Folks really don't get the whole ANTIFA thing , DJT ideas of declaring it terrorist org just further confused folks.
ANTIFA has no HQ , its not an organisation , It does not have leaders or members. It does not have a platform,its a quasi movement and idea ,folks round the world roll their own, only thing that is common is the logo or the flag that is a clone of a german pre ww2 'antifa'. That’s it no secret handshake ,no training camps, no Soros money .
''Antifascism'' a loose ideology started in our neck of woods in 1920's , but generaly goes along these lines > Fascism is bad>steps should be taken to stop fascism before its to late>sometimes it takes violence to effect things.
Folks wearing black clothes and masks does not Antifa make .
HK never seen Antifa
original logo ,before it was cool 1933, but Antifascist actions predate these Germans by at least a decade.
haha, thats what they want you to think...."oh were not a group, ANTIFA is just an idea!"
there are plenty of videos proving ANTIFA has an organized structure with leaders, membership and funding.
it may not have a national leader.....but you expect me to believe no one is in charge of each individual chapter? one is organizing them?...
hmmm...a lot of orginization and funding for a group that doesnt exist....
hmmm....a lot of training for a group that doesnt exist....
"oh were not an organized group....we just have chapters, membership, meetings, uniforms, a banner, training and funding...."
thats a fucking organization!
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