Re: Drills
I had a set of standards that I was kind of working with similar to the rifle bounce but I had set it up more for competitions. In that with most competitions you will start the stage with an unloaded rifle and will have to set and load your rifle before shooting.
2MOA targets set at 100 (1" dimond, paper), 300 (6" steel), and 600yds (12" steel)
Start from the standing rifle in carry or ready, unloaded, caps zeroed, bipod in up position. On the buzzer you have to drop down set rifle, load, lase targets, and engage with 2 shots each target dialing elevation and windage.
Repeat the above except instead of dialing you perform hold overs/unders to engage all three targets, by either keeping your scope on zero or dialing your mid range dope.
A starting time would be able to do it under 1 min.
You can also throw in reloads in between targets to make it more of a challenge and add another weapons handling skill. Since with most competitions you would have to unload before moving to another position, you could add having to move position to position unloading and loading each time. Doesn't have to be far, maybe just a couple of yards to each one and of course you would have to adjust your times.