If you just look at the history of this planet there have been several insane changes and life ending events created by itself outside of a meteor strike. Thinking that humans alone are causing the change is very narcissistic. Volcanos emit more crap into the atmosphere than we do. Launching these satellites into space emit stuff as well. Hydrocarbons, NOX, etc. Lightning strikes a dry forest and giant fire happens and smoke and ash and all the normal gasses go into the air. Only in recent times do we have people to battle these fires, in nature they would burn until they run out of fuel or conditions change.
Realistically there are no true experts because nobody has been alive long enough to know what the weather was exactly doing 400+ years ago. Hell, how long have we actually been able to accurately measure temperature for? I guess they can look at the tree rings and rocks for "evidence" but it still only tells one story for that location. How many times have the "experts" told us the climate was going this direction or that, only to be wrong and then instead of global warming, global cooling or whatever buzz words they want. Now it's just climate change so they can never be wrong. No shit climate changes all the time.
Ocean currents shift and it affects the weather. An earthquake happens near Thailand and moves the currents 200 miles in a different direction, weather responds. Volcano erupts over here and the weather corresponds. I know guys that chase marlin all over the world and they use this exact info to predict what the ocean and weather will do and go to the right areas to catch marlin. Somehow 60% of the time it works every time. So sorry I am not going to listen to a few people that write a paper with their theory that CO2 is pulling heat and going to cause satellites to fall out of orbit. If I am wrong and it happens I will admit it. I feel stronger that they will strike some space garbage and break up and fall to earth and then it will be blamed on climate change.
Realistically there are no true experts because nobody has been alive long enough to know what the weather was exactly doing 400+ years ago. Hell, how long have we actually been able to accurately measure temperature for? I guess they can look at the tree rings and rocks for "evidence" but it still only tells one story for that location. How many times have the "experts" told us the climate was going this direction or that, only to be wrong and then instead of global warming, global cooling or whatever buzz words they want. Now it's just climate change so they can never be wrong. No shit climate changes all the time.
Ocean currents shift and it affects the weather. An earthquake happens near Thailand and moves the currents 200 miles in a different direction, weather responds. Volcano erupts over here and the weather corresponds. I know guys that chase marlin all over the world and they use this exact info to predict what the ocean and weather will do and go to the right areas to catch marlin. Somehow 60% of the time it works every time. So sorry I am not going to listen to a few people that write a paper with their theory that CO2 is pulling heat and going to cause satellites to fall out of orbit. If I am wrong and it happens I will admit it. I feel stronger that they will strike some space garbage and break up and fall to earth and then it will be blamed on climate change.