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Food riots thread…and energy.

Lack of:
Proper seeds
Fertile soil
Clueless on weather conditions
The grid will be down so they won't be able to watch a YouTube video.
The list is long

It's more fundamental imo.

The first few years would be basic survival amongst what can only be described as complete chaos, death and anarchy. I'm not sure people have a very realistic view of what this would look like lol...

But I'll say some do and still want to accelerate towards it, for various reasons....
These are not as good as you think. They leak over time. Imagine finding out about that when you open the pantry.
I agree... They are one of my options. Learning as I go. Lubing the rings with vegetable oil helps. I would consume what is in a Tattler prior to what is in a Ball seal jar. I also don't throw my seals away. I would not be against using them more than once if the need arises... I am not down to using wax as a seal, yet.
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I agree... They are one of my options. Learning as I go. Lubing the rings with vegetable oil helps. I would consume what is in a Tattler prior to what is in a Ball seal jar. I also don't throw my seals away. I would not be against using them more than once if the need arises... I am not down to using wax as a seal, yet.

Git you one while the gettin is good.

Long pork?

Long Pork/Long Pig is a euphemism for human flesh intended for consumption.


While always a good backup plan, all the new gene altering injections raise the real possibility that you won't be able to safely eat from that source without risking getting a bunch of malformed proteins into you that eventually kill you.
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For all the naysayers...

You got one? Interested to hear what size you have and your experience with it. Thanks.

Works well no complaints. Get the large.

Small or medium would take too much work prepping, bagging, cleaning trays etc. Large is much more efficient. Just need a 30amp circuit to run it.

Upgraded pump is unnecessary.

Edit: Can pay for itself over buying ready made freeze dried in a matter of a couple months. Easy.
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Traders are coming back in style.... Trade natural resources for what a country needs... No petro dollars, Rubles, Yen or euro dollars....

A Conex full of what a person needs for a Conex of what other's have for trade. Ship load for ship load.

Get ready... Going back to the way commerce was carried on 3,000 years ago. No Fiat money.
I've heard they're pretty loud - yes, no?
I don’t think so. We have the upgraded pump that is quieter (middle grade pump) and we have it downstairs so that probably helps. I’ve heard that the old standard pumps were kinda loud. The typical batch cycle is over 24 hours. We normally try to do 2 batches per week, sometimes 3.

It’s just me and the wife so I went with a medium. If I had more than two people I would definitely get the large. We usually cook double the amount that we normally would and freeze dry half of it and eat on the other half during the week.
It's more fundamental imo.

The first few years would be basic survival amongst what can only be described as complete chaos, death and anarchy. I'm not sure people have a very realistic view of what this would look like lol...

But I'll say some do and still want to accelerate towards it, for various reasons....
People really can't since these scenarios are figments of others imagination. Probably heavily influenced by popular TV. I would guess a lot of the zombie bullshit was more about social engineering than anything. Planting the seed that once the government breaks down its every man for himself. No power, no fuel, no food or basic living amenities.

How it would go down is yet to be seen, but anyone who thinks they are living out an annual vegetable garden, or that homesteaders did so is way off in the weeds. But the idea that all society will break down is fucking retarded. The idea you can't live without your tractor and your fertilizer and your glyphosate is just as dumb.

Remember when they said there would be meat shortages in 2020. Just because tyson wont butcher doesn't mean it disappears.
People really can't since these scenarios are figments of others imagination. Probably heavily influenced by popular TV. I would guess a lot of the zombie bullshit was more about social engineering than anything. Planting the seed that once the government breaks down its every man for himself. No power, no fuel, no food or basic living amenities.

How it would go down is yet to be seen, but anyone who thinks they are living out an annual vegetable garden, or that homesteaders did so is way off in the weeds. But the idea that all society will break down is fucking retarded. The idea you can't live without your tractor and your fertilizer and your glyphosate is just as dumb.

Remember when they said there would be meat shortages in 2020. Just because tyson wont butcher doesn't mean it disappears.

No arguement there.

One other note. There are plenty of wild edibles, that grow in a variety of climates. Good to know what they are and where to find...

Not going to get fat off them, but in a pinch...you never know.
The US is the largest (by double) exporter of food, by value. And, the Govt pays farmers to leave their fields fallow. And, and, the govt enforces artificial price floors so that growing food crops is sufficiently economically viable for farmers. The idea that we will have soviet style lines at the grocery store because of this Ukraine kerfuffle is ludicrous. It won't take long for the producers to produce more (like a growing season...) if the value of a food crop beats out a fallow field. Some people really can't help indulging their TEOTWAWKI fantasies.
I have prepared for the worst scenario I can reasonably perceive many years ago and currently maintain enough resources to keep us fed and watered through natural and un natural crisis. My Wife was raised on a Farm that was basically subsistence farming - they ate what they grew including beef, tomatoes, green beans, squash, potatoes, and all other stuff. They milked the cows and churned it into butter and cream and fed what was left to the pigs that ended up in the smoke house. Best smoked chops and ham I ever tasted.

The butter and cream were sold along with the eggs from dozens of hens for "Butter and Egg Money" which purchased shoes and all manner of things that could not be produced on the Farm.

But those day are long, long gone never to return *yet* we retain the Mindset to do what we can for ourselves and prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Can The Shit Hit the Fan? Of course it can - the Derecho of 2020 here in the Midwest crippled power and such for weeks/months. But we all made it. The possibility of all of US Starving and killing over food is there. The probability is miniscule and I kinda laugh at the folks who always think *The End Game* is eminent. 'Cause the probability of that is not much. Possible? Yes. Probable?

I'll be sleeping just fine tonight with my Investments and my stockpile of reasonable proportions and my belief that while The End is near, it's not likely tonight. And if I'm wrong I'll live with my decisions without regret. The World is not ending tonight probably.

The US is the largest (by double) exporter of food, by value. And, the Govt pays farmers to leave their fields fallow. And, and, the govt enforces artificial price floors so that growing food crops is sufficiently economically viable for farmers. The idea that we will have soviet style lines at the grocery store because of this Ukraine kerfuffle is ludicrous. It won't take long for the producers to produce more (like a growing season...) if the value of a food crop beats out a fallow field. Some people really can't help indulging their TEOTWAWKI fantasies.
It’s about more than then actual land that’s available to farm.

Fertilizer last year was 200 a ton. This year it’s 800 a ton. That’s just one factor. Then there is the ongoing drought in the western part of the Midwest. Then inflation etc…

I’m not saying the earth is ending tomorrow but I am saying be mindful of what’s going on and possible future event.

Of course all this is open to interpretation.
It’s about more than then actual land that’s available to farm.

Fertilizer last year was 200 a ton. This year it’s 800 a ton. That’s just one factor. Then there is the ongoing drought in the western part of the Midwest. Then inflation etc…

I’m not saying the earth is ending tomorrow but I am saying be mindful of what’s going on and possible future event.

Of course all this is open to interpretation.
I agree with you...
The story of the kid dragging a stick along a picket fence and teasing a dog comes to mind. One day he got to the end of the fence and the gate was open.. In today's environment the blame would be placed on the dog... LOL
The Administration has been dragging a lot of sticks on a lot of picket fences... There are a lot of open gates.

A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences
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I have prepared for the worst scenario I can reasonably perceive many years ago and currently maintain enough resources to keep us fed and watered through natural and un natural crisis. My Wife was raised on a Farm that was basically subsistence farming - they ate what they grew including beef, tomatoes, green beans, squash, potatoes, and all other stuff. They milked the cows and churned it into butter and cream and fed what was left to the pigs that ended up in the smoke house. Best smoked chops and ham I ever tasted.

The butter and cream were sold along with the eggs from dozens of hens for "Butter and Egg Money" which purchased shoes and all manner of things that could not be produced on the Farm.

But those day are long, long gone never to return *yet* we retain the Mindset to do what we can for ourselves and prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Can The Shit Hit the Fan? Of course it can - the Derecho of 2020 here in the Midwest crippled power and such for weeks/months. But we all made it. The possibility of all of US Starving and killing over food is there. The probability is miniscule and I kinda laugh at the folks who always think *The End Game* is eminent. 'Cause the probability of that is not much. Possible? Yes. Probable?

I'll be sleeping just fine tonight with my Investments and my stockpile of reasonable proportions and my belief that while The End is near, it's not likely tonight. And if I'm wrong I'll live with my decisions without regret. The World is not ending tonight probably.

Like you, I have prepared for the worst case scenario..... Those worst case scenarios are based on history (Drought, flooding, earthquakes and other natural disasters). Unfortunately the Black Swan events of the past several years don't fit the frame work. Another debate for another time.
The future will present challenges America has never dealt with. Some loose sleep and other's don't loose sleep.... I'm sure it's been that way all the way back to the Garden of Eden.

A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences
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No “cheap eggs” but all the brown shell organic eggs a guy could want.

There freezers were full on on the front facing stuff but the INSIDE was not full. Several items were missing so they filled those spots w that they had. How do I know? Well when there’s 5 doors of one item and all 5 doors have different items signs and pricing….that’s how.
About eggs; just came across how to preserve eggs when you have them in abundance. Anybody try using water-glassing preservation of eggs?
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About eggs; just came across how to preserve eggs when you have them in abundance. Anybody try using water-glassing preservation of eggs?

I have heard of mineral oil coating on eggs to stretch their life to about 6 month, neighbor had a canning method that sounds like what you are talking about
You can't water glass store bought eggs I don't think.
I think that is true. I believe it has to do with a bleaching process store-bought "fresh" eggs go through to sanitize the outside of the eggs, which destroys the protecting membrane of the eggs. When was in Brazil I was initially surprised that their eggs weren't refrigerated, and I found out they don't (at least back in 1990s) didn't do that bleaching process either, so the eggs were stable at room temp. much longer.
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I think that is true. I believe it has to do with a bleaching process store-bought "fresh" eggs go through to sanitize the outside of the eggs, which destroys the some protecting membrane of the eggs. When was in Brazil I was initially surprised that their eggs weren't refrigerated, and I found out they don't (at least back in 1990s) didn't do that bleaching process either, so the eggs were stable at room temp. much longer.
It’s not a bleaching process, although they may use bleach to help clean them, I’m not sure. They clean the shit and dirt off of the outside and in the process remove a film that is called the “bloom”. Basically, mucus that creates a protective barrier. Once it is removed the eggs are permeable and don’t store well. They don’t hatch well either. Eggs with the bloom still on don’t require refrigeration. They can be left out on the cabinet for weeks at a time without issue. They will go bad and dry out if they are not waterglassed though.
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Supply / Demand / Inflation

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This just in:


I’m sure this is just a normal business practice.

Nothing to see or be concerned with. Move along.
I am a Costco member. Store is 50 miles (one hour) away. A corner stone of their sales program is to get shoppers into the store more frequently. I can pick up a prescription med there and when I get home I get a notification I have another prescription ready for pickup.... LOL... I'll get it next month.

Was holding a boat load of COST stock in 2007 @ $60.... Got bored and sold it.... Should have held it long.... today it's at $591.

In case anyone wants to look at how 'Victory Gardens' and the earlier 'War Gardens' resulted in millions of tons of food produced in small plots... here ya go.

Now I realize that this was before just about everyone under 30 became incapable of doing anything but swiping thumbs across screens or controllers. But, hey, the manbun/neckbeard/bog-stabbers will be long pig before the first Victory Gardens germinate.

For the rest... the capabilities still exist. It doesn't take much.

Probably, we'll never get there. Certainly don't wish it on anyone... especially myself. I like my barca-lounger, store-bought ribs and beer. But if gardening and putting heads on pikes is forced on us, well, I'll be gardening and lining the driveway to Schloss Nitrocellulose with heads on pikes. Gotta do what you gotta do!


In case anyone wants to look at how 'Victory Gardens' and the earlier 'War Gardens' resulted in millions of tons of food produced in small plots... here ya go.

Now I realize that this was before just about everyone under 30 became incapable of doing anything but swiping thumbs across screens or controllers. But, hey, the manbun/neckbeard/bog-stabbers will be long pig before the first Victory Gardens germinate.

For the rest... the capabilities still exist. It doesn't take much.

Probably, we'll never get there. Certainly don't wish it on anyone... especially myself. I like my barca-lounger, store-bought ribs and beer. But if gardening and putting heads on pikes is forced on us, well, I'll be gardening and lining the driveway to Schloss Nitrocellulose with heads on pikes. Gotta do what you gotta do!

Damn, I don’t want to put in all the effort to grow veggies during the apocalypse. My plan is to live off of rice, beans, alcohol and bang hookers.

Damn, I don’t want to put in all the effort to grow veggies during the apocalypse. My plan is to live off of rice, beans, alcohol and bang hookers.
You can trade veggies to vegans in exchange for their teenage daughters. Modern problems require modern solutions...


PS. That's 18+... we aren't perv's even after the apocalypse.
Correct. Must be 18+ .

I wonder how much ass I can get for a can of beans?
Well, Stalingrad 1942... the entire front line-up of the Bolshoi.

2019 during the Trump boom... you might get some parking lot tranny... if you were lucky.

All about supply and demand.

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There is a LOT for some on here to learn.

From people who need to use a tiller, chemical fertilizers, don't understand seed types and why it matters. Why and when to allow a garden to go fallow.

These things are basic as hell and easy to learn today.

It takes skill and knowledge to harvest food and seed to carry over next year.

How to NOT use retard seeds and fertilizer.

My grandparents knew the old skills. I wish I had one around today. It takes a while to learn how to garden the right way. How to allow your soil to develop the correct bacteria and other stuff. How to recognize various plants weak spots and how to treat them without chemicals.

We garden like the lights are out already. We enjoy learning the OG methods of growing truly healthy food. Canning, food prep the older ways is a pretty deep hole to get in. It takes years since you only get to practice once a year hahahaha.

PH, moisture, drainage, dark vs light soil, growing zone, all of these things matter a great deal. Growing food like this isn't expensive and isn't really time consuming once you get things working out.

Food prep is time and work. Turning soil over with a broad fork is easy. And it doesn't destroy your soil. Putting out seed you cultivated isn't difficult either, but you'll learn to keep certain open pollination plants away from each other.

I think it'll be prudent to learn and KNOW these skills sooner than later. But that's just me, I'm just an old redneck in the boonies. To each his own as they say.
These are not as good as you think. They leak over time. Imagine finding out about that when you open the pantry.
True story. I have Tattlers, they work pretty good for some things.

I look at it like they allow us to save the OG flats for more long term, gotta have things.

Good for short term storage at best. And that's being nice.

We just bought 1000 flats from BAll this past weekend.
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Lack of:
Proper seeds
Fertile soil
Clueless on weather conditions
The grid will be down so they won't be able to watch a YouTube video.
The list is long

It takes many years of doing it to learn it well enough to live from your garden.

The number I would tend to agree with is 1 acre per person to eat correctly twice a day until the next harvest.

All of these folks who think it'll just work out will starve or get shot trying to steal food. Period.

It's not that easy growing something like you would have to in this scenario. Americans as a whole don't have the skills the average uneducated 3rd world farmer takes for granted.

But they gots the kewl toYZz

Do the napkin math for a minute.

2 qt jars a day.
7 days a week
52 weeks a year.

That's just veggies.

Meat will disappear sooner than most believe. Even those with beef cattle will have a very difficult time keeping their herd alive and protected unfortunately.

And they'll be 100% grass fed eventually, so that's something to consider as far as hanging weight and butcher times.

And who is set up to butcher a fucking cow?

Yeah, I know it can be done but who really knows how to do it today?

The 1 mil question is this.

Whatcha gonna do with all of that meat without refrigeration/freezers? Worst case here of course.

Canning a couple hundred pounds is very doable. If you know how and have the stuff. We do it now, but those jars will not be preserving veggies now. See the quandry?

BAsically nobody is prepared well for a truly worst case scenario.

Sure hope it doesn't happen.

The true answer would be to NOT let shit get that bad here. Because it's going to stink really,really,really bad for awhile if it does.
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It takes many years of doing it to learn it well enough to live from your garden.

The number I would tend to agree with is 1 acre per person to eat correctly twice a day until the next harvest.

All of these folks who think it'll just work out will starve or get shot trying to steal food. Period.

It's not that easy growing something like you would have to in this scenario. Americans as a whole don't have the skills the average uneducated 3rd world farmer takes for granted.

But they gots the kewl toYZz

Do the napkin math for a minute.

2 qt jars a day.
7 days a week
52 weeks a year.

That's just veggies.

Meat will disappear sooner than most believe. Even those with beef cattle will have a very difficult time keeping their herd alive and protected unfortunately.

And they'll be 100% grass fed eventually, so that's something to consider as far as hanging weight and butcher times.

And who is set up to butcher a fucking cow?

Yeah, I know it can be done but who really knows how to do it today?

The 1 mil question is this.

Whatcha gonna do with all of that meat without refrigeration/freezers? Worst case here of course.

Canning a couple hundred pounds is very doable. If you know how and have the stuff. We do it now, but those jars will not be preserving veggies now. See the quandry?

BAsically nobody is prepared well for a truly worst case scenario.

Sure hope it doesn't happen.

The true answer would be to NOT let shit get that bad here. Because it's going to stink really,really,really bad for awhile if it does.
After the first 150 million die off... You will be able to carry on an educated conversation with the people that are left. Survival of the fittest.
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