Limiting elr is dumb. Separate classes? SureIMO, the whole point of precision rifle fire is....wait for be precise. That can mean different things to different people, but "precision rifle fire" to most that I have met, means a hit with the first shot or with a follow up shot.
Most people who would consider themselves "riflemen" do this type of shooting with a rifle that is man packable by a single man. Again, that means different things to different people, but IMO shit has gotten so out of hand as to be a mockery to the original intent.
Any limitations you put on this type of competition are guaranteed to be called unnecessary and arbitrary by some... and applauded by others.
My preference would be to limit weight of the gun and accoutrements (gun as carried) to 25 lbs and the barrel to 30 inches. Caliber would be limited to 338 or smaller (again, arbitrary but this is my idea and nothing more). No front rests. Only bipod and bag, or tripod (tripod would count against the weight limit).
The course of fire would have a limit of 2500 yards (because this is about the limit most can direct dial range without equipment like the Charlie TARAC) with targets decreasing in relative size as you go out. (A KYL rack at a mile might be an interesting exercise).
Tie breakers maybe could be a 5 round group for score on paper at 1 mile as well. Because if the contest is about precision, maybe there should be at least one point where precision is actually quantifed and verified on paper.
Just my opinion, nothing more.