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Fieldcraft creatures encountered on a stalk

Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

DirtDart said:
In Australia are where some of the worst animals on the planet live.
Fire ants are bad sh$t i will agree with all you on that, but Aus. has some ants that make fire ant look like pussies. They are called Jack Jummper. These Fu#$ker will hunt you!The bite is like you hit your thumb with a sledgehammer.

yes guy's thay call them that cos the fuckers jump on ya there are a few people die every year from them

there bad...no mater how good an idear it seems to pour sump oil down there nest when your 8 it is not trust me

Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

I haven't had the guts to follow the whole thread. But, I'll offer this advice...if you get bit by a brown recluse spider, try VERY hard to talk your doctor to sending you to a Hyperbaric Oxygen Medicine unit...3 dives with hyperbaric oxygen is usually enough to abort the destruction of flesh that the spider bite produces. You might have to travel to find one...people who live by coast lines where divers live and work are more apt to find the units. I'd buy my own ticket if one bit me. JMHO FNP
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Love the posts about the banana spiders!! I feel the pain. We run into them just about everyday out here at JWTC/NTA. Frikkin hate them. We've been have lots of run ins with Habu's and Akamata's with the warming weather though.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jimmy2Times</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: COfox</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This is the correct "Banana Spider" that lives on Okinawa. Their official name is Golden-Silk-Orb-Weaver. I hated doing night patrols in the NTA and walking into their huge webs...you just knew those damn things were sitting in the middle and more than likely now on your chest or head!

No way that shit is real. </div></div>

I spent some time as an Instructor at JWTC Okinawa. Those ARE real and they ARE all over. If you are running a trail at night you will walk into at least one web. They weave them pretty quick.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

This thread is like a car wreck I cant look away from.

When I was a kid I got a brown recluse bite on the ankle and didnt know it. Doesnt hurt at the time. By the next day my foot looked like a club and the doc said it was prob. broken but couldnt find a break.
By 3rd day my leg had blue and red streaks and I was SICK and in mucho pain. Saw another doc who looked at it for 5 secs and immediately knew what it was.
Ended up fine after some meds and time but to this day have a numb spot the size of a nickel on my ankle where the hole there healed.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Where I come from you are likely to run into ticks and the rare rattlesnake. There is nothing like doing the ol tick check at the end of the day to build comroderie between a couple of fellas.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

"Oddest bug incident I had was at Pendleton. Watched one of those huge metallic looking wasps kill a big ass wolf spider. And laid it's eggs in the dead spider. The things you learn on a stalk...."

That spider was not dead, he was paralyzed. That means that while those wasp babies are eating him alive, he is aware of it...
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: drewbie</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lol I'm with you on that creedmoor, but really the only spiders I don't like are the poisonous ones and the big ones.

such as: black widows, brown recluses, banana spiders, bird spiders, tarantulas of all kinds, and pretty much any spider that I would have trouble killing with my hands. I can deal with snakes, scorpians, varmits, worms, and things like that, but a spider comes along and I would probably set off a grenade on that bitch.

Anyway does anyone have anyways of dealing with a spider if its like on your face or something? </div></div>

ALL Spiders are VENOMOUS-(not poisonous)regardless of size.Some venoms are harmless to humans.

Not a military encounter,but 20 years ago I found out that although "recluses" the Brown Recluse packs a major bite. Resulted in necrotic tissue and IV antibiotics.

Anybody ever see the Giant Hornet that lives in the Japanese Islands-considered a delicacy. CLICK FOR GIANT HORNET
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

This is one of the greatest threads I have ever seen. I have spent the last hour and a half reading through it and I keep feeling things crawling all over me. I grew up in the country and have had my fair share of spider and snake experiences but some of these stories are giving me the heebee jeebies.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Not the most dangerous, but certainly the strangest. Happened this last buck season on the first day of the shotgun season. I decided to do a little walking during the lunch hour and was crossing from one field to the next through a 20' patch of thicket. When I stepped out into the field there was a young buck walking toward me, close. By that I mean about 50 feet. Rack was broken off on one side, and he was sniffing loudly as he walked closer, and closer, and closer. When he got about 15 feet from me I tossed a rock and hit him in the side, didn't phase him. I kind of stepped aside and he passed within about 10 feet of me and eventually walked into a tree. Now what ever was wrong, was serious wrong. I assumed hit by car, or possible chonic wasteing. Either way didn't want to see him suffer so I put him down. Like I said not dangerous, but strange for sure.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Not so much a story in the field, but informational anyway. GF and I were at her mom's house gathering big rocks from a dried up creek bed to use at our house around flower beds and what not. Loaded up the truck, drove home to our house and unloaded them in the side yard. It was getting late and we decided to call it a day and finish up tomorrow. After showers she noticed a small bump on her left elbow, exactly centered on the very tip of it. About 8pm that night, she complained of some pain when moving the lower part of her arm, from her elbow down. She thought she had pulled a muscle since we had been moving heavy rocks all day. I noticed a small white dot in the middle of the bump on her elbow and when I put my hand on it, it was burning up. I told her it looked like she was bitten or stung by something. Over the next few hours it got bigger and bigger, and the pain really set in. I told her to put an ice pack on it and we'd go to the DR the next day if it wasn't any better, she was not happy about this lol, but I had an idea whatever it was wasn't good. Sure enough, 8 in the morning we were in the exam room and he said it was a bite from a brown recluse. He informed us even though there wasn't any meat or muscle in that area, the venom WOULD start dissolving the bone. That would have to suck. Anyway, he gave her a shot and some medicine, antibiotics, pills for polio, a topical cream and some pain meds. Told us to keep ice on it a few times a day and keep the cream on it covered up with saran wrap. Never got really bad and was better in about 10 days. Moral of the story is if you get bit, the quicker you make it to the DR the better off you are because it will eat through muscle, fat, and bone!

Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Awesome thread! Great info for all of us.

When I'm turkey hunting underneath my camo I'm dressed up like a dancer from chorus line with all the lycra & panty hose type stuff I've got on. I HATE ticks. HATE 'EM. So I've always taken extra steps to make sure they don't get ahold of me.

Had a buddy get hit with Lyme Disease from one and he was never the same physically. He can't exert himself at all and has had a couple of heart attacks because of it.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

I was standing guard duty one night in Alaska, broad daylight (at night) and heard this rat tling in the bushes.

Don't think there is one poisonous thing in Alaska but plenty that will kill you.

Loaded but not locked, we had scotch tape over the mag, but live ammo on the street while they rebuilt the ammo bunker.

Friggin porcupine comes charging at me from out of the woods.

I locked and loaded and got the hell out of the way.

Just a curious guy I guess.

Moose are about the most deadly though, de spite that a brown bear will tear you up - you don't see them around town much, but moose will mess your day up...
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

At SERE school up in the mountains in Maine I was looking for identifiable features to shoot at azimuth to. I saw a large black rock, looked down at my compass to double check the azimuth and when I looked back up the "rock" had turned around and was looking directly at me. It forced me to take an unplanned rest stop until the mother bear and her two cubs decided to wander away.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Spiders don't have to be venomous to kill you if one gets on your person and the reaction makes you run around in little circles, waving your arms wildly as you slap yourself silly..... until you hit a tree.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Quails, lots of red ants, an officer's daughter walking home through the stalk lane for reason, and a major. The major only cause one of our walkers had inadequate defilade from the road leading to officer housing while peeing in a bush. Good times in the stumps.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

The Funnel Web Spider is probably the most nasty little creature you'll never want to encounter in Australlia, they are the most deadly spider in the world, extremely aggressive most will chase after you and then they rear up showing there massive fangs for there size. If you get bit by one of these and don't seek medical help immediately you will die, period those guys have enough venom to drop an elephant.



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Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

There is seriously something wrong with that guy, even the most hardcore insect/wild animal guys don't let a funnel web spider chill out on their hand after they've poked it with a stick. Something very bad is going to happen to him.

Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

So a few years back I am in southern Oklahoma duckwalking along a hog trail that had only about 3' of headroom in a riverbed and as I move along I hear a loud hiss VERY close to my right ankle. I freeze and only moving my eyes look over to see a huge cottonmouth coiled up about 6" from my right ankle, I took 2 very slow steps backwards and clicked off the safety and swung the muzzle of the 300WM towards it then I stopped and changed my mind. I slid the muzzle of the rifle under one of the coils and flipped the snake about 10' off the trail. Later when I returned the snake was right back in its spot but I was looking for it that time.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Ian MkVenner,
"Velvet ants" I have seen them in Wyoming, NDak and Montana.
A freind who speceialized in grasshoppers often told me much about bugs encountered while we were shooting.
He said they had many names "calf killer ant" being his favorite.
They are really a type of wasp lacking wings. He impressed on me that under a microscope they were as diffrent from an ant as a dog is from a hog.
They posses a powerful sting hence the calf killer name.
never heard or heard of one squeaking.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Not military, but I have ran, walked and crawled into dozens of copperheads and rattlesnakes while stalking deer in Kansas. Only had one strike and hit. It was on the sole of the boot and no damage, but I worry more about them now than i did 40 years ago. The night encounters are the most interesting. This is the first year of my life that I have not seen one by July. Other than the first 5 or 6 of course.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

I hate snakes and spiders the worst, I think. Ants are just a pain in the ass.

I came across a six foot diamondback in the corn field at the farm I worked for... It got a swift dose of .45 ACP justice after some serious puckering on my part. It was probably as big around as the large part of my forearm and had 9 rattles on its rail.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

We have the velvet ants (fuzzy red and black big ant looking things) here in TN. We call them cow killers and I have heard them "squeak". Just put your foot (preferably with boots on) on top of them and apply pressure but not enough to squash them and they make a kind of high pitched buzz that you can hear and feel through your boot sole. After you've satisfied your curiosity, apply full pressure and crush them. Thier stings do hurt like hell!
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

A couple years back my partner and I were sent out to do overwatch for our entry team on a drug raid. The turds house was in a small rural housing addition surrounded by woods. The plan was for the entry team to hit the house around daylight, so we deployed about 0300 and got a good FFP back in the woods. Well, right about daylight we start hearing turkeys sounding off not to far from our location. Thats all fine and dandy until I remembered it was the opening day of Oklahoma turkey season. We weren't worried about someone shooting at us, but pretty concerned about taking some stray turkey shot that was intended for a bird. Needles to say we got really small in our hole.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

We were at an training course in the Ozarks, setting out on a stalk. We had just unloaded from the truck and set out for the stalk field when one of the instructors caught a copperhead in our path. That'll keep you on point!

I absolutely hate walking through spider webs in the timber. I can't stand the thought of one of those fat bastards crawling up my back.

Have yet to KNOWINGLY encounter any of our mountain lions, but I've seen plenty of bobcats.

Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Forty-One</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Near LZ Bluebird, on Camp Lejeune, 2 mosquitos once picked up one of my radiomen and carried him nearly 30 yards before we could fight them off. </div></div>

Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

A friend of mine and his wife were deer hunting on an island off Washington,said they heard a noise,turned around and saw a huge EMU hauling ass right at them,she took the safety off her rifle,but it stopped.I guess it just hung out all day with them.They said it was strange hunting deer with "Big Bird" tagging along.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Once on an urban stalk I ran into the target we were looking for. He held the door for me. I said "Thank You". Another time I ran into a rather attractive tall blonde creature sporting a Russian accent and fronting a sale on the previous year's Armani suits. After a brief detour to confirm that they didn't have anything in a charcoal pinstripe I moved on.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

During Ranger school at Benning, I took cover behind a tree during a movement to contact and was instantly devoured by the all too famous red ants. I was so scared of attracting the attention of the RI's that I just bit my lip and let them feast! Luckily, the RI had some compassion and let me recover and ditch my clothes...lol. I had a run in with a black widow at JRTC. Needless to say my reaction resulted in the referee's killed of my entire squad and the PL...
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

last night I tried to go scope out a new area to go hog hunting in OK, ran into nothing but heavily wooded high grass area. While driving through hit nothing but the brown recluse spiders (hundreds of them) creeped me the hell out! Picked daughter up from school today and one was on the door outside! Even after a carwash...Im with greg with the whole maybe giving up hunting..LOL well maybe not give up but it still gives me goose bumps thinking bout it.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

While in the middle of a nighttime stalk, literally across an abandoned golf course's fairway during TRUEX in J'Ville, FL, I had a fox start yelping at me and my partner repeatedly. He would not shut up. After about 5 minutes of this, the aggressors came out and shined their flashlights right on the fox, and the thing still didn't shut up. Somehow they didn't put two and two together because the fox was staring right at us laying in the middle of the fairway 30m away.

I still have no idea how we got away with that one. At least it was only training.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Redmanss</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had a fox start yelping at me and my partner repeatedly. He would not shut up.</div></div>Cattle will also turn and look at you.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

The best thread I have read here so far. Very interesting. I'm only a few minutes from Camp Mackall and Bragg, so I can relate to the creepy crawiles in NC.
We got some bad shit in the woods.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SANDRAT</div><div class="ubbcode-body">A friend of mine and his wife were deer hunting on an island off Washington,said they heard a noise,turned around and saw a huge EMU hauling ass right at them,she took the safety off her rifle,but it stopped.I guess it just hung out all day with them.They said it was strange hunting deer with "Big Bird" tagging along.</div></div>
Is it illegal to kill EMUs? Their oil is highly recommended in American Indian and homeopathic medicine.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hbfag</div><div class="ubbcode-body">last night I tried to go scope out a new area to go hog hunting in OK, ran into nothing but heavily wooded high grass area. While driving through hit nothing but the brown recluse spiders (hundreds of them) creeped me the hell out! Picked daughter up from school today and one was on the door outside! Even after a carwash...Im with greg with the whole maybe giving up hunting..LOL well maybe not give up but it still gives me goose bumps thinking bout it.</div></div>

Yup, that's the nature of the brown recluse, where you find one there are actually hundreds if not thousands. That's why even with the best of extermination efforts they are almost impossible to eradicate.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

When me and my brother were kids he tried to stomp a field mouse, missed, it ran up his leg and started doing circles around his junk cause it couldn't get by his belt. Talk about a dance to get your clothes off. ABSOLUTELY funniest thing I've ever seen.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: drewbie</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Lol I'm with you on that creedmoor, but really the only spiders I don't like are the poisonous ones and the big ones.

such as: black widows, brown recluses, banana spiders, bird spiders, tarantulas of all kinds, and pretty much any spider that I would have trouble killing with my hands. I can deal with snakes, scorpians, varmits, worms, and things like that, but a spider comes along and I would probably set off a grenade on that bitch.

Anyway does anyone have anyways of dealing with a spider if its like on your face or something?</div></div>

You cannot do this if its on our face/body, but if its a couple feet away and its creeping you out the best choice is Raid Wasp/hornet spray. None of the "spider sprays" really work, bit Wasp Killer Spray does and you can aim it 10+ feet away. Outside of carbeurator cleaner, this is the best thing for a kill from a distance. I have black widows & scorpions in my house, this often works best. AGAIN - never use this stuff on your face, or left it touch your skin or clothing. Wear some type of glove to clean it up, if you have a pet, make sure after to kill clean the sprayed area very well so you dog doesn't get sick or die from the residual.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mar2012</div><div class="ubbcode-body">one time long long ago there was this festival gathering of drunken funhavers and vajayjaypunisher asks this person to remover her opticals only to reveal a shebeast monster</div></div>

tis true, I still have nightmares of that creature
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

Had a black panther on my hunting property one year. That was the freakiest thing to hear making noises in the woods while I was turkey hunting. A couple guys got shots at it but it was never standing still and nobody ever hit it.

Have had a few friends get bit by brown recluse spiders as well. Had to get surgery to remove chunks of calf flesh that died about the size of a baseball for one of them. Those things are no joke.
Re: creatures encountered on a stalk

It was a while back. The panther would take down turkeys and deer and was really messing the animal patterns at the hunt club. Same with foxes going after turkeys, but we left them alone. I even have a mounted fox we grabbed right after it got hit by a car. Was still warm. Mounted a raccoon the same way.
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