Election deniers, do you vote?

The problem is not the people who don’t vote, the problems is all the dumb fuckers that think this problem can be fixed in a voting booth and won’t admit to themselves that we are way past that point……
The problem is not the people who don’t vote? That is the stupidest shit I’ve heard in a long time. Listen non-voting fuckwits. Trump won in 2016 because he got more votes than they cheated for. Is that really that hard to understand. He was never supposed to win then but overwhelmed the cheat machine. But stay home and bitch, that’s what they want.
The problem is not the people who don’t vote? That is the stupidest shit I’ve heard in a long time. Listen non-voting fuckwits. Trump won in 2016 because he got more votes than they cheated for. Is that really that hard to understand. He was never supposed to win then but overwhelmed the cheat machine. But stay home and bitch, that’s what they want.
Gentleman may I present to you,Stockholm syndrome……..
I never miss an election because NOT voting is surrender, and I'm no coward. I also know the 2020 election was stolen from Americans and Trump- there's more than enough objective evidence showing exactly how it happened. (That's a totally separate issue from the fact that even SCOTUS wouldn't hear the legal challenges to the election- for political reasons).
I am 100% right with you on everything in this post.Trump wasnt allowed to win in 2020 and no one was allowed to question it.Between those two things and the MSM 24/7 brainwashing the stooges on how fair the election was and how secure it was he and we didn't stand a chance.Has anything changed?That depends on if the Republicans and judicial branches grew any balls.We will see. We know the left only has gotten more emboldened and brazen and sneaky in the last 31/2 years so we better keep up or better yet get ahead for fuck sake.
vote early.

vote often.
You don’t get it do you? For every real vote cast, one fake is needed to nullify that and two are needed to take a lead. They only have so much capacity to cheat. Will they cheat? yes. Can they cheat enough to overcome a flood of Trump votes? Only if idiots like you stay home. But keep shilling your bullshit like Big Mike wants and stay home. Some can’t. Be reached
So Dominion voting machines are programmed to change votes from one candidate to the other. How's that work in your mathematical algorithm there genius?
If two out of three Trump votes is changed to a Camel Toe vote. Doesn't that mean that the more real votes for Trump are actually counted as votes for Camel Toe?
I bet you think Las Vegas was built by winners.
So Dominion voting machines are programmed to change votes from one candidate to the other. How's that work in your mathematical algorithm there genius?
If two out of three Trump votes is changed to a Camel Toe vote. Doesn't that mean that the more real votes for Trump are actually counted as votes for Camel Toe?
I bet you think Las Vegas was built by winners.
I see what you did there………very nice indeed..
So Dominion voting machines are programmed to change votes from one candidate to the other. How's that work in your mathematical algorithm there genius?
If two out of three Trump votes is changed to a Camel Toe vote. Doesn't that mean that the more real votes for Trump are actually counted as votes for Camel Toe?
I bet you think Las Vegas was built by winners.
That’s a great point, wow, we are doomed. I’m staying home too so I can be one of the cool kids like you. Together we sure will show them we can’t win anything because they are smarter than we are. I never knew how useless we were until you graced me with your vast knowledge. Let me know when it’s not time to do something about loosing too so we can sit that one out too.
All these hardcore “MUST voters” showing up just now to tell us how they are awesome and we are shit. Where the fuck have you been the last 4 1/2 years? In 6 months you will be kneeling quietly just like you did until last week. Like retards throwing dust in the air until dad squares up with you, and then it’s back to sitting quietly. Me? The fuck if I am going to engage with glowies and shriekers and get my life destroyed while you stand quietly and shake your finger at me. Until the loud talkers are starving in the street ain’t fuck all going to change. My goal is to survive longer.
That’s a great point, wow, we are doomed. I’m staying home too so I can be one of the cool kids like you. Together we sure will show them we can’t win anything because they are smarter than we are. I never knew how useless we were until you graced me with your vast knowledge. Let me know when it’s not time to do something about loosing too so we can sit that one out too.
If you think dc is going to be place where problems are fixed you’re not half as smart as you think you are
How many times did you vote for the lesser of two evils? How many times did you vote for a candidate that said all the right things before the election and then did the opposite?
Quite a bit. Just like a lot of people on here, most likely. So what's your point?

Are you just gonna sit at home and wring your hands and clutch your pearls?

And back to your question, there have actually been a few times where I couldn't stomach the thought of voting for either candidate, so I voted "None of the Above" with one of those big Sharpies, writing it right across the ballot.

The machine wouldn't take it, so the election worker had to hit the override button so it would.

So even though I didn't vote for a candidate, I still cast my ballot.

Did it mean anything, in the grand scheme of things? Not at all, but I still felt right about it.
So Dominion voting machines are programmed to change votes from one candidate to the other. How's that work in your mathematical algorithm there genius?
If two out of three Trump votes is changed to a Camel Toe vote. Doesn't that mean that the more real votes for Trump are actually counted as votes for Camel Toe?
I bet you think Las Vegas was built by winners.

Didn’t Fox News just give Dominion $787 million dollars over that very allegation?
i have always voted and often realized that it is a (minor) waste of time. i think it is disrespectful to the memory of all the men who have died after being deluded into thinking that that is what they were fighting for. more and more we know that is not the case but most of them believed it.
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Quite a bit. Just like a lot of people on here, most likely. So what's your point?

Are you just gonna sit at home and wring your hands and clutch your pearls?

The point?
DC is equivalent to Las Vegas. The house is the favorite. You may occasionally get a win but they are playing the long game and eventually they will take back the minor win and more. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. You can parse it anyway you like but it still comes up snake eyes. Accept that and prepare yourself and your dependents to live very based. If you haven't noticed. They have imported 50 million people that have lived in third world shit holes. They'll have no problem dealing with what is to come. They will have no problem taking what you have. While Americans whine about not having an $8 Starbucks latte and a Big Mac.
Do you know why they are treating the January 6 people the way they are? It's to scare you from doing what they are doing in Venezuela. Notice how the Pravda is not showing that shit show?

Yeah, I'm sitting here clutching my pearls.
Didn’t Fox News just give Dominion $787 million dollars over that very allegation?
How much COVID money did Fox get?
Didn't they find Trump guilty of 34 made up felonies? Didn't they just say that mar a logo was only worth 18 million dollars and Trump was guilty of fraud for saying that it's value is 300 million?
All five branches of government are corrupt
How much COVID money did Fox get?
Didn't they find Trump guilty of 34 made up felonies? Didn't they just say that mar a logo was only worth 18 million dollars and Trump was guilty of fraud for saying that it's value is 300 million?
All five branches of government are corrupt

None of what you just stated has anything to do with dominion machines being programmed to switch votes. No one has been able to prove that. I suspect that allegation was planted out there so our side would run with it and ultimately be discredited and result in a transfer of a shitload of money to the enemy.

It’s not a reason to stay home on Election Day.
None of what you just stated has anything to do with dominion machines being programmed to switch votes. No one has been able to prove that. I suspect that allegation was planted out there so our side would run with it and ultimately be discredited and result in a transfer of a shitload of money to the enemy.

It’s not a reason to stay home on Election Day.
Who told you that? Pravda, the government? And you believe them?
Insanity= Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.
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I'm as cynical as anyone. As for voting, to me it's simple. No such thing as a perfect candidate, you can find flaws in anyone.

To expect a perfect candidate isn't living in reality and IMO shows ignorance on "just how life works".

As for the voting doesn't matter. Election security concerns aren't the same as "it doesn't matter". They are not mutually inclusive issues.

I respect a persons right to not vote, it is of course an individuals choice. For my part, it's getting kids my sons age more involved. The leftist kids his age are already politically motivated, and the free-thinkers need to get involved as well...not sure it makes a difference but something I can do...
NOT Voting is cowardly and a cop-out on life. The mental gymnastics being done to rationalize that cowardice are pathetic. FOAD.
Let me see. Vote for authoritarian criminal democrats that want to rob me blind and control my life or vote for authoritarian criminal republicans that want the same. Which to choose, which to choose. How about I choose none of them because I have self respect and refuse to support either party of criminal scum. I’ll vote again when a candidate promises to burn this motherfucker down from the inside and I will not settle for anything less.

Did you “voting is fighting” faggots wear a mask and stand 6’ apart in 2020 because you were told? Hell did ya’ll wear it while voting in the last fake election? Yeah that’s fighting right there.

The real fix is ignoring gov’t altogether while protecting one another from their badged gang members that make all this evil possible. That would be doing something.
You sound like a thin skinned liberal. Sure you are on the right site?

None of your posts are related to actual shooting. So you just exist in the Pit to stir up political bullshit. Either you have a really fucking boring life or your one of the many paid trolls from the likes of shareblue and open societies. Maybe even a dataminer, but you don't come off as intelligent enough for that.
You are correct. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. And for the most part, have little to offer. I take more than I can give.

That’s why I hang out here, to read what smarter, more experienced people, who can write, have to say.

And I like guns.

Everyday this site delivers.
Not voting is giving in and letting evil win. It’s not that much effort to cast a ballot and if you don’t vote, you lose the right to ever complain about anything involving politics. That’s why the Dems win. They are more unified and more passionate that the Republicans/conservative right. They want gender mutilation, HRT, men in women sports, illegals crossing the borders, censorship, etc. if you are fine with all that, then by all means don’t vote but you can’t complain either because you are part of the problem.
Not voting is giving in and letting evil win. It’s not that much effort to cast a ballot and if you don’t vote, you lose the right to ever complain about anything involving politics. That’s why the Dems win. They are more unified and more passionate that the Republicans/conservative right. They want gender mutilation, HRT, men in women sports, illegals crossing the borders, censorship, etc. if you are fine with all that, then by all means don’t vote but you can’t complain either because you are part of the problem.
Trying to beat them at their own game is a fool’s errand. Mock/ignore/disengage as much as you possibly can and then maybe they will start to change
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The biggest Karens, the most miserable complainers in The Pit, are the same people saying they won't vote.
I am seeing the same but unfortunately, it’s the same in the real world. They want to complain but do nothing to change what’s going on in the world. Quitting never works in anything in life.
I am seeing the same but unfortunately, it’s the same in the real world. They want to complain but do nothing to change what’s going on in the world. Quitting never works in anything in life.
Those Negative Nancies are like a cancer in the locker room- best thing to do is just put them on your Ignore List.
Keep patting yourselves on the back while keeping up the good fight. Wear that “I voted” sticker as the badge of honor it is. Voting away your “rights” one rigged election at a time is a sure path to victory. I am now convinced.

Tom MacDonald, The System
“Pick your team, right or left, pick the red pill or the blue
You can vote, but even if you win, still everyone will lose.”

By all means vote. Just don’t act like you are fighting for what’s right by voting for psychopathic criminal politicians on either side. You are doing nothing more than legitimizing the illegitimate.
That’s a great point, wow, we are doomed. I’m staying home too so I can be one of the cool kids like you. Together we sure will show them we can’t win anything because they are smarter than we are. I never knew how useless we were until you graced me with your vast knowledge. Let me know when it’s not time to do something about loosing too so we can sit that one out too.
Let's say Trump wins, then what? Remember when he won in 2016......do you remember what happened? Remember when Bush won? Do you remember all the improvement that happened? Name them, from either victory. Show us the personal improvement in your life that you gained.

Let's go so far back as King George. Do you notice how much better off we are than the people in the UK. Think about all the improvement we have over the UK from voting. Name them.....

You know the most important voting you do.......it's when you vote on improvement in your life. The voting you do in your head when you wake up in the morning.

Sorry, but no amount of voting is going to correct the bullshit going on right now. The problem is not leadership.....the problem is in the mirror. Lost morals! Voting is a delusion, but if it makes a person feel better....then do it! Vote like your life depends on it! IF ONLY TRUMP gets elected, right?

You know the best thing we could do to fix SOME things, stop the flow of money to bullshit, but that is too much sacrifice. My wife and kids NEEDs these things that make life easier! Why make those sacrifices, when you can just go vote, right?

Voting is going to fix things.......continue...............
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Keep patting yourselves on the back while keeping up the good fight. Wear that “I voted” sticker as the badge of honor it is. Voting away your “rights” one rigged election at a time is a sure path to victory. I am now convinced.

Tom MacDonald, The System
“Pick your team, right or left, pick the red pill or the blue
You can vote, but even if you win, still everyone will lose.”

By all means vote. Just don’t act like you are fighting for what’s right by voting for psychopathic criminal politicians on either side. You are doing nothing more than legitimizing the illegitimate.
There's some wisdom in cynicism, means you've been through or know a lot, or both. I'd like to mention Jesus and his life as a source of wisdom. If this is not the appropriate place to mention that or if its a detractor on the conversation direction I'll delete the response. It's meaningful to me that's all.
Voting is a satanic masonic humiliation ritual in which the end goal is for you to give your consent and participate in. Stolen elections? WE JUST GOTTA VOOOOOOOOTE HARDER NEXT TIME. TRUST THE PLAN, 2 MORE WEEKS.

This is the reason why they call you goyim.


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Let me see. Vote for authoritarian criminal democrats that want to rob me blind and control my life or vote for authoritarian criminal republicans that want the same. Which to choose, which to choose. How about I choose none of them because I have self respect and refuse to support either party of criminal scum.
So, this is all it takes to keep authoritarian criminal politicians from robbing you blind and controlling your life?
Mmm K
The real fix is ignoring gov’t ALTOGETHER while protecting one another from their badged gang members that make all this evil possible. That would be doing something.
When did you stop paying ANY taxes?
So much for you ignoring the govt ALTOGETHER, eh?
Yeah, that's fighting right there.
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Let's say Trump wins, then what? Remember when he won in 2016......do you remember what happened? Remember when Bush won? Do you remember all the improvement that happened? Name them, from either victory. Show us the personal improvement in your life that you gained.

Let's go so far back as King George. Do you notice how much better off we are than the people in the UK. Think about all the improvement we have over the UK from voting. Name them.....

You know the most important voting you do.......it's when you vote on improvement in your life. The voting you do in your head when you wake up in the morning.

Sorry, but no amount of voting is going to correct the bullshit going on right now. The problem is not leadership.....the problem is in the mirror. Lost morals! Voting is a delusion, but if it makes a person feel better....then do it! Vote like your life depends on it! IF ONLY TRUMP gets elected, right?

You know the best thing we could do to fix SOME things, stop the flow of money to bullshit, but that is too much sacrifice. My wife and kids NEEDs these things that make life easier! Why make those sacrifices, when you can just go vote, right?

Voting is going to fix things.......continue...............

Supreme Court appointments