Hey guys, need a little help with electronic ears. I've been using standard ear plugs or the surefire plugs. I've been really happy with the surefire, but after an hour or so they for some reason stop sealing. They are the most comfortable that I have used, but at a local match I was RO and had a terrible time with them sealing and after couple hours my ears were ringing. So Im interested in buying a set of electronic muffs, looked at the msa but haven't tried any. I've always used plugs due to the fear of not being able to get a good cheek weld with ear muffs. I will use these for all shooting applications from tactical carbine to long range shooting. If you have any suggestions even if they are plugs I would greatly appreciate the advice. The msa's were around $250, I don't mind that price range give or take as long as they are of good quality and not interfere or hinder my ability to shoot either carbine or rifle.