I recently helped my dad get into a xbow. as with anything you can get as expensive as you like.
What we did:
Centerpoint Spectre 375 - not sure if this model is still being made or not
Sent it to a guy in Tx for a trigger job. Guy's name is TX_RDXguy on
www.crossbowtalk.com. Super helpful guy that just genuinely seems to enjoy tinkering on xbow triggers. The Spectre had a pretty bad one but the trigger job was a solid fix for it. I think he charged about $100 for the job and it was about $20 to ship it to him.
I liked the Spectre as it has a fairly small axle to axle width when cocked. For the price ($270 when i bought it) it was hard to beat.
If a deadlift type maneuver is difficult with your shoulders, you might look for a bow that has a crank cocking device. They typically are a bit more expensive.
Bolts: Black Eagle Executioners. You can get them spine indexed from a couple different guys online (if memory serves - Jerry at South Shore Archery was one) for a few or you can just turn the nocks until the bolts are all hitting the same spot. There are other good options but this seemed to be one of the best out there and the price wasn't terrible.
Broadheads: I went with an expandable as we were going to be turkey hunting with it first. Most quality broadheads should be fine. I haven't had time to mess around with his bow and fixed blades yet. Some good places to start for expandables: Schwacker (this is what I picked up), Rage (lots of hate but they work well in my experience), G5 Deadmeat, Grim Reapers. For fixed blades: Slick Trick, G5 Striker, Magnus broadheads (any of them work well).
With compound bow shooting it it much more about tuning the arrow rest/bow for your set up, sorry to say I haven't tried tuning my dad's xbow with fixed heads yet so I can't help you there. I am guessing it should be fairly tuned as the bolt rides on a rail (look for a xbow with a quality machined aluminum rail). Other than that I would refer you to the crossbow boards.