Considering taller press for 338LM


Full Member
Dec 4, 2011
After many years of loading for a variety of calibers on my RCBS Rockchucker, I've just started loading for 338 Lapua. The longer OAL makes it just a bit close taking loaded rounds out of the window, so I'm thinking about buying a new press to make things easier. The RCBS website says the Rockchucker Supreme is taller, but doesn't give dimensions. Does anyone have one that they could measure for me? I'm also open to suggestions on other presses.

I recently bought a rockchucker supreme master reloading kit, so I imagine I have the rockchucker supreme. What measurements do you want specifically?

I'm looking for the height of the inside of the "O". So from the top of the ram (down position, no shell holder) to the bottom of the top frame bar. Basically, the working space.

Says 4" online. I load .338 Lapua with mine and the only real pain is trying to poke the bullet in the case while it is in the press. After its seated its fine to get out.

That's one of the reasons I got the RCBS Gold Medal seating die. You drop the bullet in the window in the side of the die instead of trying to set it on the neck.
The RCBS gold medal seating die has a bullet window, so you actually insert bullet into the die ABOVE the press.

Totally solves the irksome 338LM bullet seating issue on a Rockchucker.

Just a thought.
After many years of loading for a variety of calibers on my RCBS Rockchucker, I've just started loading for 338 Lapua. The longer OAL makes it just a bit close taking loaded rounds out of the window, so I'm thinking about buying a new press to make things easier. The RCBS website says the Rockchucker Supreme is taller, but doesn't give dimensions. Does anyone have one that they could measure for me? I'm also open to suggestions on other presses.


Since you said you were open to other suggestions, I would recommend an arbor press and hand dies for seating. I do this for my .338-416. I use my Rockchucker to resize and then hand dies for seating. This also allows me to do load development at the range.

I use the redding Big boss II for mine, i used my uncles rockchucker about a week ago to size some brass (not 338 Lapua) but felt like i was going to break it, im used to the strength of the Big Boss II
Since you said you were open to other suggestions, I would recommend an arbor press and hand dies for seating. I do this for my .338-416. I use my Rockchucker to resize and then hand dies for seating. This also allows me to do load development at the range.


Yup...arbor press and Wilson hand dies. Plus it's portable.
I have had plenty of success with the Lee presses and 338Edge + 300gr Bergers...coal of over 4.015". Their classic cast press is the best value in a press available imho.
Redding T7!

I have spare "turrets" so have my dies set up on the different "long calibers." It saves me lots of time, as my dies are aligned.

Another hint: I use a 1" rubber o-ring (Home Depot or Lowes) under the lock rings, as they help to "center" the dies on the turret.

My run-out for my loaded ammo is 0.002 or less each and every time...