Rifle Scopes FFP and Glasses


Full Member
Sep 26, 2001
Homer, Alaska
I just bought a Vortex Viper PST Gen II FFP scope, my first one. My other scopes are 2 Nightforces and a Weaver V16. They are SFP. I wear progressive lens glasses.
I have never had any issues looking through the SFP scopes. However with the Vortex I am having some issues and am trying to figure out if they are scope or glasses issues.
I focused the Reticle as per the instructions, on max power and parallax on infinity. When I change power on the scope the reticle goes out of focus, by the time I am at the lowest power it is one black blob. I have found that I have to refocus the reticle every time I change power.
When I look through the scope with my glasses on, there is a bright green dot at 2 and 7 o'clock. When I look through with out my glasses the dots are not there. I do not see the dots in any of my other scopes.
I do not have another FFP scope to compare with so I am looking for insight here. It is my close in vision that is being corrected.
Thanks for the help.
Something must be off, because I wear progressive lenses also and just got a PST FFP 5x25 scope. I haven't got a chance to take it to the range, or even outside yet, just got to point it out the dining room window after I mounted it. I have not noticed any "blurring/blobing" of the reticle, the Ocular was adjusted (with glasses on), I ran the mag ring up & down numerous times, with me behind the gun, without any "blurring" of anything. Hope you get it worked out. Mac:unsure:
Odd. Are you having the issue when you wear your glasses or without your glasses? I normally need reading glasses, but I never shoot with them. I use the diopter adjustment to focus the reticle for my naked eye (with uncorrected safety glasses). Have you tried that?
I wear progressive lenses and have not experienced this on qui a few scopes. Maybe have a friend that wears glasses try to replicate what you are experiencing. A call to Vortex might solve your problem.
Well, I had some other people look through the scope, and no one else had a issue. So it must be me and my glasses. I am due for a eye check up. I think I will bring it up.
Thanks for all the replies.