There will be a sanctioned CMP-GSM Clinic/Match at Newcastle WY conducted by CMP GSM Master Instructor
9 AM Aug 17 (the CMP Upcoming events has it listed as Aug 16, but its really Sat. Aug 17).
Cost is $5 (range fee) for none WCSC & Upton Gun Club members.
PM me for further info and directions to the range.
NOTE: After the match a practice Vintage Sniper match will be conducted for anyone wanting practice for the upcoming Cody CMG Grand and Vintage Sniper Match.
9 AM Aug 17 (the CMP Upcoming events has it listed as Aug 16, but its really Sat. Aug 17).
Cost is $5 (range fee) for none WCSC & Upton Gun Club members.
PM me for further info and directions to the range.
NOTE: After the match a practice Vintage Sniper match will be conducted for anyone wanting practice for the upcoming Cody CMG Grand and Vintage Sniper Match.