It's out there you just need to buy it and forget about the price, it will never go down. Just like gas prices that are going up daily, if you need it the price is just an inconvenience. The baseline backup stock is CCI SV which you can find on sale all the time. The match top tier brands are out there at the distributors but you gotta be quick and buy enough to last a year or more. In the long run its the only way to buy because you are shooting the same stuff. It took me years to figure it out and stop chasing my tail. I get dozens of email on ammo sales every week, the deal is getting cheap / free shipping. Every once in a while places like kyguco runs sale on SV worth looking at. It's not a cheap sport, the good stuff will cost you, so as they say cry once and have fun getting the job done right the first time. I always keep a copy of the ammo comparison list in my bag as reference at the range to see what the other guys are shooting and compare their targets to the groups on the list. I also shoot a lot of TX 22C handguns that eat ammo by the pound. It's where bricks SV disappear quickly.
Have fun spring is here.