One area of this I am "evolving" on is trigger weight, as it clearly has a positive effect by design when setting them lighter.
It sort of took going from extremes. In the past few years, I have played with trigger weight a bit more than previously. Even as low as 2 oz in one case. I was always of the mindset, and it was a USMC carry over thing, a Tactical or Field Rifle should be around 3LBS as a safety measure. Until recently even with my AI Rifles I never touched the triggers. How they came out of the box was fine for me.
I think around my first Calvin Elite I really started to play with this more because that trigger came out of the package super light. Right around an 8oz average if I remember correctly.
When you see 100s of shooter tapping these light triggers and not following through, it was easier to say, "go heavy and follow-through" vs saying "Learn where your balance point is by going lower. Because it is a safety thing, NDs and all, I used to avoid it, better safe than sorry was the thinking.
Since everyone moved to 4oz to 12oz triggers, the question became, where is the balance, and I think that is different for everyone.
My personal balance seems to be around 10oz to 12oz on a single-stage break. I can do lighter correctly but it takes more thought. I want No Mind and a good break which include follow through.
The trigger Tap is the standard for most people, the rifles will let you do it with very little downside beyond the increase in NDs we saw for a while across the board. That is where the education comes in, which again, go back to my other posts today, I think that education is lacking from more than one corner of the precision shooting world.
A properly adjusted trigger can be a feature that affects accuracy, finding that balance is the key.
Yes an AI, especially the legacy chassis fits smaller hands really well. Brings the grip closer, like Terry Cross does too.