Ahh yes. When they attack the messenger instead of the message . . . .
The fact you try and justify or deny dumping any sewage let alone trillions of gallons
Look up back river neck. Deny what is/was going on there
On a productive note since you came
Here to stir shit. Is all that estrogen hormones drugs etc present in class A material ?
Still SMFH that you deny or downplay dumping all that N and P at the least in the water.
Listen Deersniper.
I didn't come here to stir shit.
I came here to tell you, like I have before, that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
I spent well over 30 years in wastewater. I currently hold a Grade IV wastewater certification from the state of North Carolina that I have held in good standing, since 1993.
From 1987 until 2020, I worked for various municipalities, private commissions, and private companies.
This is not a "gubmint thang".
You keep talking like you know what you are saying, but you simply don't. You read a couple hit pieces, you know a couple shitty operators and "you got this shit figured".
You don't. You don't have a clue.
Yes. Class A material probably dies contain estrogen, and procardia, and amoxicillin, etc, ad nauseum.
They are identified, they are "emerging pollutants. As far as I currently know, they are working on ways to deal with it. Along with PFAS and other shit we only started looking at.
Speaking of attacking the messenger.
Punishing this Dead Duck Swamp plant wherever in Maryland you are talking about.
Did they dump a bunch of shit? I dont know, but if they did, fuck them. Did they dump it cause their bosses told them to deal with it, cause our budget is tight. Ok fuck those assholes.
But you know what?
What they have done, might have done, or are about to do, has no bearing on you or your limits.
If the regs are overbearing, then lay blame on those setting the regs. Do something about it.
I have had to run plants with my own money, to keep my license.
Which brings us to your solutions.
Privatization....what kind of privatization? Whats your plan? Private commission, private company altogether, private employee owned?
See, this is why I attacked you.
I've been there, you are just throwing your monkey shit at the wall for funny funny.
What kind of asshole does it take to attack the employees of said "violating plant".
So you know the people working there? All lazy pieces of shit.
"Washing their car" Holy shit, really? If they weren't washing their car, they could be doing something about that polluting. They could be cleaning the water better.
This is a common practice. Seeing the "lazy" workers, and conflating it to a poorly run plant.
Again. Ignorance, and general misunderstanding ANY FUCKING THING about how wastewater is treated.
When its running proper and good, there's not a lot TO do.
When its running poorly or beyond capacity, there's not much you CAN do.
As to the combined sewers, yeah, thats your city politicians.
An operator doesn't have a magic wand.
None of this fixes your "problem" with the authorities over farm runoff.
I can't fathom your umbrage over you being and attacked messenger.
You literally attack everyone, like a fucking 9 year old throwing a tantrum.
There was a time I "understood" you...now....yeah, you are just a shit slinging monkey.