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Hunting & Fishing Elk Outfitter suggestions?


Full Member
Nov 7, 2010
Monroe, La
Hey guys,
I am looking for an elk hunt to take my dad on. We have never been, but always wanted to go. We are looking for a place where we can get either OTC tags or an outfitter that we can buy the tags from. We dont really have a preference on what state the hunt will take place, as long as there is a good chance we will see some good bulls. We both can shoot up to 500 yrds at the moment consistantly, but will be much better after we set up our range. We have shot whitetails and coyotes at 450 yrds with no problem. Anyways, I would like to hear from anyone who has been to an outfitter on an elk hunt or knows of one that is good for first time elk hunters. Thank you in advance guys!
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

Thank you for the reply sendero man! I guess I also need to put my budget on my post. 7500 is pretty steep for me, although I am sure he's worth every penny, I just don't have that much to spend. I was looking for something about 5000 Max. With tags included..
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

Who ever you go with be sure to check refferences! I think Colorado has some good stuff and is still OTC in areas but beware as I am a year into collection and court with an outfitter. Montana, Idaho and Wyoming do have some wolf issues as well in certain areas been there and blew that one as well.
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

Not really, was looking in Colorado just for the ease of the orchestra tags, but anywhere that I can buy either landowner or over the counter tags really. Just looking to him a great hunt and a good chance at getting a bull.
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

Only problem with Montana at the moment is there was a ballot initiative passed this fall that took outfitter sponsored deer & elk permits away. Our new representative where I live is taking a bill to the house this spring to try and repeal it. Just another blow to landowners and guides in Montana. Good luck finding a hunt, but do lots of homework before you choose an outfitter.
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: oam</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> there was a ballot initiative passed this fall that took outfitter sponsored deer & elk permits away. </div></div>
isn't that a load of BS... i am a landowner here in SD and only SD residents can apply for the prairie elk tag, back 10yrs ago when the elk pop. was fairly high, we would have major yield loss due to elk in irr. corn, (feeding, knocking down, bulls wallowing, etc...) so the state capitalized on the profits of SD residents applying for elk tags, while the private ind. (us) got stuck with people killing elk in our cornfield, hell they slowed the prob but we never got the yeild loss payment, and hail insurance don't cover a wallowing bull... so i asked the state, just allow me one tag to sell, to anyone who wanted to pay for a trophy bull, 350-400 class, to compensate for "some loss" but i guess one tag was to much to ask for... the way things are going... i don't know, i said the hell with the gov, why let them pay me 1$ per acre for walk in (to let anyone hunt), when i can do what i love and guide people for 2000 and up for trophy mule and whitetail, I would have a great place for you to elk hunt, IF you were able to apply as a non res and pay, good luck with your outfitter selection!!!
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

I am surprised that the sd g&f wont let a few nr hunt and charge a whore house price as money is the main concern for those guys. They seem to be so anti guide and outfitter for anything other than pheasants. I hope to draw a elk tag this year been trying for awhile
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

I have hunted elk for over 30 years in most western states that have them, two Canadian provinces and Asia. I will say that most hunters do not get an elk on the type hunt and cost range you are looking at. I would guess less than 15% success on any bull and less than 5% on a bull of 6x6 and any size. Likely lower than quoted success. You might try to save your money while doing research and applying for tags. Are you saying 5000 each or for the two of you? Either way, I think you would be throwing money away for a 5000 dollar walk in the woods. JMO
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

Try contacting EHG (aka Elk Hunting Guide) on here and book a hunt. He is a top notch guide! None better. He also does Pronghorn and Mulies
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

I am not sure what Chimney Rock Outfitters is charging these days, but several years ago they were charging in the price range you mentioned. They claim a 90 per cent success on 5X5 bulls or better. I can vouch for the hunting. In your price range you I doubt you could find a better place to hunt.

It is not a back country hunt. The camp is very comfortable and they will take good care of you. Their country is capable of really stretching your barrel so lots of trigger time prior to the hunt would be to your benefit.
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

J.Marsh, great question. Same kind of dilemma here about finding the right elk guide service and want to take someone not as experiences also. The trips are expensive and can create memories of a lifetime even if do not get an elk, so would like to vote with our dollars for someone good who will help us get the best opportunity at some nice ones. Getting a 6x6 or bigger even if hire a good guide may not happen while would like to be in a great place to try it at the right time of year, in shape, and be well practiced at anticipated range with intended hunting bullets. A couple outfitters I saw online at one of the smith sites here on SH but have no experiences with are:


The Sawtooth Mountains are beautiful and have a good friend who works for the State of Idaho as a surveyor so is always in the woods. He has elk hunted his whole life with his family and gets some big ones so will see what or who he suggests. His family homesteaded in Idaho, not sure what the tag deal is there for out of state people while will look into it more. We worked together for years and travel often, so he will give me the straight scoop if he has any ideas. Have a book called Fly Idaho written in 1994 (adventure guide to the Idaho back country) about all the dirt air strips - has many services listed all over the state the author has never steered me wrong but do not know how to select the best ones without further first hand recommendations. Does anyone here know Idaho?

Example from the Sawtooth area one is listed in Fly Idaho, page G-9: "Sawtooth Wilderness Outfitters who does guided pack trips for elk, deer, cougar, bear, and fish in units 35, 36, & 39 with several hundred square miles of exclusive hunting rights. For information call Darl Allred, Box 81, Garden Valley, ID 83622. Summer phone (208) 259-3408 winter phone (208) 462-3416."

Talked to Darl and he will do Drop camps and get you set up with maps - once in an area the hunters are responsible for doing their own hunt so his normal deal is not totally guided. For rifle mule deer season is 10/10 to 10/31 and elk season is 10/15 to 11/8 so if go for elk and buy the extra deer tag there is two weeks were can go for both deer and elk at the same time.

(and my Fly Idaho book has info for other parts of the state written by a pilot who wrote this guide in 1994 and do not know where the best elk populations are in Idaho, but bet my surveyor friend might when I call him to help focus where most of the elk are).

Hear Utah and New Mexico have some big elk. Also NV. Personally have a soft spot for ID / NM as like the country but we need to be open to where the best opportunity is. Someone here, A10XRIFLE, on the SH got a nice one in New Mexico and the guide was Adam Archuleta:


Not sure how his friends did on the same trip while sure you could ask. The thread with a picture of A10XRIFLE's nice elk is at:

And A10XRIFLE includes a comment right at the top of the thread in the OP after getting his nice bull that says, "I hear there are some Big Bulls and Muleys in the Glasgow Montana area. Hmmmm may have to find someone to take me." Confirms the advice above earlier in this thread to consider Montana for elk also.

From doing it for years please realize some elk hunts can be more physically demanding than others. Pick the hunting experience accordingly. When able to hike a lots of miles day after day without blisters in rough terrain and shoot a decent cannon it helps make the dream happen. If not you might want to be on horseback as often can get close with the animals. Some services fly you in or transport you somehow so the walk is not far to the shot. Do lots of homework when going elk hunting as others have said, while be assured you will not be able to control everything so at some point have to enjoy it doing your best no matter how the hunt results end up. Quality time in the outdoors with family and friends are some of the best.
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

Idaho elk report,

Just talked to my surveyor hunting buddy pilot friend with a bush plane and horses. He tells me wolf are a huge problem. Elk populations are down 60% because of the wolf. Said still there but not what it was 10 years ago. South of the Snake River not as effected. Also it is said elk population in the Sawtooth area better than some as wolves not as bad there as in other areas. The biggest wild area in the lower 48, the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness is where he hunts elk but says people he goes with got skunked there last year. My buddy said would guide me in there with my son as he wants to go again there, but says chances not what they used to be. Many of the guide services all over Idaho are going out of business. He hunts around the Middle fork of the Salmon. Says elk population way down because of wolves.

Apparently this wolf thing is huge. In summary Montana, Nevada, and Idaho were trying to manage wolves and Wyoming would not play and had a shoot on sight law. So the Feds reacted by making wolves endangered. Now states with problems can not manage them anymore and their population is exploding. In the fall of 2009 there was an Idaho hunting season for wolf where tags were $16 and 170 were harvested. The wolves expanded quickly out of Yellowstone and are now a huge problem years later. With the wolves endangered people can not manage them so have taken over. The Idaho elk herds are scattered and hunting them is not the same with their populations down 60%. When asked him how to confirm elk problems he suggested I look at tags in Idaho purchased and tags filled. Is a common number used as the guides are going out of business and the state isn't making money on out of state tags because no one goes to ID anymore to hunt elk because the wolves eat them before we get to. Ranchers in some areas are paid to let the wolves eat their livestock.

My friend saw a big alpha male black wolf when alive. Said when shot over 200 pounds. It looked huge and scary very dominant when walking around. Told me to look for a pic as is over a guys shoulder down to the ground. Seems so strange almost like a bad joke.

Still need to do some more research. What used to be the best is not so NM may be looking better as don't think the wolves like it so much there. South of the Snake River less wolf problems and Sawtooth not as effected. But elk populations are down 60% since the wolf got to Idaho.
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

I used Absaroka Beartooth Outfitters out of Big Timber Montana last fall and did a drop camp. They also do full guided hunts. The drop camp that we did we supplied our own gear and they took us in on horse back and dropped us off for a week. The drop camp option is much cheaper, it was $500.00/ea. plus we tipped our guide, and that included game retrieval. I was lucky enough to get a bull on opening day up there. The numbers are low however in the area due to the wolves over-running the country and while we were there the bull I took was the only one I saw during a whole week in there, it was beautiful country and the trip was awesome. We did a trip in there on our own the summer before our trip to kind of see the lay of the land plus we both had gps's with the topo of that area loaded on them so that we had a good idea of our surroundings rather than going in blind.










It was an Amazing trip!!! There was two of us that went, I harvested my elk and mule deer, my buddy did not get anything so we went %50. Like someone else mentioned though there are no more guide guaranteed tags in Montana, you have to apply for a general tag and then you pay for the guide service separate, I am not sure on the full guided prices, but they do have a web-site. The combination tag is right around a grand to put in for, I have hunted up there for the last 5 years and I have never not got my tag, they sell ALOT of out of state tags, I think the last time I looked at their quotas the number was somewhere around 10,000 available tags and if I understand it correctly that number went up by 7500 since they are no longer doing the outfitter guaranteed tags. So I don't think you should have a problem as far as being successful in getting your tags, its a matter of if the outfitter is the right fit for you. Good luck, let me know if there is any other specifics you would like to know more about.

p.s. the other nice thing about this particular area is that it is an "early season" rifle hunt, so you get to hunt with a rifle while the elk are in the rut, it opens in mid-september. when we spotted my bull he was 1200 yards out, my buddy bugled him in...he ran right for us stopping at every tree he came across to tear the hell out of it with his antlers! It was the most amazing experience I have had elk hunting with a rifle...(I am sure this is more common for the bow guys) This was the first time for me to see one bugled in like that, by far the coolest hunting experience I have ever had...The bull stopped the last time broad-side at 300 yards to tear up a few little jack pines....that was his last mistake! The 30/06 took him right behind the shoulder.
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

Thank you. Cameron is the name of the gentleman that owns the Absaroka Beartooth Outfitters, he seemed to be a very nice guy and easy to deal with. I did not go in with him personally he was busy doing the "full guided" trips when we went, one of the guides in his employ took us and he was very knowledgeable and capable and a pleasure to meet. Cameron can sometimes be hard to get ahold of as he takes trips in there year round for scouting trips, photo trips, fishing trips, group events, etc... It is definitely some of the most beautiful country in the world though and a great place to spend some time taking your rifle for a walk!!! Not for the faint of heart though, I am in decent shape and I lost 15 lbs over a week. We had our camp set at 8000ft, I shot the elk almost exactly 1 mile from camp and he was at 10,000ft...It is some steep ass country and very difficult hunting, but I still wouldn't have traded it for the world...

We are going to try a similar hunt this year but on the Wyoming side of Yellowstone park, my uncle and cousin have been hunting in there for the last 5 years and have their own horses, I am going in with them to check it out. I have a bull tag and a cow tag for Wyoming and I am still waiting on my results for Montana. I applied for deer in Utah and Nevada and also for Elk bonus points....I cannot wait for fall!!!!
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

In OR you have to get your trip booked before April 15.
After April 15 the guide tags go back to the public draw.
In OR guides do not get tags for the prime zones.
This means define what you consider a good bull (for me any bull is a good bull). But a 300 pt bull in OR is a very good bull. OR has good elk hunting, but I do not consider it a trophy state.
Dan Morse is the guy if you want to hunt NE OR. His hunts are the best bang for the buck. My personal experience is 100% success rate. If your not in shape then do not expect a miracle.
Re: Elk Outfitter suggestions?

Spoon77, thank you and solid advice. In Oregon for 2011 we have to get applications in by May 15 for Controlled hunts and results are available on June 20. Can apply online at:


Thank you on the tip for what sounds like an awesome person to work with in Oregon while there is still time to decide.