Politician,... Poly = 2 or more, Tic = life blood sucking, well you know. I Just add an 'S saves key strokes. LOL
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Join the contestAt 45, you don't have the experiences some of us 60-70 year olds have had so you believe you have more freedom. you see what your time on earth has allowed you to see through the lense of the propaganda machine.
You don't know what a few of us know or the freedoms we have lost. You haven't seen capital gains taxes rise and steal our long term investments, or inheritance taxes go up and steal our family farms, or environmentalists pass laws that prevent us from land use of our on property, or government taking our free use of public properties.
You don't remember doctors making house calls until regulations shut that down, you haven't seen other free enterprises regulated out of business, you haven't seen curb market selling of home grown products criminalized, or maybe you dont recognize it.
You weren't here in 68 when we lost certain weapons systems and you don't recognize what we lost in 86. Before 86, we had the freedom to create systems and civilians like John Browning created better things than the government. No offense intended, you speak from ignorance.
Your comment about our fathers bending over is a generalization the propaganda machine wants you to believe, because it relieves 560 or so people of their responsibilities that put us where we are and help keep us here.
At 45, your father's generation is the age group of the hippie draft dodging generation (ie Bill Clinton) that said they intended to destroy the works of my father's generation and looking at democratic third world states, versus some other Republican states, a less propagandized 45 year old would recognize the results and might be able to see how hard groups of my father's generation fought to hold that shit back and to some success, maintaining the freedom we DO still have, while the hippie generation age group began to exceed the ww2 dieing out generation and passed a lot of the lost freedom laws we have now.
Yes, there was a group of my father's generation, like lbj who helped the growing hippie generation speed up the fucking up of freedoms you never knew at your age, 45.
Those people are some of the richest families in the U.S. today fwiw...
There's a lot of blame to be passed around fer sure, but, my father would punch you in the mouth if you accused him of bending over, and back that up with the 1911 he carried in ww2 if you wanted to push it further.
Now, absolutely no offense intended to you personally by the above comments. It's a different viewpoint from what you have in some ways and intended to educate, rather than offend. if you know the truth of all said above and choose to disregard it, that's your choice, and it's both our right to voice the differing views, civilly, unless people choose to act like anti-fa. Then some of us have Pops 1911, or maybe we got both Pops 1911 and our own for our response to both anti-fa and other similar hostiles.
Different choices made based on our different life experiences, some of what makes the bear pit interesting some times.
Premier law enforcement my ass, these fuks are soviet style apparatchiks and a existential threat to the USA.
This is the first time I have ever seen ArmyJerry understate the case. Some of these FBI people need to be hung for treason. Others jailed for sedition.
They should be dragged onto the streets and summarily executed
So you guys unironically believe this?
No difference than the apparatchiks at NKVD none at all.
I believe what I write. I believe in our Constitutional Republic, the FBI has no role in this Republic, the deep state and 95% of the fed Gov has no role at all under the Constitution. The FBI specifically is an existential threat to our country and our way of life. As altruistic as the supposed honorable rank and file might think they are or want to be they march to the orders above them and have shown no spine in outing the criminality that they surely have first hand knowledge of at their agency. The FBI need dismantling, as evidenced by their antics with trying to undo an election, they are an absolute existential threat.
No difference than the apparatchiks at NKVD none at all.
So uh...you want to get rid of the "deep state" and 95% of the Federal government for treason because they are no different than "apparatchiks at NKVD"? I'm just trying to clarify that you are advocating for a purge.
So in your little fantasy where you get to execute Deep State CEO Robert Meuller (R), are you going to strip him of his Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Ranger Tab, etc before the execution, or afterwards? Should we award them to God Emperor Bone Spurs for his own "personal Vietnam" of dodging STD's at parties? Should we also get rid of Bobs plaque at the Ranger Hall of Fame as well?
No local or state agency poses a existential threat like the FBI, none.
Why are you wanting to execute Bob Mueller? You should reconsider inflammatory language like that. What part of dismantling do you not understand, Defund and dismantle, and yes if people are found to have been violating the law, jail their asses. Since when is Muller a deep state ceo, he is if anything a wanna be crime family boss and his crime family is getting paid by the tax payers. He ain’t a CEO of shit, he has been compromised and will pay a legal price in the end. My little fantasy is coming true, TRUMP is the president, the deep state shows its despotic hand every day and is melting down. The rest of your gibberish is incomprehensible, and for me to say that should cause you to deeply reflect on your sanity.
So in your little fantasy where you get to execute Deep State CEO Robert Meuller (R), are you going to strip him of his Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Ranger Tab, etc before the execution, or afterwards? Should we also get rid of Bobs plaque at the Ranger Hall of Fame as well?
/Despotic? You mean the rule of law? If you don't want to be indicted, don't break the law, and don't lie to the FBI. Fox News and Republicans only flipped their lid when it became apparent that this isn't a "nothing burger" and Bob Mueller is coming for scalps, and it doesn't end with just an obstruction of justice charge.
The only ones paying any legal consequences so far are all members of the Trump campaign. Manafort, Flynn, Gates, and Papadopoulos. Flynn and Papdopoulos already plead guilty to lesser crimes in return for their cooperation. Donald Jr. already posted his email exchanges seeking help from Russia, and didn't report it the the FBI. Trump already admitted to firing Comey over "the Russia thing" on television. Kushner can't even fill out an SF86 correctly.
Trump is going to wait for them to finish shooting their load which is about right now, then he will pardon those guys who got entrapped by the corrupt FBI working on behalf of the deep state, that shit wil be funny. Make sure you check back in here and express your outrage you leftist POS.
You really should leave the country or off yourself to avoid being caught up in the drama, Mexico is looking for a few good landscapers and Canada is looking for man wjores like yourself, particularaly Montreal..
Are you triggered? You seem awfully triggered to be hurling all those insults my way...
But if the man earned the honor and respect of his country and his military peers at one point... doesn't mean we should destroy the past. Because that calls into question the very folks who recognized his achievements long ago. Maybe they saw something in him that we're not seeing right now.
Very true about Arnold, Jerry. But he reached the point where, without question... he wasn't an American (even if he was still sort of a badass...) When he tried to sell Westpoint to the British Army... he sealed his fate.
With Muller and the top FBI brass, that point may come. Maybe it's already come. Sure looks that way.
But to put in the historical perspective, Benedict Arnold was an officer in the U.S. Army... The Continental Army at the time if my history is correct. And we didn't disband the Army after Arnold tried to sell out Westpoint. Because Arnold didn't represent the Privates and Sergeants and Lieutenants who fought for Washington.
Innocent until proven guilty. No matter how bad it looks. And it looks bad. Bad to the point that if I were on the jury... it would not go well for the brass.
But guilt by association is not the America I grew up in. You can't condemn the whole Army, so to speak, because of what Arnold did. Same with the Feeb's...
Maybe...just maybe have a little faith in a guy who has actually put his life on the line for the love of his country. Mueller volunteered to be Infantry. He's a harder motherfucker than I'll ever care to be.
Who then went on to throw scumbags in jail. Enron. Ken Lay.
Or does anyone remember the two times he threatened to resign from his post as FBI Director? The first time was over the Bush administrations use of warrantless wiretaps.
The second time was over a prosecuting a corrupt Democratic Congressman from Louisinna, and because the Congress critters and Govt. tried to cover it up. That Congressman went to prison.
Maybe just maybe, Mueller is a guy that worships the law and constitution moreso than anyone here, and now there is a dedicated smear campaign going on because the current administration is hedging their bets that he will find their skeletons. He already has a cooperating witness in Michael Flynn, and Papodopolous.
On one side, Trumps campaign was ran by cynics like Roger Stone who think that Nixons only flaw was getting caught in his corruption, and people with no moral compuncture that they will gladly take money from dictators and despots to advance their agenda in the United States.
Look up Manafort and friends lobbying activities that aren't Russian puppets in Ukraine; good guys like Mohamed Siad Barre, Mobutu Seko, Ferdinand Marcos. No customer is too scummy for them.
Sorry folks, but my bet is on the crayon eating Marine with a history of putting his country first. Not professional influence peddlers, compulsive liars, reality tv stars, and 3am toilet tweeters.
We both hold onto optimism. no disagreement there.
The greatest gen people I grew up around, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama were all pretty much "vote against the gov" types who fought any government intrusion into their freedoms. They never stopped fighting gov. Mom in her 80's in her farm group lobbied Washington to get the f off all our farms and now in her declining 90's still wants to go door to door in DC and speak her mind.
Maybe all those like thinking people were an aberration to the "roll over and play dead" greatest generation you speak of, but those fighters i grew up with ever gave up the fight, and while I'm not a George Wallace fan, Alabama fought the gov until the national guard rammed it down Alabama's throat.
That's the greatest gen people I knew and were "maybe brainwashed" by... they are why I think like I do and see a difference of opinion.
Perhaps we aren't that far apart in our thinking, but I'm not blaming the whole greatest generation for the mess we have today, any more than I blame a whole current generation for the last 8 years of less than stellar government.
The anti-fa group blames my generation for the dismal Republican party of today, and a lot of people blame the anti-fa parents generation for the dismal democrats of today.
its easy to "blame" but the truth is much more complicated.
Best to you in the new year.
Maybe...just maybe have a little faith in a guy who has actually put his life on the line for the love of his country. Mueller volunteered to be Infantry. He's a harder motherfucker than I'll ever care to be.
Who then went on to throw scumbags in jail. Enron. Ken Lay.
Or does anyone remember the two times he threatened to resign from his post as FBI Director? The first time was over the Bush administrations use of warrantless wiretaps.
Maybe he was afraid him or his associates would be caught up in passing info to the NYTor worse, the Russians? Just like his protege Comey.
The second time was over a prosecuting a corrupt Democratic Congressman from Louisinna, and because the Congress critters and Govt. tried to cover it up. That Congressman went to prison.
Yet he turned a blind eye to the activities of the Clinton Foundation, he turned a blind eye to the Uranium one deal, the illegal server in the witches basement, you all stretch in trying to defend this compromised swampthing. I am thinking he was pissed that the congressman didn't pay his vig to the DNC or RNC and he used the "law" to get his pound of flesh.
Maybe just maybe, Mueller is a guy that worships the law and constitution moreso than anyone here, and now there is a dedicated smear campaign going on because the current administration is hedging their bets that he will find their skeletons. He already has a cooperating witness in Michael Flynn, and Papodopolous.
Worships the Constitution, yet he kicks down the door of another swamprat with jackbooted agents full auto mp5s and rousts the geeks family, a pencil neck lobbyist, who I might add was already cooperating, with this charade, he hires other corrupt democrat party operatives to investigate a sitting President of no party really. Me thinks he has worked his whole life as an enemy of the Constitution. He grabs records without warrant, How many laws and peoples rights has this jack booted thug wanna be violated in just this investigation? YOu guys are fuking hilarious. Worships the Constitution, you are actually scary stupid.
On one side, Trumps campaign was ran by cynics like Roger Stone who think that Nixons only flaw was getting caught in his corruption, and people with no moral compuncture that they will gladly take money from dictators and despots to advance their agenda in the United States. YOu mean like Obama promising putin the freedom to do more for him after the election? what was that?
Look up Manafort and friends lobbying activities that aren't Russian puppets in Ukraine; good guys like Mohamed Siad Barre, Mobutu Seko, Ferdinand Marcos. No customer is too scummy for them.
Agree but their clients were both the private companies known as the DNC and RNC, look it up.they are scumbags on par with the average scumbag in DC. nothing special really except they consulted for Trump who is not a swampthing so they are now targets, you see, all because they helped a outsider get elected president, just a lowly American citizen, who evidently they cant control or his ass would have been in jail already. Again you are stupid on a level that endangers us all.
Sorry folks, but my bet is on the crayon eating Marine with a history of putting his country first. Not professional influence peddlers, compulsive liars, reality tv stars, and 3am toilet tweeters.
Again this guy has not put his country first in at least 5 decades, he is a scumbag criminal, in charge of a crime syndicate that will feel the wrath of the people soon. MUller puts himself foirst and the deep state second he is the most insidious of characters.
Nothing Mueller has done in the mil gets him a pass with me, Fuck him. He was an officer, he got a selection as a jarhead to Ranger school, he was a chosen one and doubtful he earned his way like people from lesser backgrounds. Not one bit of good will toward that fuk, he really should just crawl away to his hole and wait for the grim reaper.He is corrupt and has been compromised. I suspect the whole organization is gone now.
the BATT BOYS should remove him from the HOF he is a disgrace.
Getting shot voluntarily in service to your country seems like earning his way to me. But what would I know? I'm just a grunt.
You are a stupid grunt if you actually are, you make real makes grunts look stupid, please stop talking on behalf of us all you idiot, Nobody voluntarily gets shot FF. If he did he even fuckdd taht up because he made it home.
He answered a higher calling at a time when it was actually dangerous, something Donald Trump has never done.
You actually think I am a Trumpkin you stupid fuck, that is how bad people like you are, you got Trump elected and will get him reelected hahahha
America hates you and they hate people like you. Please move, I know you vowed to move to Canada in the first morning aster your girl lost , yet here you are, they wouldn't take you because your IQ is too low, then you almost moved to mexico but then you would have to be around all the Mexicans and we all know the DEms hate non whites. So here you are, a burden to our country still, waking up everyday and screaming in the Mirror "NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" or "Not MY President", or raising that effeminate fist of yous that you fist fuk your boyfriend with and screaming "REEEESSSSIIISSSTTTTT" hahahahha, you are pathetic. Please move, I will help you pack.
Getting shot voluntarily in service to your country seems like earning his way to me. But what would I know? I'm just a grunt.
You are a stupid grunt if you actually are, you make real makes grunts look stupid, please stop talking on behalf of us all you idiot, Nobody voluntarily gets shot FF. If he did he even fuckdd taht up because he made it home.
He answered a higher calling at a time when it was actually dangerous, something Donald Trump has never done.
You actually think I am a Trumpkin you stupid fuck, that is how bad people like you are, you got Trump elected and will get him reelected hahahha
America hates you and they hate people like you. Please move, I know you vowed to move to Canada in the first morning aster your girl lost , yet here you are, they wouldn't take you because your IQ is too low, then you almost moved to mexico but then you would have to be around all the Mexicans and we all know the DEms hate non whites. So here you are, a burden to our country still, waking up everyday and screaming in the Mirror "NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" or "Not MY President", or raising that effeminate fist of yous that you fist fuk your boyfriend with and screaming "REEEESSSSIIISSSTTTTT" hahahahha, you are pathetic. Please move, I will help you pack.
you are really into the msm ain't you, try using critical thinking without somebody else telling you what to think and you might see the light some day. Evidence shows the FBI to be corrupt through and thorough, the management of the FBI is out of control and criminally corrupt. Their actions and evidence prove my charge, there is no surmising here their illicit actions are factual and public now, to deny this is willful blindness or acceptance of the criminality and the undoing our our Constitutional Republic. Get off Robert Mullers dick and catch your breath , survey teh facts with open blinders.
hahahaha yeah really, all for lying to the FBI, talk about a sad sad Irony,and a weaponization of our justice system The cunt Hillary walks free and these guys are getting a traffic ticket for lying to the FBI. Funny shit, That will teach anyone else in the Trump admin to talk to the FBI without their lawyer or talk to them at all. What those procedural charges look liek to America, well it looks like the SWAMPS last stand is falling flat and they are ripe for dismantling. Hopefully the dismantling goes peaceful, if not, well, there are a lot of people hoping it wont.
I don't think you understand how these things work. Plea deals are for little fish to turn on big fish.
The other two face decades in prison if they are convicted. That's not even counting superseding indictments. (Hint: there will be more). Or state prosecutions that Trump cannot pardon.
There's going to be a whole new word to describe their situation. Manafucked.
Manifort and Papadopolous the little fish with very close ties to FusionGPS. There is flipping going on but it is not Trump they are flipping on. They are both key to getting Skippy Podesta.
You know who Paul Manafort has close ties with? Donald Trump, considering he ran his campaign. Even Steve Bannon thinks PM is a treasonous little weasel.