Re: DIY savage bolt lift kit...
Tag. I've been doing a lot of reading lately on this subject. Looking for the least expensive means of improving the lift, and smoothness of my bolt on my Savage 10. I keep going back and forth on the matter.
Axeman, you are in Topeka, only a hour from me here in KC. If you'd like to get together when your rifles together, or even before then, we can do some shooting, or perhaps I can just learn some thing from you. I'm a bit timid to take my bolt apart at this time. I'm sure I just need to do it and quit being a sissy about it.
Don't know if you have a good long place to shoot, but about 25min east of me (NE KC) I have a great spot at about 1200y long and quite safe, we can go there. I need somebody to shoot with, going out by myself is getting old.