De-priming and reloading without re-sizing?


Jun 25, 2010
Unless somebody can tell me different, I cannot find a single good reason to resize my once fired Lapua cases, full length, neck or otherwise less trimming and de-burring. These cases are coming out of the chamber less than .001 out-of-round and fit perfectly in the Wilson head space gages afterwards.
Is there a practical way to de-prime cases without doing any resizing at all? Even the neck-size-only die and the competition dies knock the mess out of the concentricity of my case necks.
Re: De-priming and reloading without re-sizing?

Yes, you need a decapping die. Everybody makes one, and Lee's is the cheapest, but works well. It does no resizing, just decaps and requires no lube.

Resizing the neck is usually necessary to keep the bullet in the case, especially if the round is mag fed. However, yours is certainly a novel approach. Let us know how it works out

Re: De-priming and reloading without re-sizing?

I just found the Lee decapping die at Midway but we're not going to need it. On your note I just set one of these once fired rounds under a seating die and the bullet damned near fell into the spent primed.
I sure had my hopes up.
Re: De-priming and reloading without re-sizing?

Thought so. I'm rather new at this reloading business. Stuffed my first case in 1972.........

But buy the decapping die anyway. It's rather useful to decap and clean your cases before resizing. Hate sticking dirty cases into a clean NK or FL die.

Try it, you'll like it.
