Here it is. Not in stone yet, but getting close.
LR Steel Range Proposal submitted to CRC BOD on March 13, 2014.
The CRC high power range has been utilized for persons who desire to shoot long range steel, however, some recent problems have occurred. This proposal seeks to:
1. Address the interests of the wide array of CRC members
2. Allow those who desire to shoot LR steel at CRC that opportunity
3. Minimize policing of the ranges and member conflicts
4. Minimize costs to CRC for maintenance of this range.
There are several options for how CRC can provide members with the opportunity to shoot LR steel.
Option 1
Placement of two permanent steel gongs placed at the far East side of the High Power impact berm. The gongs would be AR500, 10” and 16” rounds (~$500). Signs would be placed at the flag pole, the covered line, each intermediate berm , on the road to the pits and near the pits that states:
The ONLY approved targets are the two gongs and paper targets the pit raised frames.
Option 2
Create a new range between East Range berm 1 and the Silhouette range. The firing line would face North to Northwest. Berms would be constructed at distances of 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 yards. The firing line will be uncovered and defined by signage and boxed in flattened earth approximately 20 yards N-S and 40 yards E-W. On the East edge of this area, a roof, a barricade and a doghouse will be constructed and utilized as shooting positions. CRC owned steel (2 per berm, ~$2000) is an option as would be member owned steel. Both options have pros and cons that should be explored.
Option 3
Add new berms at 800, 1000 and 1200 yards to the Silhouette range. The new berms could be placed slightly to the east of the current berms and 3 or 4 positions on the .22RF side of the canopy could be designated for LR steel.
Option 4
Build an unknown distance range between the Schuetzen and High Power ranges. With the combination of some berms already present, this would reduce the cost. A berm placed 30 to 50 yards to the east of the newly built Schuetzen range combined with an end berm at 1200 to 1300 north of the Schuetzen firing line would create a range more appealing to both Long Range shooters as well as military and police agencies desiring to train and or practice unknown distance shooting without a defined firing line. The shooting area could be defined with minimum and maximum forward lines.
Other Options?
There may be other viable options as well. For instance, it may be possible to create LR berms beyond berm 13 on the East ranges.
Regardless of option, the members who desire this type of shooting acknowledge that persons lacking the skill and or experience to practice this type of shooting can be problematic. While restrictions are not desired, these members would be willing to adopt some use restrictions if the BOD is willing to explore one or more of these options. A qualification process can be subsequently proposed that a member would have to complete prior to use. Irrespective, it would make sense for CRC to implement a zero tolerance policy with respect to unapproved target use. None of us want the range property damaged, or worse yet, to have it closed due to improper use. Sign-in, sing-out logs, lock boxes for the range “HOT” and “CLOSED” signs or flags and even the actual targets, are viable means of controlling access to a LR range or set of targets.
Other than the construction of the berms, the members bringing this proposal are willing to furnish the time, labor and material to construct shooting line, lockboxes , constructed shooting positions and the targets/hangers. We will also create a safety protocol and conditions of use agreement for CRC BOD approval if so desired. Further, it is anticipated that if option 2-4 are implemented, it will be utilized for at least one monthly match.
Option 1 could be implemented in short order while it is understood that options 2-4 would require times and resources of the BOD and volunteers. We believe that a dedicated long range steel range is practical, will generate income for the club, and will solve some of the issues that have occurred by incompetent persons using steel on the High Power range. Once a LR range is completed, the High Power range steel use allowance could be modified.
These proposals were presented to the CRC BOD with the support of the following members: