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Derek Chauvin 'defense'

I wasn't there and have no place to be critical of the officers involved.You have to put yourself in their shoes.
But, what I don't understand is...a city police force as large as Minneapolis,why couldn't a transport vehicle, or van be requested, load his ass up in it, with help (he's already cuffed) and get his sorry ass out of there and transported to jail as soon as possible instead of giving the locals time to congregate, and video the circus for the WHOLE freaking world to see !!! JMHO.
Agreed...but that doesn’t mean he is guilty of murder...he broke a lot of laws with that knee in the neck..but not murder accord to absolute proven science with his autopsy report
Indeed, and he is very guilty of excessive force since any neck hold is deadly force..

but the autopsy and fox screen don’t lie..dude died of excited delirium brought on by massive drug intoxication
It's in their UOF policy as an approved and accepted restraint method. If there's a quarrel to be had, it's with the city and it's policies not the officer doing what they trained him to do. 🙄
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Agreed...but that doesn’t mean he is guilty of murder...he broke a lot of laws with that knee in the neck..but not murder accord to absolute proven science with his autopsy report
No, I didn't say he was guilty. Just drawing the thing out like it was, did not make sense if you have the resources to prevent it !!
The Rodney King mess was similar,even there was no death, it made a lot of officers lives a mess, with some going to prison.
Why not just load his ass up and end it !
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Protip: the legal definition of homicide is not the same thing as medical definition of homicide, knowing this difference will prevent you from looking like a leftist shill in the future.

Medical homicide is essentially saying the death was caused by a human.....it does not assign guilt, a perpetrator, or any justification.

the legal definition of homicide is different.....more specifically.....the legal definition of Murder, which is what they are charging him with, is different.

also, Floyd was a massive man, with priors for violent crime, who was tripping balls on meth and fentanyl.....he 100% was a potential danger to himself and others.....to claim otherwise is being disingenuous or just plain ignorant.

and frankly, the paid autopsy by the family doesn't really mean jack shit.....nor does it make any sense medically.....and directly conflicts with the facts we can clearly observe on video
Leftist shill? You really must be insecure to resort to personal attacks to try and defend your opinion. You say he was 100% a danger to himself, but can you please explain how? He was cuffed and laying flat on his face...
Your trying so desperately to inject your own feelings and angles into this. Your also claiming he was a massive man. Does every (massive man) in America fall under the (potential danger to himself and others) that you are claiming?
Tripping balls on Meth and Fentanyl... Please also explain to us how every cop in America knows beforehand what drugs the perps they will face that day are under the influence of...

And by the way...
Please explain your (Medical Homicide) reference. I cannot find this definition. Seems like an attempt to sound like you know what your talking about.
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Leftist shill? You really must be insecure to resort to personal attacks to try and defend your opinion. You say he was 100% a danger to himself, but can you please explain how? He was cuffed and laying flat on his face...
Your trying so desperately to inject your own feelings and angles into this. Your also claiming he was a massive man. Does every (massive man) in America fall under the (potential danger to himself and others) that you are claiming?
Tripping balls on Meth and Fentanyl... Please also explain to us how every cop in America knows beforehand what drugs the perps they will face that day are under the influence of...

And by the way...
Please explain your (Medical Homicide) reference. I cannot find this definition. Seems like an attempt to sound like you know what your talking about.
go fuck yourself faggot, ive explained this all already, its not my fault your commie ass cant read.
also, literally 10 seconds of googling will prevent you from looking like a moron in the future.

  • Homicide
Homicide is defined as the action of one person directly causing the death of another. A death that occurs during and is related to the commission of a felony is also considered homicide. A violent death may stem from some kind of deliberate or purposeful action, but intent to cause death need not be present or proven for the classification as homicide.

Homicide and murder are not the same. All murders are homicides, not all homicides are murder. "Murder" is not an acceptable manner of death classification for death certification purposes. "Murder" is a term used under specific conditions in criminal law matters as as a general concept. An example might be that of unintentional firearms-related hunting death. While it may be classified as a homicide, it is up to legal authorities to determine when to prosecute such a case as "murder," "manslaughter," etc.

jesus fuck i cant deal with these retards anymore

sorry i blasphemed against St. Floyd.....actually.....no....no im not.....dude was a piece of shit and the world is better off without him.
Your assuming everyone who doesnt support what the cops did supports george floyd... You couldnt be more wrong.
no, no it is not......if it was, i would have killed a fuck load of people by now....neck holds are a fairly common compliance technique taught in most martial arts.

a simple blood choke is relatively safe and effective.....ive had it done to me, and ive done it to plenty of people.

Chauvins neck restraint restricted neither air nor blood flow......and was a dept approved restraint technique.
Any force applied to the neck by a police officer in the great state of Texas is considered deadly force...they maybe taught in martial arts...but it’s a massive no no in law enforcement
Any force applied to the neck by a police officer in the great state of Texas is considered deadly force...they maybe taught in martial arts...but it’s a massive no no in law enforcement
Minnesota is not Texas

neck restraint was a dept. approved restraint technique.

just because TX is full of queers who dont know proper restraint techniques doesn't make it "deadly".
It doesn't seem debatable that Minneapolis allowed this neck restraint. If they didn't, why would they have banned it after the fact?
I meant trial cliffnotes, I wasn't THAT much of a hermit last year.
ah.....nothing of note has happened yet.....just interviewing witnesses who told us what we already know from the tape.

MMA guy: basically confirmed he (and the crowd) were acting belligerent and threating the officers

Girl Friend (aka "mama"): confirmed she and floyd were taking drugs, likely meth laced with fentanyl....confirmed floyd OD'd on the same drugs a month earlier which sent him to the hospital....GF admitted when she took the drugs she "felt like she was dying"

Shop Owner: confirmed that Floyd was acting erratic in the store and was clearly on drugs

EMTs: claimed they grabbed Floyd and GTFO and drove a few blocks away to start resuscitation because the crowd was belligerent and they feared for their safety. said he was likely dead when they arrived on the scene.
Do any of you really believe that the knee to the back or side of his neck caused his death? It did not cut off his airway. A knee to the throat would but that isn't what happened here.

This hits the nail right on its head about Kneeling.....

From John McNulty...

“I watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for about 9 minutes, for the death of a black man named George Floyd.

I have never seen them kneel for a fallen *Police Officer.

I have never seen them kneel for a fallen *Soldier.


I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of (black and white) *babies aborted EVERY DAY.

I have never seen them kneel for a murdered *white man or woman.

I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of *black-on-black murder victims.

I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of *elderly people that died in nursing homes due to the Corona Virus.(Especially N.Y.)

I have to ask: *WHY are Democrats putting the life of George Floyd as more valuable than the lives of everyone else?

In fact, Democrats have put so much value on the life of George Floyd, they have allowed rioting,
🙅 looting, 🔥arson, 🧟 ‍♂ murder, and 💣mayhem in communities Nationwide...


The family (brothers and sister) of George Floyd opened a Go Fund Me account to "help the family"? It has already raised $14,455,100.00 and still counting from donations as of June 22, 2020. Yes, almost $14 1/2 MILLION. This is for a guy who was arrested NINE times; was a convicted drug dealer(and at a drug deal the day he died); held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant lady while his five buddies robbed her home; did prison time three different times totaling about eight years, and obviously didn't learn from our penal system. And America is memorializing him by painting murals of the guy on the sides of buildings like he's a hero? Unbelievable!!

You got to be kidding me. Crime does pay!
.....and to pour salt in the wound, Rep. Pelosi(democrat) presented his brother a folded American flag flown over the Capitol in his honor in a beautiful tri-cornered presentation case.

This hits the nail right on its head about Kneeling.....

From John McNulty...

“I watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for about 9 minutes, for the death of a black man named George Floyd.

I have never seen them kneel for a fallen *Police Officer.

I have never seen them kneel for a fallen *Soldier.


I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of (black and white) *babies aborted EVERY DAY.

I have never seen them kneel for a murdered *white man or woman.

I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of *black-on-black murder victims.

I have not seen them kneel for the thousands of *elderly people that died in nursing homes due to the Corona Virus.(Especially N.Y.)

I have to ask: *WHY are Democrats putting the life of George Floyd as more valuable than the lives of everyone else?

In fact, Democrats have put so much value on the life of George Floyd, they have allowed rioting,
🙅 looting, 🔥arson, 🧟 ‍♂ murder, and 💣mayhem in communities Nationwide...


The family (brothers and sister) of George Floyd opened a Go Fund Me account to "help the family"? It has already raised $14,455,100.00 and still counting from donations as of June 22, 2020. Yes, almost $14 1/2 MILLION. This is for a guy who was arrested NINE times; was a convicted drug dealer(and at a drug deal the day he died); held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant lady while his five buddies robbed her home; did prison time three different times totaling about eight years, and obviously didn't learn from our penal system. And America is memorializing him by painting murals of the guy on the sides of buildings like he's a hero? Unbelievable!!

You got to be kidding me. Crime does pay!
.....and to pour salt in the wound, Rep. Pelosi(democrat) presented his brother a folded American flag flown over the Capitol in his honor in a beautiful tri-cornered presentation case.
And I bet you that flag never flies. I bet it was either thrown out or sits in a box somewhere

Hope he’s acquitted and gets back out there to arrest non mask wearers and folks bold enough to open their restaurants and businesses but not do to much to hamper those trying to burn down said restaurants and businesses. That way everyone wins!
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If he doesn’t walk it’s a travesty. Plain and simple.
Outside the obvious potentially contributory issues such as doxxing and not so blatant threat to jurors - if this were an unbiased case I think his success would depend on the expert pathologists testimonies. I was unaware until I read this that he had a pheochromocytoma (a tumor secreting epinephrine and norepinephrine that would make ANY methamphetamine potentially lethal in its presence, esp. with co-existing cardiac disease). Does anyone have this path. report? I would have said by his facial features he had acromegaly (a pituitary tumor secreting growth hormone and somatomedin C).
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Im pretty anti popo, not because of any interactions, but because I see their actions daily. The list is long, and not just from TV, but my own eyes and views. We need them, but the personalities they choose goes against what most deem appropriate.

Im also against thug assed jokers. The loss of this type of person carries no weight to me.

Having explained where I stand, I cant envision kneeling on someone constantly telling me that cant breathe and at least make sure they are ok.....regardless of what a person says about talking is breathing. If you cant take 30 seconds to set a person up and make sure they are ok, you are partially responsible for their death. He wasnt dead before the boys in blue intervened, but he is now. There will not be an aquittal, most likely a hung jury.
The problem isn’t whether Floyd died of his own doing, which he did, or whether Chauvin killed him on accident or accidentally on purpose. The problem is he died and everyone did a shit job dealing with it on video. That’s going to leave a bad taste in the public’s mouth.
Im pretty anti popo, not because of any interactions, but because I see their actions daily. The list is long, and not just from TV, but my own eyes and views. We need them, but the personalities they choose goes against what most deem appropriate.

Im also against thug assed jokers. The loss of this type of person carries no weight to me.

Having explained where I stand, I cant envision kneeling on someone constantly telling me that cant breathe and at least make sure they are ok.....regardless of what a person says about talking is breathing. If you cant take 30 seconds to set a person up and make sure they are ok, you are partially responsible for their death. He wasnt dead before the boys in blue intervened, but he is now. There will not be an aquittal, most likely a hung jury.

To play the devil's advocate for your argument, don't you believe that police officers hear this ALL OF THE TIME? The bad guys do this so that you get off of them and gives them a chance to start a fight or to escape. The police already had a growing crowd of unruly bystanders. They were not there to help the police.

Lets just say that Chauvin would have gotten off of Floyd and he starts to fight back. This gets the crowd riled up and they become even more agitated. Then a mini riot occurs and who knows what happens next.

Secondly, the only thing that would have changed was the narrative. Floyd was a dead man walking before he was ever restrained. He would have still died in the custody of the police.

Then it would have been just another Freddie Gray.
Im pretty anti popo, not because of any interactions, but because I see their actions daily. The list is long, and not just from TV, but my own eyes and views. We need them, but the personalities they choose goes against what most deem appropriate.

Im also against thug assed jokers. The loss of this type of person carries no weight to me.

Having explained where I stand, I cant envision kneeling on someone constantly telling me that cant breathe and at least make sure they are ok.....regardless of what a person says about talking is breathing. If you cant take 30 seconds to set a person up and make sure they are ok, you are partially responsible for their death. He wasnt dead before the boys in blue intervened, but he is now. There will not be an aquittal, most likely a hung jury.
Floyd was claiming he "couldnt breath" the entire time of the arrest......even when he was sitting in the car being left alone......that is why HE ASKED to be layed down, so the officers obliged his request and called EMTs

he didnt just start claiming he "couldnt breath" when Chauvin was restraining him.....youd know this if you actually bothered to watch the full video, and not just the 30 second clip they show on CNN.

the officers are in no way responsible when a junkie with a history of ODing (this was his 3rd OD at least, he was hospitalized a month earlier for taking the same drugs) finally manages to kill himself.
Seeing that female EMT giving her testimony after admitting she video taped it and was calling them name and adding to the shit was hysterical to say the very least.

The guys that protect them on certain calls, and for her to do that, even off duty is the most dumbest thing I think I've seem in many years.

She should be fired from her job as an EMT/FF

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It took over 6 minutes for the medics to begin chest compressions and they never pushed narcan. The head of their department resigned but they never fired the medics for serious negligence. They couldn't and still have a successful prosecution of Chauvin. The medics were grossly negligent in there lack of care and lack of urgency in that care.
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It took over 6 minutes for the medics to begin chest compressions and they never pushed narcan. The head of their department resigned but they never fired the medics for serious negligence. They couldn't and still have a successful prosecution of Chauvin. The medics were grossly negligent in there lack of care and lack of urgency in that care.
I said the same exact thing when I saw it... I was like, you're stating you thought he was already dead, but moved around like molasses and didn't even try to start cpr or anything. Amazing, please don't send those paramedics if I need help.
It took over 6 minutes for the medics to begin chest compressions and they never pushed narcan. The head of their department resigned but they never fired the medics for serious negligence. They couldn't and still have a successful prosecution of Chauvin. The medics were grossly negligent in there lack of care and lack of urgency in that care.
So, it was described in court as a " load and go", basically do ABCs there and figure it out in the ambulance.

I havent seem the full video, but with the amount of fentanyl and coke in his system, I dont think it would have mattered at that point.

He was already hemorrhaging as upu could see the blood pouring from his nose/mouth area.

I once gave a patient a bit too much morphine and had to push narcan along with artificial respiration with a Bag Valve Mask.

If they were doing chest compressions on scene, then narcan wouldn't have done shit for him.

Just my .02 worth

Floyd was claiming he "couldnt breath" the entire time of the arrest......even when he was sitting in the car being left alone......that is why HE ASKED to be layed down, so the officers obliged his request and called EMTs

he didnt just start claiming he "couldnt breath" when Chauvin was restraining him.....youd know this if you actually bothered to watch the full video, and not just the 30 second clip they show on CNN.

the officers are in no way responsible when a junkie with a history of ODing (this was his 3rd OD at least, he was hospitalized a month earlier for taking the same drugs) finally manages to kill himself.
I dont watch CNN, MSM or support any liberal/leftist organizations! I watched the whole video. I stand by the fact if someone says they cant breathe when your knee is in the back or on the neck, you move them to make sure they are ok. Its the human thing to do.

Again, he was alive before the interaction. I promise, anyone drops their kids, spouse, dog, friend or what have you off with me and they die, and at the end of the day a video surfaces with my knee in their back or neck.....they/you are going to hold me responsible, no matter the cause of death. I agree the POS got what he has likely been seeking for years, but i still see responsibility on LE in this, unless there is more I am not seeing, my mind is set on that.
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To play the devil's advocate for your argument, don't you believe that police officers hear this ALL OF THE TIME? The bad guys do this so that you get off of them and gives them a chance to start a fight or to escape. The police already had a growing crowd of unruly bystanders. They were not there to help the police.

Lets just say that Chauvin would have gotten off of Floyd and he starts to fight back. This gets the crowd riled up and they become even more agitated. Then a mini riot occurs and who knows what happens next.

Secondly, the only thing that would have changed was the narrative. Floyd was a dead man walking before he was ever restrained. He would have still died in the custody of the police.

Then it would have been just another Freddie Gray.
I agree, and I have no doubt shit could unfold as you speak. The problem is I see LE as a regular job. More electricians die than LE. They both provide a service. One is no more a hero when they die doing their job. Actually a plumber, HVAC, asphalt paver, engineer, welder, probably provide a service more critical to your life than LE.

The same thing happens if you cut the wrong pipe or wire, or whatever causes you hell in your job, but you still have to do the ethical thing before and after your decision. I cant do sales or LE, because I cant deal with people. Yet, no matter your job you still have a duty to do it ethically, unless youre a POS!

We preach on this site about doing whats right all the time, whether voting, paying taxes, not aborting children, holding your fellow man to account. Its hard for me to see the right thing being you hold your knee on someone saying they cant breathe. Stand them up, sit them up, call EMS, or clear the airway.

Hindsights always 20/20 though.
This is off topic but, if LL could do this I would like and use it.

In the lower right hand corner is the like button and when you click on that these like, laugh, sad, angry things come up and you select how you feel about that post and I am good with that.

I would like to see an icon, emoji, or whatever they are called, with a Middle Finger sticking up that means FUCK YOU in there.

I would have used that in this thread several times and feel that several others here would have too. FM It is something that even I could understand.
I dont watch CNN, MSM or support any liberal/leftist organizations! I watched the whole video. I stand by the fact if someone says they cant breathe when your knee is in the back or on the neck, you move them to make sure they are ok. Its the human thing to do.

Again, he was alive before the interaction. I promise, anyone drops their kids, spouse, dog, friend or what have you off with me and they die, and at the end of the day a video surfaces with my knee in their back or neck.....they/you are going to hold me responsible, no matter the cause of death. I agree the POS got what he has likely been seeking for years, but i still see responsibility on LE in this, unless there is more I am not seeing, my mind is set on that.
if my dog ingests 4x the lethal amount of fentanyl....and then you need to put your knee on him to restrain him.....rest assured i will not hold you responsible for my dogs OD.

god this isnt like dads missing keys, where the last person to touch them is responsible.

hell, if i shook Floyds hand, and he died 10 minutes later, am i responsible for his death because i was the last to touch him?

if i bumped into Floyd on the sidewalk, then he died 10 minutes later, am i responsible?

if i put Floyd in a cop car and he died 10 minutes later, am i responsible?

if i had to restrain him on the ground, and he died 10 minutes later, am i responsible?

......where the fuck does this end?......

you cant just say, oh well the officer was the last person to interact, therefore we hold him responsible.......thats bullshit.

the dude had 4x the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system.......he was going to die regardless of what happened next.

you also need to prove the Chauvins actions directly caused floyd to die...not just, " oh he was with him last"........you have to actually medically prove that the knee was the cause of the death, and not the massive amount of drugs in floyds system.

and considering the autopsy showed no signs of trauma to floyds neck......thats going to be a hard one to prove.
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This is off topic but, if LL could do this I would like and use it.

In the lower right hand corner is the like button and when you click on that these like, laugh, sad, angry things come up and you select how you feel about that post and I am good with that.

I would like to see an icon, emoji, or whatever they are called, with a Middle Finger sticking up that means FUCK YOU in there.

I would have used that in this thread several times and feel that several others here would have too. FM It is something that even I could understand.
Like this 🖕. 😁
What now? This seems to go against the “he was kneeling on his neck”

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The problem isn’t whether Floyd died of his own doing, which he did, or whether Chauvin killed him on accident or accidentally on purpose. The problem is he died and everyone did a shit job dealing with it on video. That’s going to leave a bad taste in the public’s mouth.
The general public's collective head is so far up it's own ass that is it any wonder that there's a bad taste in their mouth?
I dont watch CNN, MSM or support any liberal/leftist organizations! I watched the whole video. I stand by the fact if someone says they cant breathe when your knee is in the back or on the neck, you move them to make sure they are ok. Its the human thing to do.

Again, he was alive before the interaction. I promise, anyone drops their kids, spouse, dog, friend or what have you off with me and they die, and at the end of the day a video surfaces with my knee in their back or neck.....they/you are going to hold me responsible, no matter the cause of death. I agree the POS got what he has likely been seeking for years, but i still see responsibility on LE in this, unless there is more I am not seeing, my mind is set on that.

You haven't ever talked to a junkie have you?

There isn't a human thing about most of them. More wild animal, as they demonstrate with the fucked up shit they do every damn day that most ignore.

Talk to a rookie LEO and he'll tell you about all these fucked up stories of crazy shit happening. Talk to the 10+ year LEO that was right beside him and it's just another day at work.

You learn quick that you'll spend 90% of your career dealing with the lowest 10% of the iq range and it'll be the same ones over and over.
I think it's amazing how the disdain for BLM has turned into this ball of contradictions.

Even if you never knew what color George Floyd was, it's pretty hard to ignore the fact that every witness on the ground told the officer that he was going to kill him, and that even a fellow officer suggested easing up on the knee to the neck.

Those are going to be hard details to ignore.

In general, I'm not a fan of police killing unarmed people. But you all's mileage may vary...
I dont watch CNN, MSM or support any liberal/leftist organizations! I watched the whole video. I stand by the fact if someone says they cant breathe when your knee is in the back or on the neck, you move them to make sure they are ok. Its the human thing to do.

Again, he was alive before the interaction. I promise, anyone drops their kids, spouse, dog, friend or what have you off with me and they die, and at the end of the day a video surfaces with my knee in their back or neck.....they/you are going to hold me responsible, no matter the cause of death. I agree the POS got what he has likely been seeking for years, but i still see responsibility on LE in this, unless there is more I am not seeing, my mind is set on that.
he was screaming "i can't breath!" while sitting in the squad car before all of this.
it appears the cop had his knee on floyd's shoulder.

that said, the training seems to indicate knee on the neck is used while getting the suspect under control, so whether or not this fits "policy" is unclear to me if floyd was already cuffed and basically helpless.

whether or not he is guilty of any of the charges isn't my call so my opinion means fuck all.
You haven't ever talked to a junkie have you?

There isn't a human thing about most of them. More wild animal, as they demonstrate with the fucked up shit they do every damn day that most ignore.

Talk to a rookie LEO and he'll tell you about all these fucked up stories of crazy shit happening. Talk to the 10+ year LEO that was right beside him and it's just another day at work.

You learn quick that you'll spend 90% of your career dealing with the lowest 10% of the iq range and it'll be the same ones over and over.
So why don't we just have ourselves a "purge" then? I mean fuck ethics, after all.

I'm no fan of junkies - and I'm hardly a humanitarian, but that doesn't really sound like well thought out logic.
that said, the training seems to indicate knee on the neck is used while getting the suspect under control, so whether or not this fits "policy" is unclear to me if floyd was already cuffed and basically helpless.
Ask anyone who has ever trained in JuJitsu or wrestling, what a knee to the neck does. If that's a police department policy anywhere, that doesn't really inspire confidence in the handling of suspects.

There's always going to necessarily be a threshold for the use of force, and always going to be a need for police. But I think that was pretty low, and anyone rooting for victory for officer Chauvin, ought to think about this one a little harder. I'm sure a few of us have gotten a visit from the local peacekeepers, after a bust-up or disagreement, where there was fair bit more animation than so-called "Fentanyl Floyd" was demonstrating.
Ask anyone who has ever trained in JuJitsu or wrestling, what a knee to the neck does. If that's a police department policy anywhere, that doesn't really inspire confidence in the handling of suspects.

There's always going to necessarily be a threshold for the use of force, and always going to be a need for police. But I think that was pretty low, and anyone rooting for victory for officer Chauvin, ought to think about this one a little harder. I'm sure a few of us have gotten a visit from the local peacekeepers, after a bust-up or disagreement, where there was fair bit more animation than so-called "Fentanyl Floyd" was demonstrating.
So why don't we just have ourselves a "purge" then? I mean fuck ethics, after all.

I'm no fan of junkies - and I'm hardly a humanitarian, but that doesn't really sound like well thought out logic.
go try to arrest some cracked out felons then come back here and lecture us on "ethics".

"hur dur the cops handled the woman abuser too roughly, hur dur"

why dont you tell us who is more "unethical".....the cop who used a dept approved restraint technique to control a potentially dangerous suspect.

oooooor a cracked out felon who OD'd trying to hide his stash because he didnt want to go back to jail.

jesus christ.......fucking retards are out in force over this douche bag........