have that cell phone dedicated to your safe room, keep it plugged in with no chance to be without power/battery. Keep at least two flashlights in same safe room (none is one, two is one, three is better); one flashlight within reach in dark. Flashlights & those cheap push-in LED lights are great when power goes out too - I got a bulk pack at Costco and keep one light in every room. Mirrors can be your friend & are cheap- esp. when you find "funnels", but they need practice for you to use them effectively. A point from Clint Smith comes to mind - you are more likely to die in bed by fire than by intruder, so keep fire extinguisher next to each bed. Bonus, they can actually be used as a weapons well. Given your concern with neighbor's residence/duplex, consider a AR magazine loaded with a TAP round for the occasion (like a 69 or 75 grain that supposedly has less drywall penetration that a 9mm); I have found that at short distances your basic AR-15 is a true point & shoot weapon, you don't need sites (the only issue is how to store/lock it when you are not home). Think of scenarios of you coming home, with intruder already in house vs. invasion with you sleeping. If you do have to clear, remember the importance of scanning behind you. While you are at it, don't forget a plan for fire escape too!
Re: Clearing a house questions

I second LoneWolfUSMC's sentiments and others.

Your priority is to gather, account for and defend the family. Barricade/defend or buggout depending on the circumstances. Practice it like a fire drill with the whole family.
Re: Clearing a house questions

A couple of things I have noticed by looking at your floor plan are this. Your probably in the worst placement possible. For a few reasons. The number one reson is that your bedroom is a the end of a Funnell, as soon as you exit the Master bedroom door, your possibly in the sites of anyone in the living room, dining room or kitchen. Think of the fields of fire from the attacker standing in those rooms.
Second, Your kids room is across that funnel, so taking a chance of getting them and heading back to your room, you put yourself in danger once and your child in danger once.
Third, and I am guessing your childs room is the one straight across from yours, if you decide to try to wait it out, while the wife is on 911, and you cover the door, you are going to be shooting towards your childs room, should the attacker appear in the doorway.
And lastly, as far as not wanting to fire onto the neighbors house, your entire route down the Hallway and untill you get up against the living room wall, you will be shooting into the neighbors house.

I would suggest this as far as clearing the house. Come out the room "low and slow" bad guys arent looking for people crouched, and if it's dark your probably gonna get the jump on them. Make your way up against the opposite wall from your bedroom, then hit the spare bedroom, then out (unless the door is closed and locked)and follow that wall all the way around the perimeter. This should pretty much allow you to clear the entire house, except the laundry and storage. Always think of the enemies line of sight as your doing this.

Some suggestions that I would make to make this a safer practice, Pick a spot in your bedroom, that you will approach the door from, and keep in mind the location of your child, and try to keep from having to possibly fire in that direction. If the childs room is across the hall, place thier bed againt the exterior wall all the way to the right of the picture. And approach the door from the wall against the storage room, That way you will be the last thing the bad guy sees if he comes up the hall. Tell the wifey to get in the floor and call the Police. Keep all the doors in your house closed, and locked if possible, it's not foolproof, but it should slow them down and they will be concentrating trying to quietly open doors, so you may get the surprise on them, also if they go into a room, they probably arent going to shut the door behind them, so you should be able to tell where they are or have been, and if you come to a room with an open door, you may need to double back. keep your house as dark as possible, especially that hallway, Chances are ambient light will be present in the living area, so if you can get that hallway pitch black at the end, they will never know whats going on down there, also you could hang a bead curtain. etc. up there to break thier vision even more, this wont affect you as much as you will be looking out of the dark into the light.
Doors are the most dangerous part of room clearing! And if at all possible dont stick your muzzle through, untill you have checked as much as possible, Sidestepping a circle around the door.

Also as stated above, try to get some rounds that wont penetrate 6 layers of sheetrock. http://www.theboxotruth.com/docs/bot1.htm
I would suggest getting the MOUT MCI, and studying up on that. Your gonna be doign this by yourself with no flash bangs, no nothing so it's super dangerous. I would suggest as stated above, waiting it out. Basically the same strategy as I said above, bed against the exterior wall, you against the storage room wall, get on the floor, and wait for the bad guy, If the door is shut wait untill you get a positive ID on the person opening it.

Half asleep one night, my son decided to come sleep in our room, I awoke to a squeaking floor, and before I had time to gain my bearing, the door handle turned, I was feet on the floor and headed for the door ready to kill, "Dont move motherfucker," and what comes from the other side of the door but "daddy?" I dont know if it was me or him that was more scared, I know he went back to sleep before I did!

ETA, I knew I was forgetting something. Mirrors, Keep a small hand mirror in your room, you can check areas around corners, without putting your head out. We used em in Iraq, it works. Thanks for reminding me UKD.
Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HillbillyfromAL</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You know your house better than any other intruder. That will always work in your advantage. Invest in an alarm system that will allow you to know which door or window is open, thats another advantage. Have a tac light with you but don't use it until you think you see someone, or are in the same room. You want to be as quiet as possible then surprise them with A light in the face, and a shotgun loaded with birdshot in hand. I would suggest after positive ID just shoot them and make sure they are dead. It's YOUR house, You have a right to defend it. Unless you live in one of the shitty states that take that right away. Also I hope thats not an actual layout of your home. If it is take it off here, and don't put stuff like that on the net. If we can see it so can someone else. Did you use Photobucket? Everyone can see it. Just my .02 hope it helps. </div></div>

This might sound silly, but why birdshot???
Re: Clearing a house questions

First off, I wouldn't post a floor plan to your residence.
You sound like you want tactics to defend your family more than clearing the entire structure.
When we clear structures we never go into a room alone, more to have someone cover your back to the blind spots as you clear the immediate threat. So trying to clear your home alone puts you in a vulnerable position. If you are looking at defending your family while you are all in your bedrooms and considering your floorplan I would have my spouse shoot across the hallway with a phone to the child's room and hold up there. You then or at the same time push to the storage closet and hold there at the entrance to the hallway. This allows you to protect your family by stopping any threat from moving down the hall (all depending on the entrance point). You also direct any fire towards you with the master bedroom vacant as a safe backdrop. Your fire can be out the backside, into the neighbor's wall and towards the kitchen if need be.
I would look into testing your choice round. When we run warrants or have barricaded person callouts we use 55 grain Winchester Ballistic Silvertip rounds. The generally don't penetrate 2 layers of spaced sheetrock because they start to break up on impact. Terminal ballistics are excellet in human targets. With duplexes there is usually a soundboard or fiberboard/s under the sheetrock for code and sound blocking properties adding an additional layer of security. Create a mock wall, hall it to the range and test your ammunition.
Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 762BodyDropper</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Half asleep one night, my son decided to come sleep in our room, I awoke to a squeaking floor, and before I had time to gain my bearing, the door handle turned, I was feet on the floor and headed for the door ready to kill, "Dont move motherfucker," and what comes from the other side of the door but "daddy?" I dont know if it was me or him that was more scared, I know he went back to sleep before I did!

ETA, I knew I was forgetting something. Mirrors, Keep a small hand mirror in your room, you can check areas around corners, without putting your head out. We used em in Iraq, it works. Thanks for reminding me UKD. </div></div>

The small compact makeup mirrors I sent in care packages to you guys abroad takes even more skill, plus an extra hand, plus the mindset when woken grab firearm w/light + mirror; I was thinking more along the lines of fixed decorative mirrors - for example on the exterior bathroom door (so he can open master bedroom door and see down funnel), living room distal to bedrooms etc. You know where they are and can use them, assuming you have hall-light on. Practice with placement. I have a (cough, ahem) larger house and ten large decorative mirrors that aint for vanity!

But 762, you make an even more important point. With young kids in the house, its even more critical to remember firearm rule #3: "Be aware of (identify) your target and its backstop". In my CHL class we heard the tale of a Houston man who came home in the early afternoon, heard someone in his bedroom closet, and shot through the door and killed his daughter who was cutting school. Don't know if its urban legend, but it made a point.
Re: Clearing a house questions

ZAnother thing I forgot, You need to understnad that If you are clearing the living room as I stated, As stated above, nearly the entire time you clear the house your backstop will be bedrooms, Probably occupied by the wife and child. This is a bad situation, I dont know If I agree with sending the wife across the hall, she almost deffinitely will be heard, and the confrontation will probably start right there, with bullets firing in the direction where she just ran.

I would stay keep them stationary and low, Worst case scenario, wifes holding the young one, and a stray bullett hits them both. Just train, be vigilant, and know your house like the back of your hand, in the light and dark. I sometimes, leave all the lights off in my house, when i am going to get a glass of water or the bathroom at night, Just to make sure I am keeping sharp. You may want to, if you have any, put any larger furniture against those walls where stray bullets might fly. You can put pressure treated plywood between the furniture and the wall for added security. But that may be taking it a little far.

UKD, thats a good point on the large mirrors strategically placed. However, if you can see them, they can see you. Especially with the layout, of that house, the funnell is gonna draw fire towards the bedrooms, No matter where he is.
Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: GCMxVeGeTa</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HillbillyfromAL</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You know your house better than any other intruder. That will always work in your advantage. Invest in an alarm system that will allow you to know which door or window is open, thats another advantage. Have a tac light with you but don't use it until you think you see someone, or are in the same room. You want to be as quiet as possible then surprise them with A light in the face, and a shotgun loaded with birdshot in hand. I would suggest after positive ID just shoot them and make sure they are dead. It's YOUR house, You have a right to defend it. Unless you live in one of the shitty states that take that right away. Also I hope thats not an actual layout of your home. If it is take it off here, and don't put stuff like that on the net. If we can see it so can someone else. Did you use Photobucket? Everyone can see it. Just my .02 hope it helps. </div></div>

This might sound silly, but why birdshot??? </div></div>

Not silly at all....not as much danger of penetrating walls into adjoining bedrooms/apartments.
Don't clear your own house. If you're outside take cover, observe and wait. If you're inside, hunker down and wait. When you call 911 stay on the line. We had an old lady shoot thru the door on us (Police) one night. Wasn't really her fault, the dispatcher had already disconnected.
Notice I used the word wait two times. Those are best case scenarios. If you're seperated from your kids or other wise can't cover them....all bets are off.
Re: Clearing a house questions

I cleared buildings for a living for a long time before it was time for me to come teach people to conduct CQB.

You don't want to do it by yourself, and you can't learn to do it on an internet forum. The best thing to do in a home invasion is barricade...anything out there can be replaced. If your wife/kids are elsewhere in a house, you've gotta do what you've gotta do. I would highly suggest taking a course on it. Plenty of reputable instructors teach FISHing to civilians. If you need some recommendations or have specific questions you don't want in the open send me a PM anytime.

This is the best advice I have seen here.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Scoop up the kids and retreat to the master bedroom. Barricade the door and kill anything that tries to breach it.</div></div>

(FISH: Fighting In Someone's House)
Re: Clearing a house questions

Well I learned something this morning. Wife woke me up at 0352 sayign she heard the front door (screen) open. I went instantly form stupid alseep to on point, or so I thought. Got up loaded my 45 as well as my Mini 14 (back up for the wife, dont have a shot gun yet). I got my dog up and carfully went to the bedroom door. It was slightly open so I sent him out. When he came back I sent him out again and I went to the first room. He came back and I sent him out untill I had cleared the next 2 rooms. Then came the hard part. Knowing that she heard the front door I had to check that out. Reaized there is a window placed nicly for a bad guy to watch me. Sent the dog to the door, he looked out and saw nothing so I slide up to look out the peep hole, nothing. Checked hall closet while watching the kitchen, nothing. Checked kitchen and laundry, nothing. Did a review of the outside by peeking through the blinds, nothing. Delcared the house clear to my very apologitic wife. Told her no problem and laid back down. Then we heard the sound again. It was our cat fucking with a box in the living room. Sounded exactly like our screen door. She then felt extremely bad but I am glad she woke me up.

This was an eye opener to say the least. Learned alot about where I am at risk. It sucks that I had to do this tonight but it brought up many things I wouldnt have thought about just doing it during the day. Never thought it would take me 45 minutes to clear a 1300 square foot home but I KNOW it is only my wife myslef and my daughter in the house. I am also very very glad I have my dog. He a lab but is birdy as hell and takes hand signals well enought to search the house. I hate to have to send him in anywhere before me but thats what I have to do. I think he will a nice steak tonight. Thank you all for your help and input. Hopefully I will never have to use this knowledge and find someone but at lease I kinda know what to do.

EDIT: I cleared the house because toby (dog) hadnt barked or growled. He ALWAYS barks growls or shows major discomfort when anyone opens the front door.

PS Anyone want a cat

Re: Clearing a house questions

Not that way at all 762. Have you ever been to Cherry Point? While i was on my third deployment there was an excaped convict (armed) hiding out in a house 3 houses down form mine (Slocum housing). I guess the people that lived there knew him. They were real characters (Gang menbers as well as drug dealers) and wernt in the military and the guy who was a Marine was away for Deployment as well. Also Staff K was a horible crime area. It was pety, but a bunch of teenagers went around stealing things from peoples cars. It was funny to think that a MstSgt or Gunny had kids that he/she didnt keep controled. Sooner or later those kid will probably break into a house. I would rather be paranoid than not ready at all.
Re: Clearing a house questions

I guess thats the way it is, I never heard of any crime in base housing at lejeune, Then again. I didnt live in base housing. Just hard to believe that mairnes would jeopardize thier careers, or discharges over some stupid shit like that.
Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HillbillyfromAL</div><div class="ubbcode-body">....You want to be as quiet as possible then surprise them with A light in the face, and a shotgun loaded with birdshot in hand. I would suggest after positive ID just shoot them and make sure they are dead...... </div></div>

See a couple folks shot with bird shot. Yet to see one die from it. Seems to piss people off though.

Make sure you are giving advice grounded in reality not interwebnet myth.

Bird shot is great for training on steel. It sucks for defense. I seriously doubt you will find anyone who teaches combat shotgunning suggesting bird shot unless you are being attacked by pheasant.
Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Forty-One</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...one of the laws of the jungle.</div></div>James Baker once made the analogy between dealing with human enemies and hunting wild turkeys: He said that the turkey is a foolish and impulsive bird; that the 'trick' is to call it to within range, then position it for the kill. From there, whether or not you 'pull the trigger' depends only on necessity, because the hunt is over when the positioning is complete. His advice can be applied to many tasks, from international diplomacy to house clearing.
Re: Clearing a house questions

Hardpoint in a room with your family and call the police, don't worry about clearing your house, let the police do that when they show up. Your job is protect your family not rambo through your house looking for some cracked out chud. Defend your hardpoint with a shotgun and #9 shot.
Re: Clearing a house questions

I'd put a table or something else you can use as decent cover in the hallway if able, preferably near or past the farthest bedroom. and wait. leaving some kind of light that shines through the living room/kitchen/dinning room area without giving to much light into the hallway will be an easy and effective way to see people coming. Have your wife secure the kids and pull them back to your bedroom. Locking down the hallway leaves you in a small area but not all burglars have guns and it also gives you the security you need to pull the kids out. +1 on locking the windows in some form or fashion and definitely come up with some kind of backstop at the end of your hallway, a large book shelf might work. After you've secured the kids and wife get in a room and wait for the cops. Having a "script" for the cops near the phone might help also. name address number of people in the house(friendly) and the fact that you're defending your home with a firearm. As for weapon a shotgun would be my choice, it's effective and with a half decent backstop you shouldn't have to worry about hitting the neighbors provided you're not using slugs. Perfect practice makes perfect, get with your family and make sure everyone has a warm and fuzzy about what is going to happen in the instance of a break in, you don't want your kid running out to see what the noise is and potentially exposing themselves to danger. These are just my ideas/opinions on the situation there has been a lot of good advice already but the best piece is make sure you notify the police as soon as possible. Best of luck and hopefully you'll never find yourself using what you develop from this.
Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LoneWolfUSMC</div><div class="ubbcode-body">1. This is not a topic I would go into detail in on an open forum because the tactics for a home defender to clear his castle are almost identical to the tactics a home invader could use.

2. There is a reason that SWAT teams, Police and Military work in teams when clearing a house.

3. You have a MUCH greater advantage as a ensconced defender than as a moving combatant.

Scoop up the kids and retreat to the master bedroom. Barricade the door and kill anything that tries to breach it.

If you were anywhere close to me and wanted to endure a quick background check, then I would be happy to show you what you need to know. AZ is a little far for me to fly for a quick CQB lesson. </div></div>

you are the man I am in IL and I am interested in what you can teach me.
Re: Clearing a house questions

I can't add much as we're not allowed to defend ourselves over here, BUT. I see little point in bird shot and snake shot. If you have justification to open fire(use deadly force). Then your life must be in danger. In which case you need to stop a threat immediately. I feel using a "less then lethal" load will land you in a tricky situation. Remember you didn't shoot to kill, you shot to stop and death was a unfortunate side affect
Re: Clearing a house questions

Next to my bed I have a couple of tear gas granades, a 12G semi-auto shotgun running 00buck and/or rubber slugs if I'm feeling generous. I also have a bookshelf with steel backing next to the bedroom door. I live with my brother, and he has the exact same setup in his room. We have radio handsets in both our rooms.

The drill when we think someone is breaking in:

1. beep each other's radio handset ONCE.
2. Grab Shotty and hide behind book shelf.
3. Open window behind the book shelf.
4. communicate with bro, make sure each other is on point, and call 911.
5. If see door handle being turned, throw tear gas granade towards door, and jump out of window with shotgun ready(we live on first floor).
6. Make a run for the big metal rubbish bin, hide behind it until police come.

Hope this makes sense. If someone sees a mistake, please point it out.
Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Acttacus</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Next to my bed I have a couple of tear gas granades, a 12G semi-auto shotgun running 00buck and/or rubber slugs if I'm feeling generous. I also have a bookshelf with steel backing next to the bedroom door. I live with my brother, and he has the exact same setup in his room. We have radio handsets in both our rooms.

The drill when we think someone is breaking in:

1. beep each other's radio handset ONCE.
2. Grab Shotty and hide behind book shelf.
3. Open window behind the book shelf.
4. communicate with bro, make sure each other is on point, and call 911.
5. If see door handle being turned, throw tear gas granade towards door, and jump out of window with shotgun ready(we live on first floor).
6. Make a run for the big metal rubbish bin, hide behind it until police come.

Hope this makes sense. If someone sees a mistake, please point it out.


Well, I'd hate to be the poor bastard who came in ya'll's house uninvited!!
Re: Clearing a house questions

there is a lot of good info here - im sure all your questions have been answered. i just figured i would add my .02.

First off, for now, make sure the kid you have already sleeps in the bedroom closest to yours.
I say this because of my first point, that outermost(furthest from the MB) bedroom is a clearing nightmare. if im a BG bent on doing you harm and know you have a kid in their - i would post up in the dining room/kitchen and wait for you to bolt in their to get your kid. properly clearing that room would assume a clear kitchen, dining room and living room. as a father there is no way that you would be able to go past your kids room, clear the house, then fall back to the bedrooms to be able to clear them properly - mainly because you would never forgive yourself isf something happened while you were NOT clearing their rooms.if i were you, i think some sort of a "screen"that blocks view from the dining and kitchen to the hallway would be your best bet. this way you only have to dael with clearing the LOS on the hallway, grab kids, retreat to MB and wait.
BUT, of course, when will it go as planned. most likely break in will be from the backyard - ESP if you have a field out there. which means my simple clearing idea means its the highest probability room in your house, especially if its theft(TV, xbox, dvd/blu-ray, etc... are all in there) related.
but i think that idea is still the best. limit visibility into the hallway so that you only have to concern yourself with as few rooms as possible, get your kids and bunker down.

a good plan is the best way - a dog helps. lol, the fiance knows to go jump in the tub
Re: Clearing a house questions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LoneWolfUSMC</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HillbillyfromAL</div><div class="ubbcode-body">....You want to be as quiet as possible then surprise them with A light in the face, and a shotgun loaded with birdshot in hand. I would suggest after positive ID just shoot them and make sure they are dead...... </div></div>

See a couple folks shot with bird shot. Yet to see one die from it. Seems to piss people off though.

Make sure you are giving advice grounded in reality not interwebnet myth.

Bird shot is great for training on steel. It sucks for defense. I seriously doubt you will find anyone who teaches combat shotgunning suggesting bird shot unless you are being attacked by pheasant. </div></div>

this is all a distance argument. i have seen birdshot wounds from 100yds to 5 ft. at 15ft my 870 HD patterns about 5 inches. it turns people to hamburger at that range. it is absolutely what i would suggest for you. as long as there is no real distance involved bird shot should be plenty. i keep 000 and 4bk(alternated) 3in shells in mine. it gets it done.