ELR Industry Expo/Demo/Gathering/Etc


Hi, Sincerely
Banned !
Full Member

    So I was wondering with all the new and growing interest in ELR, why does the industry not come together for its' own "Expo/Demo/Gathering/etc". Sort of like what ATK does every April with their "Bushmaster Days". They invite over 70 International military units along with the numerous USA .mil units out to Big Sandy for a week of highlighting new products, showcasing existing products and providing operational demonstrations of their products.

    The ELR manufacturers could actually come together instead of working against each other and showcase their respective products all at same gathering under operational environments and not at an inside booth avenue.
    We could hold it at a venue such as Altair Training Solutions in Florida as they have a 2 mile "square" range, all the living quarters needed, mess hall on site, and plenty of scenarios to put the weapon systems through their paces.

    The executives from the ELR manufacturers could all get together and pin a combined invitation letter and submit to every Defense Attache at all the embassies in the USA, along with sending it to their direct International representatives for them to invite official delegates. On top of the crews from Crane, Picatinny, etc etc.


    So I was wondering with all the new and growing interest in ELR, why does the industry not come together for its' own "Expo/Demo/Gathering/etc". Sort of like what ATK does every April with their "Bushmaster Days". They invite over 70 International military units along with the numerous USA .mil units out to Big Sandy for a week of highlighting new products, showcasing existing products and providing operational demonstrations of their products.

    The ELR manufacturers could actually come together instead of working against each other and showcase their respective products all at same gathering under operational environments and not at an inside booth avenue.
    We could hold it at a venue such as Altair Training Solutions in Florida as they have a 2 mile "square" range, all the living quarters needed, mess hall on site, and plenty of scenarios to put the weapon systems through their paces.

    The executives from the ELR manufacturers could all get together and pin a combined invitation letter and submit to every Defense Attache at all the embassies in the USA, along with sending it to their direct International representatives for them to invite official delegates. On top of the crews from Crane, Picatinny, etc etc.


    Open to military & goverment agencies only apparently......What I would give for a facility like Altair to be open to public access.
    They are coming together, joint meetings have been held since last (2017) SHOT SHOW

    Just because you haven't seen it. doesn't mean it is not happening

    All the big players have been in attendance

    The last event was Ko2M held at Raton, demos, live shoots, etc, all took place.

    You have one taking place at SHOT the Sunday before, and I am attending a smaller event this weekend

    PS. Spearpoint has volunteered, they are mainly using places like Raton though.

    There will be 3 of them this year. ELR Central is putting on an ELR World Record Event, so we will hopefully and finally have a world record. We will have another meeting at SHOT Show 2018 with plenty of people from the industry which is more than likely going to be held in a room outside the doors so you don't need a badge to attend. Plus we (AB) are working on putting together something else for later on in the year.
    Doc - I'll assume the last point you made refers to the "Applied Ballistics ELR Expo" which AB has tabbed on the ELRC site (https://elrcentral.com/applied-ballistics-elr-expo/). Actually that is what I thought Theis was talking about save for the "demo" part. Is the AB ELR Expo going to include "demo"? Anything more you can tell us about that event (timing, local)?