Horse shit, I've heard bulls that you would swear was some dumbass fucking up a call, only to be totally surprised by a real bull stepping out. One of the biggest bulls I've taken was with 20 cows and seven other bulls, every time he bugled all the rest would answer, it was something to behold. The thing was he had bugled so much and was so hoarse the only sound he actually made was the last part of the bugle, just a growl and it didn't sound like anything else I'd ever heard in the woods before, except maybe a bear. I mean there are endless accounts of calling in bulls with a whistle, just like the Indians used to do. Where most novices fuck it up is with the intensity and rhythm or just bugling to often.
A couple of years ago I ran into some Wisco guys hunting, their strategy was to have one guy walk the ridge while the other walked about midway down the mountain. They bugled every five minutes to each other, one guy bugled twice in a row and the other would answer back with three bugles. They told me that they would have known if a real bull answered them because a real bull would only bugle once.

We quickly gathered our stuff and got the hell out of there never to return.[/QUOTE
It has everything to with the area, time of year, hunting pressure.