Election deniers, do you vote?

B/c most conservatives know the election was stolen.

This ^^^.

The people who lie to themselves think the proof of their view is that "SCOTUS wouldn't take up any of the election fraud cases brought by Trump and allies".

But there's so much objective evidence of the "Biden Steal" that we even know HOW the election was stolen.
Supreme Court appointments

How nice it would be if that did work, but you see how the legislatures are ignoring SCOTUS and passing legislation that flies in the face of SCOTUS rule and the US Constitution. Especially Anti-2A legislation. They don't care! They know it will take decades for the litigation to reach SCOTUS, let alone generate rulings/judgements. And, if the judgement is not to their liking, they'll just pass more legislation that does the same thing and let them take it through the court systems again.

Like it or not, the legislative branch of govt is the most powerful branch. An it's there that we have to make changes to get things done. So we need to vote and vote the bastards out, where needed. Granted, we also need to find the right people to vote in, but that's a different matter.

Voting is the only thing we can do, short of direct/outright "reformation of govt" (read: Rev. 2.0). If you can't offer any other suggestions besides voting, then be prepared for that other "reform" scenario, and a bunch of "wet teams!"
So, this is all it takes to keep authoritarian criminal politicians from robbing you blind and controlling your life?
Mmm K

When did you stop paying ANY taxes?
So much for you ignoring the govt ALTOGETHER, eh?
Yeah, that's fighting right there.
You said nothing of substance but I’ll respond anyhow to further clarify my position.

I “pay taxes” because of the gun to my head held by the same LEO that the back the blue idiots idolize. It’s the same reason you “pay” yours. In reality it’s armed robbery and not a choice at all. Martyrdom is for the foolish so one man against gov’ts mindless immoral drones makes little sense.

When I said ignore gov’t altogether, I did indeed mean their rigged elections, kangaroo courts, taxes, fines, penalties, mandates, and most of all their legalized badged gang members that are responsible for all the evil of gov’t. This is the only way for people to transfer power from corrupt politicians and their blue army, back to themselves but people will have to understand this to be true first. Maybe one day the ignorant masses will break away from their indoctrination after another dozen authoritarian covid-like transfer of wealth/power psyops with in your face fake elections and the continuation of police protecting degenerates and criminals to the detriment of those they pretend to protect. Until then all we can do is bring awareness while challenging peoples brainwashed minds full of thoughts that aren’t their own.

Once again, I’m not telling anyone not to vote. I’m just expressing why I no longer will, what it would take for me to once again, and what the path to change would actually look like.
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You said nothing of substance but I’ll respond anyhow to further clarify my position.

I “pay taxes” because of the gun to my head held by the same LEO that the back the blue idiots idolize. It’s the same reason you “pay” yours. In reality it’s armed robbery and not a choice at all. Martyrdom is for the foolish so one man against gov’ts mindless immoral drones makes little sense.

When I said ignore gov’t altogether, I did indeed mean their rigged elections, kangaroo courts, taxes, fines, penalties, mandates, and most of all their legalized badged gang members that are responsible for all the evil of gov’t. This is the only way for people to transfer power from corrupt politicians and their blue army, back to themselves but people will have to understand this to be true first. Maybe one day the ignorant masses will break away from their indoctrination after another dozen authoritarian covid-like transfer of wealth/power psyops with in your face fake elections and the continuation of police protecting degenerates and criminals to the detriment of those they pretend to protect. Until then all we can do is bring awareness while challenging peoples brainwashed minds full of thoughts that aren’t their own.

Once again, I’m not telling anyone not to vote. I’m just expressing why I no longer will, what it would take for me to once again, and what the path to change would actually look like.
well ranted points. you do realize that what you or any indiv citizen does or doesn't do matters not at all?
"it's a big club and you ain't in it."
When I said ignore gov’t altogether, I did indeed mean their rigged elections, kangaroo courts, taxes, fines, penalties, mandates, and most of all their legalized badged gang members that are responsible for all the evil of gov’t.
@wade2big How are you going to ignore the ones in red. They are just going to send men with guns if you do…
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@wade2big How are you going to ignore the ones in red. They are just going to send men with guns if you do…
And if we were to ignore all those, and I have asked this before, all I get is re-inventing the wheel. To quote the Who,

"Meet the new boss.
Same as the old boss."

If we got rid of cops and courts, then how do we settle disputes?

And if we have good guys who will get rid of bad guys for us, how do we tell them apart? Distinctive clothing? How do we know the car behind us is good guys? Marked with something or some kind of signaling equipment to let us know?

Man is not perfect and will need policing and society.

Some others just don't like that.
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@wade2big How are you going to ignore the ones in red. They are just going to send men with guns if you do…
Of course they will. I understand that gov’t exists purely by intimidation and violence and there is nothing righteous or moral about it. Enough people would have to come to this realization and turn their backs while protecting one another while doing so. I happen to believe armed robbery, kidnapping and murder is wrong even when gov’ts hire men to “legally” do it. I’m not naive enough to believe it would actually happen. Men love to worship god and gov’t. They crave to be slaves every chance they get.

And if we were to ignore all those, and I have asked this before, all I get is re-inventing the wheel. To quote the Who,

"Meet the new boss.
Same as the old boss."

If we got rid of cops and courts, then how do we settle disputes?

And if we have good guys who will get rid of bad guys for us, how do we tell them apart? Distinctive clothing? How do we know the car behind us is good guys? Marked with something or some kind of signaling equipment to let us know?

Man is not perfect and will need policing and society.

Some others just don't like that.
So tyranny and gov’t mass murder it is. Just like it has always been I suppose. We are kind of off topic anyhow. Right now the gov’t you worship is a mass murdering criminal empire full of immoral statists who will do anything for a paycheck. How about we come to terms with this and not be OK with it. We don’t even have to discuss the extremes to do so.
So tyranny and gov’t mass murder it is. Just like it has always been I suppose. We are kind of off topic anyhow. Right now the gov’t you love is a mass murdering criminal empire. How about we come to terms with this and not be happy about it.
And your replacement? It will suck just as bad.

Robespierre in the modern day.
And your replacement? It will suck just as bad.

Robespierre in the modern day.
Ok. It’s scary to be responsible for ourselves isn’t it? Wouldn’t want to take a chance now would we. It’s easier to accept the evil that controls us now. He’ll I’m going to go vote in the next election. It’s fun choosing the man who will rule over me by threats of imprisonment and murder while stealing away my families wealth to enrich themselves. It’s god’s plan after all.

Back to the real world now. It’s not lack of gov’t that’s the problem. It is far too much of it and you know it so stop strawmanning an argument for the sake of argument in an attempt to defend gov’t as you always do. Any reasonable person could probably agree that less is more when it comes to gov’t control.
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Sadly, they are going to win everything likely whether people stay home or not.
Well, when we look at the betting odds, DJT is still the clear favorite to win:

And if we were to ignore all those, and I have asked this before, all I get is re-inventing the wheel. To quote the Who,

"Meet the new boss.
Same as the old boss."

If we got rid of cops and courts, then how do we settle disputes?

And if we have good guys who will get rid of bad guys for us, how do we tell them apart? Distinctive clothing? How do we know the car behind us is good guys? Marked with something or some kind of signaling equipment to let us know?

Man is not perfect and will need policing and society.

Some others just don't like that.
Here’s some homework. Article with hyperlinked references about libertarian legal theory. This is how it could work. Don’t start talking shit before you do a little reading, please

I’ve got some more from Lysander Spooner

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Here’s some homework. Article with hyperlinked references about libertarian legal theory. This is how it could work. Don’t start talking shit before you do a little reading, please

I’ve got some more from Lysander Spooner

You should work on your interpersonal relationship skills. But no, you have to be insulting, which is the sign of someone who has a weak position.

Yes, we would like peaceful society. But it is the same thing as saying locks only keep honest people out.

Because there plenty of dishonest people doing wrong things and asking them to believe in libertarian legal theory is wasting precious breath.

I am being realistic. There is what I would like the world to be and there is how the world is.

So, try to respond with less insulting tone. How about we try that, eh?
I am being realistic. There is what I would like the world to be and there is how the world is.
Reality check:
Legislative Branch= corrupt
Executive branch= corrupt
Judicial branch= corrupt
Alphabet branch= corrupt
Pravda media branch= corrupt
Republicants= corrupt
Democraps= corrupt
This is reality ^^^^^
How has casting your vote been doing so far? But by all means. Keep doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting a different outcome.
Reality check:
Legislative Branch= corrupt
Executive branch= corrupt
Judicial branch= corrupt
Alphabet branch= corrupt
Pravda media branch= corrupt
Republicants= corrupt
Democraps= corrupt
This is reality ^^^^^
How has casting your vote been doing so far? But by all means. Keep doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting a different outcome.
And doing nothing is not going to help anything.

My problem is that I do not give up. It is a result of the people I grew up with and around.

Accomplish the objective regardless of obstacles. And that includes naysayers.
All those entities are corrupted because of democrats who win because people like you don’t vote.

You really should research Madison Cawthorn. He was a Republican that did not want to join the club and he did a little talking about how they tried to get him into the club. They got rid of him quick. If you pay attention to his story, you will see behind the curtain. There are no good republicans.

The republicans are just playing a game to keep you calm. They are the exact same as the democrats, it's all bread and circuses. The republic is long gone people...wake the fuck up and stop believing in the theater of a 2 party system where one side is for you.

Republicans are not on your side.

No one is coming to save you.

Literally everything you see happening is a show.

It's going to get real bad soon.

We are not voting our way out of this.
You really should research Madison Cawthorn. He was a Republican that did not want to join the club and he did a little talking about how they tried to get him into the club. They got rid of him quick. If you pay attention to his story, you will see behind the curtain. There are no good republicans.

The republicans are just playing a game to keep you calm. They are the exact same as the democrats, it's all bread and circuses. The republic is long gone people...wake the fuck up and stop believing in the theater of a 2 party system where one side is for you.

Republicans are not on your side.

No one is coming to save you.

Literally everything you see happening is a show.

It's going to get real bad soon.

We are not voting our way out of this.

Yes we are.
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Holding the turd by the clean end is helping?
And the libertarian hope for all to behave is not going to happen because people are bad. Hence, the need for police and courts.

Jesus Christ, even a group like the Hell's Angels have organization and enforcement within the club.

Why? Because people are bad.

So, Robespierre and others did all this work during the French Revolution.

Look at France now. Same song, second day.
And the libertarian hope for all to behave is not going to happen because people are bad. Hence, the need for police and courts.

Jesus Christ, even a group like the Hell's Angels have organization and enforcement within the club.

Why? Because people are bad.

So, Robespierre and others did all this work during the French Revolution.

Look at France now. Same song, second day.
Good grief. It's been said a thousand times. LIMITED!!! LIMITED!! WTF is wrong with y'all?? Running around screaming ANARCHIST!! Because we believe in a LIMITED government.
And the libertarian hope for all to behave is not going to happen because people are bad. Hence, the need for police and courts.

Jesus Christ, even a group like the Hell's Angels have organization and enforcement within the club.

Why? Because people are bad.

So, Robespierre and others did all this work during the French Revolution.

Look at France now. Same song, second day.
Do you break down and dissect your own thoughts? It doesn’t seem like you do. You are saying people are inherently bad so therefore the masses should not only accept but require a select few of these same inherently bad hombres that so happen to desire ruling over others, to amass an army (police) and then use this force to violently suppress these same people for the good of the whole. There are logical positions regarding the necessity of gov’t but this isn’t one of them.

I’ll support the man who promises to dismantle this beast from the inside and fire every gov’t leach he can on day one while making it his mission to weaken the state every chance he gets. I’ll support nothing less because anything less is more of the same. Fuck the democrats and the republicans both. Anyone not arguing for less gov’t institutions by large margins is an evil man. Millions of people need to be removed from this criminal organization.
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Look we know the democrats will cheat, we must all vote for President Trump in such numbers that even with all the democrats cheating President Trump wins.
If the progressives (socialist) win, the USA win know and love will cease to exist!
You're like several decades late
You should work on your interpersonal relationship skills. But no, you have to be insulting, which is the sign of someone who has a weak position.

Yes, we would like peaceful society. But it is the same thing as saying locks only keep honest people out.

Because there plenty of dishonest people doing wrong things and asking them to believe in libertarian legal theory is wasting precious breath.

I am being realistic. There is what I would like the world to be and there is how the world is.

So, try to respond with less insulting tone. How about we try that, eh?
I responded about as un-insulting as someone “right leaning” could expect I thought. With facts/info to back up a claim, which I’ve also done with you in the past. Do you want to know how us libertarian types think these situations can be fixed or not? If you do, it’s going to take some reading on your part. I don’t think being asked to read something is an insult. If you don’t, just let me know and we can really ramp up the shit talking. I’m ok with either, I enjoy a good guffaw or two
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And the libertarian hope for all to behave is not going to happen because people are bad. Hence, the need for police and courts.

Jesus Christ, even a group like the Hell's Angels have organization and enforcement within the club.

Why? Because people are bad.
What about the bad people that operate behind the blue line? There is bad on both sides.
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What about the bad people that operate behind the blue line? There is bad on both sides.
Granted. And that is part of my initial response by quoting the last lyric from "Won't Get Fooled Again" by The Who.

Yes, we have corruption. And getting rid of that system is only going to make way for the next system, whether a dictatorship or another libertarian system like we have tried to operate for the last 248 years.

Yeah, great, get rid of all cops and courts. Now what?

People are still bad and we still need a way to deal with that other than indescriminate gunfire in the street. There needs to be some rules and procedures.

And yes, it is possible that defunding police and such was bankrolled by evil rich people.

And again, laying down and saying "oh woe is me" is not a solution.
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It’s simple. We are being led by weak men. Weak men are in power because strong men no longer speak up and out about what is wrong and no longer lead. If nobody steps up to the plate the weakness and corruptness will abound and hence you get what we have now. This starts by strong men teaching those younger than them proper skills and behavior and calling out wrong when they see it. It also requires a strong but nurturing hand. That’s how you change things. Be the light in the darkness. Strong men know what’s coming. They expect it. They have gone through it before. They have prepared for it and are at peace with it. All is written in how this is going to go. Do the best you can, live your life, lead, turn off the noise. Be there for the young in your communities. I’m sure we could all be better at this.
It is almost comical seeing non-voters voicing their political opinions.


Their opinion was muted when they chose not to voice it where it matters.

They screech and yap about wanting the perfect candidate to earn their vote.
Perfect isn't on any ballot and never will be.

On a grander stage it is not unlike the loudmouth atheists who squawk their non-beliefs ad nauseam.
Their verbal spew is less of a protest and more a cry for help......for hope.....they actually seek to change but may not understand how.
Kamala is going hard after genz. But the zoomers my kids age (at least around here) see that shit as "cringe". While I do not try to influence their vote directly, I do talk about about the importance of voting and how it equates to having your voice heard. Also tell them to list the issues most important to them, then see where the candidates align. Explain that its unreasonable to expect a candidate you agree with on all issues...

Ive had several of them say to me, "i've seen enough from harris that I know I am not voting for her". I also explain the "trap" of the 3rd party candidate and the reality of our 2 party system. While I personally do not care for the 2 party system, like many things, you must play within the constraints of the rules of the game. May not like it, but doesn't mean that a win is impossible, especially when you understand that you will never agree on every issue with ANY politician.

These genz are weird. And as a parent of genz kids its been a growth experience for me. Particularly in how I express my typical "but did you die" genx attitude.

Yes they are more sensitive than us cynical, "fuck your feelings" gen-xer's. They also like piercings, weird colored hairdos and the like. But (at least in my AO) they also don't care for all the woke shit and they were in school (virtually) during covid and I think that opened some eyes. In other words, genz isn't a lost cause, and harris is frankly wayyy out of touch with these kids. Will it manifest into Trump votes? We will see. But I see genz on a daily basis and they aren't necessarily what/who the media has conditioned others to belive they are. Sure, their are outliers when you try to make group generalizarions, same is true for any generation - like the greedy boomers.

But weird hair, piercings and sensitivity aren't the end all be all traits in which to form conclusions.
It’s simple. We are being led by weak men. Weak men are in power because strong men no longer speak up and out about what is wrong and no longer lead. If nobody steps up to the plate the weakness and corruptness will abound and hence you get what we have now. This starts by strong men teaching those younger than them proper skills and behavior and calling out wrong when they see it. It also requires a strong but nurturing hand. That’s how you change things. Be the light in the darkness. Strong men know what’s coming. They expect it. They have gone through it before. They have prepared for it and are at peace with it. All is written in how this is going to go. Do the best you can, live your life, lead, turn off the noise. Be there for the young in your communities. I’m sure we could all be better at this.
Bro. Football season is almost to start. Might have some time in the off-season.
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Making fun of the virtue signaling retardery. What does it look like? People absolving themselves of responsibility in this mess, claiming to be fighting evil. 🤣🤣🤣

It's always a zoo when all you "memebers" that only show up around election time start posting. 🤣🤣🤣

How edgelord of you. But, you didnt answer the question, bro.

I joined a while back and post fairly regularly, not just during elections. But I mean, deflect away...

I even remember you from the OG covid thread, my oh my how you've changed since. ;) But, you owned up on that so I guess it is what it is...
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How edgelord of you. But, you didnt answer the question, bro.

I joined a while back and post fairly regularly, not just during elections. But I mean, deflect away...

I even remember you from the OG covid thread, my oh my how you've changed since. ;) But, you owned up on that so I guess it is what it is...

Are you possibly retarded becuase the first line answered your "question."

You were here for the fake pandemic??? 😱😱😱 Like I dont remember all you 2020 retards joining. 🤣🤣🤣

I remember that time we all caught you in the sheep pen with your pants around your ankles. Taking a piss. Sure.....😳