that was the double down on something you dont want part I put in my reply. I get it. its not within his parameters he stated. But me personally, would be happy someone pointed out for a little more I can get something that can be potentially sold for more than 3k after the sale is over if I dont like it. and than that money used to buy a zco. or keep it and you got a whole lot more for your do realize that $1799 is bigger than $1400.....Right???
wouldnt be the first time I said I wanted something for "x" dollars not a cent more. than someone shows me something thats a little more thats alot better. everytime I buy the bettter.
btw thinking like this is how I started with a cheap nothing gun and now have a axsr w/ a tt525 on top. without dumping hardly any new cash into it. buy low, sell high. rinse, wash, repeat.