Statement from the family here as well as another confirmation of his limited mobility.I am not godless... I just don't get my beliefs from one book. And he's too close minded to comprehend my.
This guy is obviously trying to bait a religious discussion, in a thread about a man being killed in a FBI home invasion. Its really sad, I see right though.
Its not the place for it. It's a shame he doesn't recognize that. All I see out of him is evil.
Any one got anything fresh on the original subject?

Family of Utah man killed by FBI releases a statement
The family of Craig Robertson released a statement Wednesday calling him a "kind and generous person who was always willing to assist another in need."
How come the Feds didn’t have the local sheriff come by and talk to him? And if he was a threat to Brandon why not post a unit in front of his house on the day the kid sniffer was coming to town and detain him if he left?
Now to ask the uncomfortable question, would the media have treated this differently if Craig Robertson was black? I suspect not, it seems that BLM et al is only employed against local LE. What do you think?