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Climate Change. Is this really about weather or is it the “climate we live in that needs to be changed”

Dead Eye Dick

Command Spec 4 (formally known as Wiillk)
Full Member
May 18, 2020
North Louisiana
Enquiring minds want to know


Its always a race issue. The climate queen, responsible for crafting the presidents climate change policy What a fucking mess.

Cecilia Martinez, a member of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, announced that she would resign Friday, nearly one year after accepting the role.

“Black, brown, and Indigenous people across America face disproportionate health burdens from environmental pollution,” they wrote. “Too many communities sit in the crosshairs of climate change, facing increasing safety and health risks without the resources and support they need.”

“She has dedicated her life’s work to advancing equity and environmental justice and is exactly who we need at CEQ
,” Earthjustice President Abigail Dillen said in a statement in January 2021, calling her a “superb choice.”

Suppose we really can do something about overall Earth Climate issues. What the Fuck Does This Have To Do With Fucking RACE?

Unless the entire issue is to divide and conquer the citizens of the United States.

Oh yes, I am pissed.
The REAL pollution that is going to eventually kill our entire species before we develop the technology to sail to the stars is rampant leftism. Leftism kills everything it touches and leaves behind the miasma of putrefaction. It is a fungal blight, and like all blights, just merely trying to avoid it will not make it go away. It has to be treated aggressively and stamped out.
Our pollution is a drop in the bucket compared to china, its control as usual.

China makes almost a third of the pollution in the world alone, we make about 11% but not living on China would probably cut ours a ton even reopening manufacturing here. How many ships come from China a month?

Pictured above is Bezos' new yacht. It's supposed to be a "sailing yacht" but I bet it has twin huge diesel motors and 4 or more diesel generators.

You think he gives a crap about climate change? None of the globalists pushing ESG do.
View attachment 7779836

Pictured above is Bezos' new yacht. It's supposed to be a "sailing yacht" but I bet it has twin huge diesel motors and 4 or more diesel generators.

You think he gives a crap about climate change? None of the globalists pushing ESG do.

Claim Climate change is a threat but Amazon can send out a billion diaposable boxes a year filled with cheap disposable crap made by the number one polluter in the world China and both operate with zero accountability.
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Ice Age
Global warming

And now it's "Climate Change"

It's easier to call it "climate change" because any abnormality can be blamed on any man-made development.

It is my true belief that those who advocate for change are majority of folks who live in the cities and developed urban areas..

Same cities that are covered in asphalt, concrete, sheet metal, steel, iron and glass while there is little or none existing vegetation to absorb any pollution - while the concrete jungle is literally absorbing the sun and keeping the temperature up thus making living in the city living hell while sucking on the smog.

These same people experience the weather abnormalities at much larger scale than folks in the country where vegetation provide shade, cleaner and cooler air.

The race factor comes in where "minorities" who live in the cities are subjected to the "climate change" and that's not just "fair"

What's more entertaining, is that any leftist I talk to - advocates for everyone to live in the city because living in the "country" is bad for the environment. Zero reflection.

Cities were a mistake.
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Aside from the other answers here, climate change is also another boogie man that gives China yet another advantage over the American manufacturer. Do you think anyone in China gives a shit about pollution or carbon credits or their carbon footprint?
Climate Change is Leftist bullshit for "Give us more control of your life". Yes, the climate changes, and that is normal. Most of the variance is due to variations in the Sun's output year on year. To claim that the changes be it warming or cooling are largely man-made and thus controllable by mankind is total, utter nonsense and the height of hubris. Rampant pollution is never good thing. After all, my daddy always said, "Son, don't shit where you sleep." But, man's input toward climate changes is largely insignificant and our control of it is also non-existent.

The ecosystem is designed to compensate for variance in sunlight as well as increases or decreases in CO2 production. As long as we do not totally wipe out all vegetation, we should be OK. As CO2 increases, the greenhouse effect warms temps and the plantlife growth increases which accelerates the absorption of the excess CO2 and increases the production of Oxygen. The reverse is true when CO2 output decreases. It is a self regulating system.
The REAL pollution that is going to eventually kill our entire species before we develop the technology to sail to the stars is rampant leftism.ignorance and greed on both sides... Lefftism Ignorance and greed kills everything it touches and leaves behind the miasma of putrefaction. It is a fungal blight, and like all blights, just merely trying to avoid it will not make it go away. It has to be treated aggressively and stamped out.
Any man made climate change taking place is the result of significant over population. Our planet is not capable of sustaining 7+ billion people.
Cut the population in half and many of our problems (not just climate change) will go away.
Nobody wants to talk about ways to eliminate 3 billion people though.
Any man made climate change taking place is the result of significant over population. Our planet is not capable of sustaining 7+ billion people.
Cut the population in half and many of our problems (not just climate change) will go away.
Nobody wants to talk about ways to eliminate 3 billion people though.
Wait you might be on to something... Is there a way to convince these climate change activists to Martyr them selfs.
Climate change is all horseshit and lies. It is a religion for people to fucked up to have an actual religion. To believe in climate change you have to be a complete fucking idiot and a self-loathing piece of shit with less intelligence than a rock or small desert plant.

Why? Because it is simply fucking lies. The heart of leftist ideologies is a basic concept that people are scum and need to be ruled over by an "educated, entitled and wealthy elite" who are preferably white. All of socialism is based on whitely ruling the colored masses and poor white folks. Poor white folks are simply any honkie they dislike. If you work with your hands and you are not an "artist" you are basically white scum to the average leftist/socialist and the only way to become "elite' is thru family connections and access to the correct colleges or universities. Yeah, you are a doctor..............................but you are Jewish.................................so you are white trash with money.

I've been around nearly 60 years and the entire time leftists have been hyping some "End of the World" event that demands complete blind support of them and their fucked up ideas. Nearly ALL socialist ideas involve three things.

1. Massive taxes on the people or class of people they currently hate.

2. The complete destruction of whatever country, religion, industry, racial group or religious sect they currently hate.

3. A overly complex plan that involves a massive redistribution of wealth to people they believe will support them that will eventually lead to the collapse of the economy, poverty and mass starvation.

In the 1960's we had massive socialist led anti-war protests and the leftist media led by CBS and the traitor Walter Cronkite lying to the American people and eventually convincing the millions of American fucktards that we were losing a war to the combined forces of Vietnam, the People's Republic of China and the USSR while we killed 1,000,000 of their fighters, crippled their economy and destroyed their infrastructure with the losses of only 53,000 Americans.

We had the media peddling fear of nuclear holocaust from the 1950's until present day. This has lead to the near complete disarmament of our nation, putting us at risk of defeat by our socialist enemies. We have been promised, "nuclear winters" "crop failures", "mass starvations", "famines", eternal darkness as the nukes block out the sun, drought, volcanoes, floods, earthquakes and mass die off's.

In the 1970's I was working my way thru public school. We had the coming Ice Age to worry about, it was going to get so cold for so long we were all going to die. Glaciers were going to slide down from Canada and kill us all. This was caused by massive population growth, leftists wrote books like, "The Population Bomb". The consolidation of all of the world's water into the polar ice caps was going to cause drought, crops would fail, endless darkness from blowing dust clouds, famines, earthquakes because the loss of rivers and lakes would cause the earths crust to shift, wars, nuclear wars, Mad Max was buying his car, oil would run out. The socialists wanted to nuke the ice caps or cover them with fly ash from the coal power plants to allow them to absorb heat from the sun.

In the 1980's I was enlisting in the USAF to wage that global thermonuclear war. Matthew Broderick was America's biggest pussy. Mommy had bought him a computer and he accidentally started a nuclear war. At no time as the world's ending does he try and fuck Ally Sheedy or cop a feel or try for a handy or slip some tongue. The world is ending and he cannot get pussy, so we must agree nuclear war is stupid and thus surrender to socialism and suck commie cock. We will run out of oil by the year 2000 according to socialism. We will die of starvation if we do not sing "We are the World" with a bunch of druggie musicians. Michael Jackson was black, everyone loved Mike Jordan, black people still hated whitey and a fucking scumbag druggie got his ass kicked in L.A. Suddenly he was a "black motorist" and not a druggie shitbag, riots ensue. "Global Warming" becomes a thing as they predict the earth will heat up and we will all die. Every world leader was from WWII and kind of smelled like mothballs or cigarettes and mildew. Earthquakes, famines, droughts, endless winters, "super storms" and we were running out of oil, still.

In the 1990's I was out of the active duty military and going to college. We are fucking doomed!!!!! World Peace breaks out, no more fear of nuclear war, nuclear winter and all of that shit. Now we can focus on more fear mongering. Using oil will kill us all, HOLY SHIT. logging is bad! The earth's warming, no snow in England after 2010, the Pacific Northwest will be a temperate rain forest by 2010 and the world's oceans will rise and engulf all of the coast lines of the planet in a few short years. With the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany reunifies and we now have closed that chapter of history. The socialists desperately search for another crisis to replace nuclear war and the 25 years of euro-trash terrorism and massive protests they have been using to cause economic strife. We are still screwed, famines, earthquakes, droughts and hurricanes will spell doom, global warming will make it all worse until we die. Wait! Socialism has a plan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,see paragraph 3.

In the early 2000's, we totally forgot about Muslim terrorism until they reminded us on 9/11/2001 that "global warming" was NOT our only problem. For some reason the socialists run to support their Muslim brother's in the destruction of the west. "Global Warming" is a complete fucking hoax....................................................now it is "CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!" Climate change is far worse than global warming because it means the climate will change. All kinds of horrible shit will happen, in the winter it will get cold, in the summer it will get HOT!!! Sometimes it will rain...............................sometimes it will not rain...................................or it will rain too much................................or not at all...................................or the oceans will rise at a rate of 1/16th of an inch every 3,000 years and flood the coasts of the world...............................eventually. Turns out we have at least 1,000 years of oil and 5,000 years of natural gas reserves in America and we can be energy independent, the left begins it's work to destroy the economy and stifle our energy independence thru massive socialist regulation. We elect a black homosexual and his trans wife to run the country, they are supported for decades by terrorists from the 1960's violent communist left, the media ignores this.

2020 is here and we now have a super deadly engineered virus to destroy humanity unless the socialist left is put into power and allowed to rule over EVERY aspect of daily life for every person on the entire planet. In 2016, President Trump won an election where the FBI worked with America's communists and socialists to steal a win for another member of the "Clinton Crime Family" and lie after leftist lie is peddled by the socialist media of America. With an election looming and Trump a sure fire winner for a second term, the Democrats, Soros groups and Chinese communists release a virus onto the world with the distinct purpose of securing a communist victory in the next election. So we now exist in the Coronavirus Hoax of 2020. The world is yet again going to fucking be destroyed, fucking floods, fucking earthquakes, god damned droughts and more god damned crop failures, no more oil, we need wind turbines and shit, the oceans are again going to rise, blah blah blah and so forth and so on.

We all must take shots to protect us from Corona virus, these shots do not prevent you from getting the virus, they do not stop the spread of the virus, they do not do anything but insure compliance with socialists who demand you show a compliance card before entering any business on earth for any reason. The world will end, every death is a covid death. No one cares where the virus comes from, if you ask you will be banned from social media and ostracized from life in general. Schools have been closed for two fucking years!! Normally stupid young people are getting dumber by the day and more frightened by their socialist masters. The oceans will rise, earthquakes and shit, fucking ice sheets are shrinking and no more fucking oil....................................................pipelines. We have plenty of oil but it is illegal to ship, store or refine it. Famines and shit. We have plenty of food, no trucks to haul it. Plenty of good and services, they simply closed the ports and use communist unions to create a false shortage economy to prepare the sheep for a life of famine and hardship under socialism.

Seriously,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,same shit, different decade my entire life.
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Now lonegunner, I believe in climate change. It has occurred multiple times in the 4.5 billion years the earth has existed. I am not so sure that what we are experiencing can be changed by everyone buying electric cars and all moving to the cities (and of course bowing in total fealty to the ruling laddies and lasses)

A good repeat of Krakatoa or maybe Yellowstone and the ruling laddies and lasses would see some REAL climate change.
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Enquiring minds want to know


Its always a race issue. The climate queen, responsible for crafting the presidents climate change policy What a fucking mess.

Cecilia Martinez, a member of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, announced that she would resign Friday, nearly one year after accepting the role.

“Black, brown, and Indigenous people across America face disproportionate health burdens from environmental pollution,” they wrote. “Too many communities sit in the crosshairs of climate change, facing increasing safety and health risks without the resources and support they need.”

“She has dedicated her life’s work to advancing equity and environmental justice and is exactly who we need at CEQ
,” Earthjustice President Abigail Dillen said in a statement in January 2021, calling her a “superb choice.”

Suppose we really can do something about overall Earth Climate issues. What the Fuck Does This Have To Do With Fucking RACE?

Unless the entire issue is to divide and conquer the citizens of the United States.

Oh yes, I am pissed.
White man bad! We need to start acting accordingly!
Enquiring minds want to know


Its always a race issue. The climate queen, responsible for crafting the presidents climate change policy What a fucking mess.

Cecilia Martinez, a member of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, announced that she would resign Friday, nearly one year after accepting the role.

“Black, brown, and Indigenous people across America face disproportionate health burdens from environmental pollution,” they wrote. “Too many communities sit in the crosshairs of climate change, facing increasing safety and health risks without the resources and support they need.”

“She has dedicated her life’s work to advancing equity and environmental justice and is exactly who we need at CEQ
,” Earthjustice President Abigail Dillen said in a statement in January 2021, calling her a “superb choice.”

Suppose we really can do something about overall Earth Climate issues. What the Fuck Does This Have To Do With Fucking RACE?

Unless the entire issue is to divide and conquer the citizens of the United States.

Oh yes, I am pissed.
The answer to your question and to our problems is within your article itself, "crosshairs"
Global warming may be a thing...and I don't give two fucks. Man made or natural doesn't matter one bit to me. What these global warming cultists fail to understand is that the earth is 5 BILLION years old. It has warmed and cooled many, many times before. Whatever humans do to the planet pales in comparison to what the earth has gone through before. Plate tectonics, reversing of the poles, meteor impacts, volcanic eruptions, etc. All of them infinitely worse than what we humans have done. So if the earth is warming by a degree or three, we'll adapt just fine. And if the liberal assholes on the coasts drown due to rising oceans, well I consider that a bonus.
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No climate change asshole has ever explained to me how the first ice age began and how it ended..... When humans didn't exist, or just a few cavemen. So exactly how do humans affect climate??? A 2-3 degree rise or drop in temperature doesn't quite compare to ice covering 3/4 of the earth. I always liked this statement.... "The doesn't care what man does".
Here’s the secret physics the climies don’t know or don’t want you to know:
The radiation from the sun (and both prompt and long term variability) has substantially more effect on the climate than all the factories and cow farts by orders of magnitude.
Just another religion for the weak minded.

The left has done a masterful job of gathering up all of these weak minded groups of race, gender, climate, vaxx, anti-gun, abortion, Antifa, BLM, - and turning them into a voting bloc against “normal” people that simply want to raise their families in peace and be left alone. They will continue to push every angle - regardless of common sense or truth.
ByView attachment 7779836

Pictured above is Bezos' new yacht. It's supposed to be a "sailing yacht" but I bet it has twin huge diesel motors and 4 or more diesel generators.

You think he gives a crap about climate change? None of the globalists pushing ESG do.

Enemy speed: 8
angle on the bow: 60
range: 500.
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Any man made climate change taking place is the result of significant over population. Our planet is not capable of sustaining 7+ billion people.
Cut the population in half and many of our problems (not just climate change) will go away.
Nobody wants to talk about ways to eliminate 3 billion people though.
Earth is not overpopulated, at all. Some cities are overpopulated, relative to their citizens willingness, or ability to care for themselves. Earth can sustain many more humans than are currently living on it, if most humans had an iota of common sense. It seems that, common sense goes down with increase in population density.
wypipo are only ~11% of the population on the planet.
how is replacing them making the planet more diverse?
Any man made climate change taking place is the result of significant over population. Our planet is not capable of sustaining 7+ billion people.
Cut the population in half and many of our problems (not just climate change) will go away.
Nobody wants to talk about ways to eliminate 3 billion people though.
One way to slow it down, at least in the USA, is to quit rewarding people for spitting out children who they cannot (and don't want to) take care of. They simply view their offspring as a paycheck. Tighten the borders up and quit allowing every idiot who walk across to come freely into the USA.

As for the rest of the world a much more complicated issue with a good part of it being education; though not all of it. The "mass" population is mainly in India and China. Most of the other developed world doesn't see the pressures of "overpopulation." I'd argue in China it's mostly in Cities because there are plenty of areas of China almost devoid of humans.

The World has over doubled in population since I was born, and has added 2 BILLION more since 1995. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/world-population-by-year/

Do the math and see where Earth will be in 25 years.
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