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Hunting & Fishing Coyote hunt turns into kitty hunt! **VIDEO**


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
So I have not been able to get away for much to do any coyote hunting...but this morning Frank and I got out to one of our private ranch spots and made a couple of stands. I happened to bring my trusty Tikka T3 Lite .223 but was mainly working the video camera.

First stand we had some howling back at us but no takers. So we crossed a hill into another valley and setup there.
All of a sudden I hear Frank lip squeak and look up to see him with his rifle up. A coyote was a couple of hundred yards out and Frank was not able to get a shot.

Well...what the heck...Frank starts the call. We sat for 15 min. or so and were about to give up when I see movement from behind a bush 175+ yards out. Frank does not see it. So I get ready and around the brush comes a nice looking bobcat. It stops watching the decoy and I send a 50gr Vmax into it. I watch as fur flies and it rolls over. Woo hoo!! Cat down. It then hops up and runs (see video) into the trees. I am like WTF!?!?!

So we walk out and I find a LARGE puddle of blood and start follow the blood trail....the kitty was in the crotch of a tree and jumps out and flops around and is finally done.

I can see the entry hole at the back of the ribs....I then turn it over and discover the exit "hole" in the front shoulder. There is ribs, shoulder bone, lung,etc. visible and LOTS of blood. One TUFF cat!

So....last day of bobcat seasons turns out to be a good day for us. No yotes, but a pretty kitty will do.

We tagged it up and Frank took it to have the hide tanned,etc.

Sorry for the "not to exciting" video. But I was trying to run the camera and shoot...does not work very well.

Take care,Stan

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Re: Coyote hunt turns into kitty hunt! **VIDEO**

Nice kill, what mag/bottom metal is that? Also where did you get that bolt knob?

I've been looking for sources for tikka parts for my 308 and have not had any luck as of yet.

Thanks again and great looking kitty
Re: Coyote hunt turns into kitty hunt! **VIDEO**

Great video -- thanks for sharing. Great shot, too - it initially appeared as if the cat was looking straight at you but the entry/exit wound tells otherwise.

Thanks again - I really enjoyed the video.