Desert Tech TRASOL Official Thread

FWIW, the iOS version before the latest fix also had lots of issues with saving profiles and reverting back to the wrong (prior) units. I’m guessing until they release an Android update equivalent in functionality to the iOS version you will have no joy.
My phone setting is turned on to allow storage also. I have the exact same issue as what steelhead is saying. Well I feel better that I'm not the only one.


Under settings you can set your preferences on what unit of measurement you want to use. If you are having issues with TRASOL on android, look back to my earlier posts, I found some fixes
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I have a minor feature request - although it would be major if you went all in.

I would like to be able to turn off the dot/crosshair thingy in the middle of the hud. Why? So I can use the phone mounted to my spotter that already has a reticle.

Even better would be a "virtual reticle" that you could calibrate in order to make a non-reticle spotter a reticled spotter.

Just some thoughts.
Does anyone know if the developer plans to add the ability to pair via bluetooth with Kestrel units that are equipped with Link? Did a search but it didn't turn up anything.
I really like the accuracy of Trasol and find it very easy to use. But the addition of the ability to pair with my handheld weather meter (like Hornady 4dof, Ballistic AE, Shooter, etc.) would take it to the next level.
FWIW - iPhone XR and Kestrel 5500 w/Link.
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Same request - just Weatherflow.

Does anyone know if the developer plans to add the ability to pair via bluetooth with Kestrel units that are equipped with Link? Did a search but it didn't turn up anything.
I really like the accuracy of Trasol and find it very easy to use. But the addition of the ability to pair with my handheld weather meter (like Hornady 4dof, Ballistic AE, Shooter, etc.) would take it to the next level.
FWIW - iPhone XR and Kestrel 5500 w/Link.
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Just checked my Trasol app(I don’t use it very often), and iOS version isn’t adding the correction factor for the scope clicks
Just thought I'd try this again to see if anything's changed, nope, no updates in two years, doesn't load on current Android OS, still pretty worthless.
Mate. I just got it to work on my Android Samsung Galaxy S9. Find the app. Hold your finger on it. Go to app info. Go down to permissions and enable all permissions. Then it worked for me. 2 years and 2 different phones and I finally got it to work after spending good money on it.
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Mate. I just got it to work on my Android Samsung Galaxy S9. Find the app. Hold your finger on it. Go to app info. Go down to permissions and enable all permissions. Then it worked for me. 2 years and 2 different phones and I finally got it to work after spending good money on it.
I thought @Lowlight said they haven't updated the Android version?
Mate. I just got it to work on my Android Samsung Galaxy S9. Find the app. Hold your finger on it. Go to app info. Go down to permissions and enable all permissions. Then it worked for me. 2 years and 2 different phones and I finally got it to work after spending good money on it.

I finally got it to work on an S7 thanks to the above message. Only difference is I had to go into settings and give the permissions to the app that way.
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I forget which podcast, but i thought there was a fundamental change in the internal calculator and models that was not updated in the Android despite the tool not even working?

So i see you got it to run, but is it a fundamentaly different solver?
I forget which podcast, but i thought there was a fundamental change in the internal calculator and models that was not updated in the Android despite the tool not even working?

So i see you got it to run, but is it a fundamentaly different solver?
I'm not sure mate. I'll have to look into it more. I couldn't get it to run on my Android. Now it does. One of my shooting buddies runs it on Android and doesn't have issues up to 1000 yards. I bought the app years ago and it never even ran on my phone.
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The layout is Fantastic but the data is incorrect. For example, @ 200 yards my Dope reads 1.78 MOA up, but @ 195 yards it reads 2.7 MOA up. Obviously something is off.
Sorry, bad explanation.

the app works but there are some bugs:. P.e.: when you want to input actual weather data under "Density altititude" it not works. You only can input DA, but you cant input pressure, humidity or temp. The fields seem blocked...

If you use DA, you don't need to input pressure/humidty/temp, etc. They are mutually exclusive. Turn DA off. Then you can input the other stuff. You would use one or the other. But not both. That's the benefit of using DA. You only have one number to keep track of.
Not sure if it's been covered but has anyone noticed if you pull up the data table 5 yards short of 100 yard increments (ie. 295 to 300 yards) the table says you actually need like .2 mils less at 300 than at 295 and then it slowly starts to increases required elevation at 305, 310 etc. There's clearly a glitch with this software/formulas TRASOL uses. I had a friend check his as well and it does the same thing.
Not sure if it's been covered but has anyone noticed if you pull up the data table 5 yards short of 100 yard increments (ie. 295 to 300 yards) the table says you actually need like .2 mils less at 300 than at 295 and then it slowly starts to increases required elevation at 305, 310 etc. There's clearly a glitch with this software/formulas TRASOL uses. I had a friend check his as well and it does the same thing.

Yes, it is true and has been addressed previously in this thread. It is part of the way the program is written.
@cro789 your settings are fine, and the app is working as expected.

What you're seeing is an artifact of the underlying ballistics engine, where the trajectory periodically needs to be "adjusted" to account for the changing velocity throughout the bullet's flight. The theory is pretty heavy, but basically: your Ballistic Coefficient is dependent on velocity (most published values assume a specific set of conditions), and as the bullet slows the drag needs to be re-computed to account for the new velocity. In a perfect world this would happen at each time step (i.e. each yard), but this would be pretty compute-intensive, so instead the adjustments happen at predetermined intervals.

To help visualize this better, here's a graph of your specific bullet's trajectory, zoomed in to the interesting portion:

View attachment 6938134

Here you can see 3 instances where the adjustment occurs, and the first "spike" explains the result you're seeing. This might seem undesirable, but keep this in mind: these spikes are relatively small (I adjusted to graph to exaggerate the detail), and the effects actually become less pronounced at longer ranges. At the distances most shooters are using TRASOL, the effects are completely negligible. The benefits to these adjustments, however, are significant.

Hope this helps.

@generalzip here is the answer to your question I believe
Thanks. HAve they addressed this and issues a date it will be fixed? Or are they not planning to fix it? The app seems great other than this but as it is now I’d never trust it for a PRS match

Per Hundley's comments (he is the programmer so he should know) the issue is more pronounced at short range so it should be less of an issue at the longer ranges. In spite of this quirk it is the most accurate solver I have used, I try to just "average" the spikes out when looking at the table.
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Per Hundley's comments (he is the programmer so he should know) the issue is more pronounced at short range so it should be less of an issue at the longer ranges. In spite of this quirk it is the most accurate solver I have used, I try to just "average" the spikes out when looking at the table.
FWIW I have also addressed this very same topic time ago, and it's not happening in Coldbore (Patagonia) despite the fact TRASOL runs on the same engine. My guess is DT somehow altered the code and now they don't know what to do in order to fix this error. That's why I stick to CB, most accurate solver I've ever used, just got a Windows Phone (used, very cheap) and never looked back to TRASOL
Gotcha. Sounds like it may be a great app for ELR. It works great for me at 1000 however the issues it causes at 300-600 are too great for me to ever use it for PRS.

I've never had an issue. I shoot from 100 out to 1200 and at any random distance between and the data is always within about 0.1 or 0.2 mil.
These are screen shots from Trasol 2.0 on my iPhone, the adjustments are not tracking, they jump up and down in multiple distances. What am I doing wrong?


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You're not reading this whole thread.... This question has been asked 4-5 times now. Its part of the programming, you can't fix it. Don't look at your drop at 5 yard increments and it won't bother you :p. Its more pronounced at short range, after 400 I don't think it happens, or at least not to the same degree.
For those that have updated the iOS version, can you check your moving target inputs and then also adjust your wind inputs. At first the program adjust the lead output to reflect the wind and mover speed. Then when you change the wind to something else, the lead outputs remain and do not update for any new wind input.
The work around is closing the app and relaunching it. Sometimes if you delete both mover and wind inputs it will work but the problem still remains for any new change to the inputs; but, most of the time that method doesn’t work.
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For those that have updated the iOS version, can you check your moving target inputs and then also adjust your wind inputs. At first the program adjust the lead output to reflect the wind and mover speed. Then when you change the wind to something else, the lead outputs remain and do not update for any new wind input.
The work around is closing the app and relaunching it. Sometimes if you delete both mover and wind inputs it will work but the problem still remains for any new change to the inputs; but, most of the time that method doesn’t work.
i just tried changing inputs on my ipad mini 4 and XS running the latest version of IOS and the app. i can't get lead time to change for anything. and i've force closed the app on both
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