"The rate at which the Possible Club grew declined significantly when the FBI moved from teaching precision shooting to teaching speed shooting.
If you want a good idea of how slowly it has filled, go look at the board and find my name, JB BOONE. I shot it in October of 1988."
It declined because no one shot it, anywhere, at any level, across the FBI. We ran it one time in the field (I started in 2011), after looking it up to figure out what it was, across thirteen years in multiple field offices. Never saw it shot at the academy. Never shot it at FI school. To your point, I think that people would generally have performed worse, up until RDS on the 19. Other than the weak hand shooting, I think it would be quite a bit easier now. Same for the old SWAT qual course, which was a bear on a 1911, and a joke on the 17 and RDS 19.
As FTU abdicated its role in directing firearms training in the field, and, firearms training in general, you had a lot of cultural casualties, such as the Possible course. The course SHOULD have been updated and redesigned when the last qual course came on board, and with the update to the newer targets, etc, etc. But that would assume we had any gun guys teaching gun skills, which isn't really a thing anymore, or a culture of firearms performance, also not a thing.