So, what's the alternative, then? Keeping things "Status Quo?" Allowing Pres. Trump to implement the death penalty for cop killers? Or. alternatively, allowing LEOs to be murdered willy-nilly, without any repercussions?
The issue is that so many "good folks" are totally propagandized and brainwashed about "The King's Men" being somehow superior to the subjects, based on old tyrannical feudal systems and rules, and forget about how we started a new country so "all men could be equal". Folks forget we aren't supposed to be serfs and slaves hoping our betters don't do bad things to us.
King's Men / Uniform Hangers / Police/ military / government officials / anybody else are no better and no worse than any other citizen and deserve no less or more rights or protection than anyone else.
The immediate answer is to tell Trump to pound sand and stop pandering.
He would be well off shutting his piehole about that stuff until he fixes the unaccountability of the Uniform Hangers and government as a whole.
The long form answer of the correct solution is that there must be equal justice for everyone.
Regardless of the status/occupation/race/sexuality/gender/ability/mental status etc. of the "perpetrator" or the "victim".
There should be NO "extra special people" or "extra special occupations" in the eyes of official justice and law.
The standards of what is allowed should also be the same regardless. (This also means all that B.S. about "hate crimes" laws are also invalid".
The "good police" are easily protected just the same as the "good citizens", since they are essentially nothing different just having a different job.
If you wind up harming or killing one of the police, well you can go to court and tell it to the jury just the same as if you did the same to any other citizen, with the same range of punishments available as for any other citizen, no less, no more. The same burden of proof as would be on the police, to proved you acted lawfully and had no reasonable choice but to do as you did (or convince the jury well the person really had it coming and I did the world a favour).
If the police wind up harming or killing someone, they get to go to court the same way any other citizen would have to, and tell it to the jury, with the same range of punishments, the same burden of proof and the same burden to prove they acted lawfully, and had no reasonable choice but to do what they did. (or convince the jury well the person really had it coming and I did the world a favour).
If a local Grand Jury is allowed to look at the evidence and dismiss a case against a citizen for something because the facts appear to be so overwhelming in their favour, then as long as they use the exact same standards, the same could apply to the police since the police have the same right as everybody else to not be killed or injured (including not by the police).
If you are worried about endless frivolous lawsuits, well then change the laws to be that before anyone can file a civil suit, it also has to go to a Grand Jury and they can see the information and decide if there is possible merit to it or if it's just pretty cut and dry and nope out you go, no case. That would need to apply pretty much exactly the same to the Police and everyone as it is to the Citizens.
The overlying and overwhelming problem of the "good folks" allowing the government to become a tyranny and oppress the citizens because they spent so long gleefully forging chains they thought would only be used on "those people we don't like" isn't going away like maybe ever. "The Good" people never ever seem to ever understand proper freedom (the founding of our country is a start example of the blindness of "the good folks")
The consequential problem of the corrupt / unaccountable Uniform Hangers is not something easily solved until the good folks have had enough and are willing to stop licking boots and get up off their knees That's not happening anytime soon...
Now I totally agree there are very many good police.
I also argue that in the end you pretty much always have to have some form of government and some form of "police" in one way or another once you move beyond a small tight knit tribe.
I think the police should be treated with respect and courtesy, the same as every citizen should be treated.
If you don't have Police, you will eventually have "police" with another name and citizens dishing out their own brand of justice and law gets really bad really fast if it becomes the norm instead of the rare case.
Something some folks might want to ponder on is, quite often on SH here how many folks are all either good with or cheering for wiping out Palestinians/Muslims/Arabs or whatever?
Most of whom are just simple backwards folks trying to live life in whatever rotten place they happen to be born into.
What is the usual excuse on SH for being good with mass killing and genocide of them all?
Well yes only a couple "bad apples" did the bad deeds, but the people allowed it, protected them, supported them, didn't stop it and didn't overthrow their governments...