Finding out you forgot your ear protection, the hard way

What happens if you aren't the one who fires the first shot?
I fire the second shot, if I am not dead! My hearing comes second to my life if someone is shooting at me, my post was in reference to my house, so at my house there are several levels before the first shot. The 100 pound GSD is not happy when a stranger comes around. I have been in a shooting situation twice in my former career and my hearing seemed to turn off or at the least turn down.
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Shortly after I began using hearing aids, I forgot to switch to eat pro. Standing under a shelter did not help. Fortunately, it was only 9MM. Haven't forgotten since.
I thought my first time would be a once in a lifetime event, how foolish of me. In my favor, never more than once in a day.
When you close the bolt on a live round and it somehow sounds different and more crisp, stop and put your ear pro in/on before you pull that trigger. I've caught myself that way a couple of times. That just didn't "sound right".
I like having hearing. In construction, when I had to use hammer drills and electric jack hammers, I would wear earplugs. I will wear them to run the lawn mower. At the range, I double up. Especially the indoor range. earplugs and cans.

I try to learn from the folly of others. Ted Nugent has hearing loss. As does Pete Townsend. Huey Lewis has lost so much hearing that he can no longer perform professionally.

Brian Johnson has hearing loss but he says in his memoirs, it was not from the singing for the band. It is from being in the garage and working on his race cars and testing engines. In fact, his memoir is a history of the cars and race cars that he owned. Brief mention of being in the Geordies. And once in a while, and the band went on tour.

So, I try to protect my hearing. But I would like to get a suppressor. Granted, it does not make a gun quiet but it can signifantly reduce the sound impulse.
Not sure what is more the cause of my slight ringing and hearing loss in my ears since I was in my early 20’s, hunting(rifles and shotguns) in the 80’s I didn’t ever wear plugs, Harley straight pipes, or Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and Metallica, it’s pretty much a toss up. 30 years later I wear electronic ear muffs, have at least pipes that reduce the decibels on bikes, and tore up a napkin and stuck it in my ears at a Iron Maiden show 6 years ago. One of the ranges I go to sometimes I’m the only one there so once in a blue moon I will forget to have my ears on, unpleasant but it hasn’t made anything worse.
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It's the only claim that is automatically accepted and not investigated ever. My buddy used to be an investigator for the VA.
Think about this point from a fiscal responsibility/risk management POV -- which costs less to fedgov in the long run -- mandated ear protection, or paying disability $$ for each tinnitus claim?
“Deaf Old Men”. Sounds like the MRA convention in Reno in the Late ‘80’s, talk about a group of Deaf Old Men.

Even a 22 will damage but is more of a cumulative damage. A brick a day doing rodent control will take its toll on the ears. Add in running a chainsaw on wildfires where you are listening for your crew, equipment, and aircraft won’t help your hearing either. I wish that some of the ear pro available now had been available 30+ years ago.

Axil and plugs go EVERYWHERE with me now.
My Peltor muffs end up acting as ersatz hearing aids at my age, so I tend to not take them off anyway.

they do!

i shoot in the southern az desert all year long and this time of year electronic ears are good for hearing rattlers so i leave them on the whole time, couple hours at times because i'll go hike a hill with my rifle and pack just for some extra fun. no surpises that way.

the gel filled pads help with comfort on the HL's too.