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      "emoji.100" => "Hundred points"
      "emoji.1234" => "Input numbers"
      "emoji.8ball" => "Pool 8 ball"
      "emoji.a" => "A button (blood type)"
      "emoji.ab" => "AB button (blood type)"
      "emoji.abacus" => "Abacus"
      "" => "Input latin letters"
      "emoji.abcd" => "Input latin lowercase"
      "emoji.accept" => "Japanese “acceptable” button"
      "emoji.accordion" => "Accordion"
      "emoji.adhesive_bandage" => "Adhesive bandage"
      "" => "Person"
      "emoji.adult_tone1" => "Person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone2" => "Person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone3" => "Person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone4" => "Person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.adult_tone5" => "Person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.aerial_tramway" => "Aerial tramway"
      "emoji.airplane" => "Airplane"
      "emoji.airplane_arriving" => "Airplane arrival"
      "emoji.airplane_departure" => "Airplane departure"
      "emoji.airplane_small" => "Small airplane"
      "emoji.alarm_clock" => "Alarm clock"
      "emoji.alembic" => "Alembic"
      "emoji.alien" => "Alien"
      "emoji.ambulance" => "Ambulance"
      "emoji.amphora" => "Amphora"
      "emoji.anatomical_heart" => "Anatomical heart"
      "emoji.anchor" => "Anchor"
      "emoji.angel" => "Baby angel"
      "emoji.angel_tone1" => "Baby angel: light skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone2" => "Baby angel: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone3" => "Baby angel: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone4" => "Baby angel: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.angel_tone5" => "Baby angel: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.anger" => "Anger symbol"
      "emoji.anger_right" => "Right anger bubble"
      "emoji.angry" => "Angry face"
      "emoji.anguished" => "Anguished face"
      "emoji.ant" => "Ant"
      "" => "Red apple"
      "emoji.aquarius" => "Aquarius"
      "emoji.aries" => "Aries"
      "emoji.arrow_backward" => "Reverse button"
      "emoji.arrow_double_down" => "Fast down button"
      "emoji.arrow_double_up" => "Fast up button"
      "emoji.arrow_down" => "Down arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_down_small" => "Downwards button"
      "emoji.arrow_forward" => "Play button"
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      "emoji.arrow_heading_up" => "Right arrow curving up"
      "emoji.arrow_left" => "Left arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_lower_left" => "Down-left arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_lower_right" => "Down-right arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_right" => "Right arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_right_hook" => "Left arrow curving right"
      "emoji.arrow_up" => "Up arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_up_down" => "Up-down arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_up_small" => "Upwards button"
      "emoji.arrow_upper_left" => "Up-left arrow"
      "emoji.arrow_upper_right" => "Up-right arrow"
      "emoji.arrows_clockwise" => "Clockwise vertical arrows"
      "emoji.arrows_counterclockwise" => "Counterclockwise arrows button"
      "" => "Artist palette"
      "emoji.articulated_lorry" => "Articulated lorry"
      "emoji.artist" => "Artist"
      "emoji.artist_tone1" => "Artist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone2" => "Artist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone3" => "Artist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone4" => "Artist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.artist_tone5" => "Artist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.asterisk" => "Keycap: *"
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      "emoji.astronaut" => "Astronaut"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone1" => "Astronaut: light skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone2" => "Astronaut: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone3" => "Astronaut: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone4" => "Astronaut: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.astronaut_tone5" => "Astronaut: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.athletic_shoe" => "Running shoe"
      "emoji.atm" => "ATM sign"
      "emoji.atom" => "Atom symbol"
      "emoji.auto_rickshaw" => "Auto rickshaw"
      "emoji.avocado" => "Avocado"
      "emoji.axe" => "Axe"
      "emoji.b" => "B button (blood type)"
      "" => "Baby"
      "emoji.baby_bottle" => "Baby bottle"
      "emoji.baby_chick" => "Baby chick"
      "emoji.baby_symbol" => "Baby symbol"
      "emoji.baby_tone1" => "Baby: light skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone2" => "Baby: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone3" => "Baby: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone4" => "Baby: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.baby_tone5" => "Baby: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.back" => "BACK arrow"
      "emoji.bacon" => "Bacon"
      "emoji.badger" => "Badger"
      "emoji.badminton" => "Badminton"
      "emoji.bagel" => "Bagel"
      "emoji.baggage_claim" => "Baggage claim"
      "emoji.bald" => "Bald"
      "emoji.ballet_shoes" => "Ballet shoes"
      "emoji.balloon" => "Balloon"
      "emoji.ballot_box" => "Ballot box with ballot"
      "emoji.ballot_box_with_check" => "Check box with check"
      "emoji.bamboo" => "Pine decoration"
      "emoji.banana" => "Banana"
      "emoji.bangbang" => "Double exclamation mark"
      "emoji.banjo" => "Banjo"
      "" => "Bank"
      "emoji.bar_chart" => "Bar chart"
      "emoji.barber" => "Barber pole"
      "" => "Baseball"
      "emoji.basket" => "Basket"
      "" => "Basketball"
      "emoji.bat" => "Bat"
      "emoji.bath" => "Person taking bath"
      "emoji.bath_tone1" => "Person taking bath: light skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone2" => "Person taking bath: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone3" => "Person taking bath: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone4" => "Person taking bath: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bath_tone5" => "Person taking bath: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bathtub" => "Bathtub"
      "emoji.battery" => "Battery"
      "emoji.beach" => "Beach with umbrella"
      "emoji.beach_umbrella" => "Umbrella on ground"
      "emoji.beans" => "Beans"
      "emoji.bear" => "Bear"
      "emoji.bearded_person" => "Person: beard"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone1" => "Bearded person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone2" => "Bearded person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone3" => "Bearded person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone4" => "Bearded person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bearded_person_tone5" => "Bearded person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.beaver" => "Beaver"
      "emoji.bed" => "Bed"
      "emoji.bee" => "Honeybee"
      "" => "Beer mug"
      "emoji.beers" => "Clinking beer mugs"
      "emoji.beetle" => "Beetle"
      "emoji.beginner" => "Japanese symbol for beginner"
      "emoji.bell" => "Bell"
      "emoji.bell_pepper" => "Bell pepper"
      "emoji.bellhop" => "Bellhop bell"
      "emoji.bento" => "Bento box"
      "emoji.beverage_box" => "Beverage box"
      "" => "Bicycle"
      "emoji.bikini" => "Bikini"
      "emoji.billed_cap" => "Billed cap"
      "emoji.biohazard" => "Biohazard"
      "emoji.bird" => "Bird"
      "emoji.birthday" => "Birthday cake"
      "emoji.bison" => "Bison"
      "emoji.biting_lip" => "Biting lip"
      "emoji.black_bird" => "Black bird"
      "emoji.black_cat" => "Black cat"
      "emoji.black_circle" => "Black circle"
      "emoji.black_heart" => "Black heart"
      "emoji.black_joker" => "Joker"
      "emoji.black_large_square" => "Black large square"
      "emoji.black_medium_small_square" => "Black medium-small square"
      "emoji.black_medium_square" => "Black medium square"
      "emoji.black_nib" => "Black nib"
      "emoji.black_small_square" => "Black small square"
      "emoji.black_square_button" => "Black square button"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man" => "Man: blond hair"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone1" => "Blond-haired man: light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone2" => "Blond-haired man: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone3" => "Blond-haired man: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone4" => "Blond-haired man: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_man_tone5" => "Blond-haired man: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person" => "Person: blond hair"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone1" => "Blond-haired person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone2" => "Blond-haired person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone3" => "Blond-haired person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone4" => "Blond-haired person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_person_tone5" => "Blond-haired person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman" => "Woman: blond hair"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone1" => "Blond-haired woman: light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone2" => "Blond-haired woman: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone3" => "Blond-haired woman: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone4" => "Blond-haired woman: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blond_haired_woman_tone5" => "Blond-haired woman: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.blossom" => "Blossom"
      "emoji.blowfish" => "Blowfish"
      "emoji.blue_book" => "Blue book"
      "emoji.blue_car" => "Sport utility vehicle"
      "emoji.blue_circle" => "Blue circle"
      "emoji.blue_heart" => "Blue heart"
      "emoji.blue_square" => "Blue square"
      "emoji.blueberries" => "Blueberries"
      "emoji.blush" => "Smiling face with smiling eyes"
      "emoji.boar" => "Boar"
      "emoji.bomb" => "Bomb"
      "emoji.bone" => "Bone"
      "" => "Open book"
      "emoji.bookmark" => "Bookmark"
      "emoji.bookmark_tabs" => "Bookmark tabs"
      "emoji.books" => "Books"
      "emoji.boom" => "Collision"
      "emoji.boomerang" => "Boomerang"
      "emoji.boot" => "Woman’s boot"
      "emoji.bouquet" => "Bouquet"
      "emoji.bow_and_arrow" => "Bow and arrow"
      "emoji.bowl_with_spoon" => "Bowl with spoon"
      "emoji.bowling" => "Bowling"
      "emoji.boxing_glove" => "Boxing glove"
      "emoji.boy" => "Boy"
      "emoji.boy_tone1" => "Boy: light skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone2" => "Boy: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone3" => "Boy: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone4" => "Boy: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.boy_tone5" => "Boy: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.brain" => "Brain"
      "emoji.bread" => "Bread"
      "emoji.breast_feeding" => "Breast-feeding"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone1" => "Breast-feeding: light skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone2" => "Breast-feeding: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone3" => "Breast-feeding: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone4" => "Breast-feeding: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.breast_feeding_tone5" => "Breast-feeding: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bricks" => "Brick"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil" => "Bride with veil"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone1" => "Bride with veil: light skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone2" => "Bride with veil: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone3" => "Bride with veil: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone4" => "Bride with veil: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bride_with_veil_tone5" => "Bride with veil: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.bridge_at_night" => "Bridge at night"
      "emoji.briefcase" => "Briefcase"
      "emoji.briefs" => "Briefs"
      "emoji.broccoli" => "Broccoli"
      "emoji.broken_heart" => "Broken heart"
      "emoji.broom" => "Broom"
      "emoji.brown_circle" => "Brown circle"
      "emoji.brown_heart" => "Brown heart"
      "emoji.brown_square" => "Brown square"
      "emoji.bubble_tea" => "Bubble tea"
      "emoji.bubbles" => "Bubbles"
      "emoji.bucket" => "Bucket"
      "emoji.bug" => "Bug"
      "emoji.bulb" => "Light bulb"
      "emoji.bullettrain_front" => "Bullet train"
      "emoji.bullettrain_side" => "High-speed train"
      "emoji.burrito" => "Burrito"
      "emoji.bus" => "Bus"
      "emoji.busstop" => "Bus stop"
      "emoji.bust_in_silhouette" => "Bust in silhouette"
      "emoji.busts_in_silhouette" => "Busts in silhouette"
      "emoji.butter" => "Butter"
      "emoji.butterfly" => "Butterfly"
      "emoji.cactus" => "Cactus"
      "emoji.cake" => "Shortcake"
      "emoji.calendar" => "Tear-off calendar"
      "emoji.calendar_spiral" => "Spiral calendar"
      "emoji.call_me" => "Call me hand"
      "emoji.call_me_tone1" => "Call me hand: light skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone2" => "Call me hand: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone3" => "Call me hand: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone4" => "Call me hand: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.call_me_tone5" => "Call me hand: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.calling" => "Mobile phone with arrow"
      "emoji.camel" => "Two-hump camel"
      "" => "Camera"
      "emoji.camera_with_flash" => "Camera with flash"
      "emoji.camping" => "Camping"
      "emoji.cancer" => "Cancer"
      "emoji.candle" => "Candle"
      "emoji.candy" => "Candy"
      "emoji.canned_food" => "Canned food"
      "emoji.canoe" => "Canoe"
      "emoji.capital_abcd" => "Input latin uppercase"
      "emoji.capricorn" => "Capricorn"
      "emoji.card_box" => "Card file box"
      "emoji.card_index" => "Card index"
      "emoji.carousel_horse" => "Carousel horse"
      "emoji.carpentry_saw" => "Carpentry saw"
      "emoji.carrot" => "Carrot"
      "" => "Cat face"
      "emoji.cat2" => "Cat"
      "" => "Optical disk"
      "emoji.chains" => "Chains"
      "emoji.chair" => "Chair"
      "emoji.champagne" => "Bottle with popping cork"
      "emoji.champagne_glass" => "Clinking glasses"
      "emoji.chart" => "Chart increasing with yen"
      "emoji.chart_with_downwards_trend" => "Chart decreasing"
      "emoji.chart_with_upwards_trend" => "Chart increasing"
      "emoji.checkered_flag" => "Chequered flag"
      "emoji.cheese" => "Cheese wedge"
      "emoji.cherries" => "Cherries"
      "emoji.cherry_blossom" => "Cherry blossom"
      "emoji.chess_pawn" => "Chess pawn"
      "emoji.chestnut" => "Chestnut"
      "emoji.chicken" => "Chicken"
      "emoji.child" => "Child"
      "emoji.child_tone1" => "Child: light skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone2" => "Child: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone3" => "Child: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone4" => "Child: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.child_tone5" => "Child: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.children_crossing" => "Children crossing"
      "emoji.chipmunk" => "Chipmunk"
      "emoji.chocolate_bar" => "Chocolate bar"
      "emoji.chopsticks" => "Chopsticks"
      "emoji.christmas_tree" => "Christmas tree"
      "" => "Church"
      "emoji.cinema" => "Cinema"
      "emoji.circus_tent" => "Circus tent"
      "emoji.city_dusk" => "Cityscape at dusk"
      "emoji.city_sunset" => "Sunset"
      "emoji.cityscape" => "Cityscape"
      "" => "CL button"
      "emoji.clap" => "Clapping hands"
      "emoji.clap_tone1" => "Clapping hands: light skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone2" => "Clapping hands: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone3" => "Clapping hands: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone4" => "Clapping hands: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.clap_tone5" => "Clapping hands: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.clapper" => "Clapper board"
      "emoji.classical_building" => "Classical building"
      "emoji.clipboard" => "Clipboard"
      "emoji.clock" => "Mantelpiece clock"
      "emoji.clock1" => "One o’clock"
      "emoji.clock10" => "Ten o’clock"
      "emoji.clock1030" => "Ten-thirty"
      "emoji.clock11" => "Eleven o’clock"
      "emoji.clock1130" => "Eleven-thirty"
      "emoji.clock12" => "Twelve o’clock"
      "emoji.clock1230" => "Twelve-thirty"
      "emoji.clock130" => "One-thirty"
      "emoji.clock2" => "Two o’clock"
      "emoji.clock230" => "Two-thirty"
      "emoji.clock3" => "Three o’clock"
      "emoji.clock330" => "Three-thirty"
      "emoji.clock4" => "Four o’clock"
      "emoji.clock430" => "Four-thirty"
      "emoji.clock5" => "Five o’clock"
      "emoji.clock530" => "Five-thirty"
      "emoji.clock6" => "Six o’clock"
      "emoji.clock630" => "Six-thirty"
      "emoji.clock7" => "Seven o’clock"
      "emoji.clock730" => "Seven-thirty"
      "emoji.clock8" => "Eight o’clock"
      "emoji.clock830" => "Eight-thirty"
      "emoji.clock9" => "Nine o’clock"
      "emoji.clock930" => "Nine-thirty"
      "emoji.closed_book" => "Closed book"
      "emoji.closed_lock_with_key" => "Locked with key"
      "emoji.closed_umbrella" => "Closed umbrella"
      "" => "Cloud"
      "emoji.cloud_lightning" => "Cloud with lightning"
      "emoji.cloud_rain" => "Cloud with rain"
      "emoji.cloud_snow" => "Cloud with snow"
      "emoji.cloud_tornado" => "Tornado"
      "emoji.clown" => "Clown face"
      "emoji.clubs" => "Club suit"
      "emoji.coat" => "Coat"
      "emoji.cockroach" => "Cockroach"
      "emoji.cocktail" => "Cocktail glass"
      "emoji.coconut" => "Coconut"
      "" => "Hot beverage"
      "emoji.coffin" => "Coffin"
      "emoji.coin" => "Coin"
      "emoji.cold_face" => "Cold face"
      "emoji.cold_sweat" => "Anxious face with sweat"
      "emoji.comet" => "Comet"
      "emoji.compass" => "Compass"
      "emoji.compression" => "Clamp"
      "" => "Laptop computer"
      "emoji.confetti_ball" => "Confetti ball"
      "emoji.confounded" => "Confounded face"
      "emoji.confused" => "Confused face"
      "emoji.congratulations" => "Japanese “congratulations” button"
      "" => "Construction"
      "emoji.construction_site" => "Building construction"
      "emoji.construction_worker" => "Construction worker"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone1" => "Construction worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone2" => "Construction worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone3" => "Construction worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone4" => "Construction worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.construction_worker_tone5" => "Construction worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.control_knobs" => "Control knobs"
      "emoji.convenience_store" => "Convenience store"
      "emoji.cook" => "Cook"
      "emoji.cook_tone1" => "Cook: light skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone2" => "Cook: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone3" => "Cook: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone4" => "Cook: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.cook_tone5" => "Cook: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.cookie" => "Cookie"
      "" => "Cooking"
      "" => "COOL button"
      "emoji.copyright" => "Copyright"
      "emoji.coral" => "Coral"
      "emoji.corn" => "Ear of corn"
      "emoji.couch" => "Couch and lamp"
      "emoji.couple" => "Woman and man holding hands"
      "emoji.couple_mm" => "Couple with heart: man, man"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart" => "Couple with heart"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_man_man_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_person_person_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone1" => "Couple with heart: light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone2" => "Couple with heart: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone3" => "Couple with heart: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone4" => "Couple with heart: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_tone5" => "Couple with heart: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man" => "Couple with heart: woman, man"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_man_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone1_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone2_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone3_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone4_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone1" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone2" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone3" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_with_heart_woman_woman_tone5_tone4" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.couple_ww" => "Couple with heart: woman, woman"
      "emoji.couplekiss" => "Kiss"
      "emoji.cow" => "Cow face"
      "emoji.cow2" => "Cow"
      "emoji.cowboy" => "Cowboy hat face"
      "emoji.crab" => "Crab"
      "emoji.crayon" => "Crayon"
      "emoji.credit_card" => "Credit card"
      "emoji.crescent_moon" => "Crescent moon"
      "" => "Cricket"
      "emoji.cricket_game" => "Cricket game"
      "emoji.crocodile" => "Crocodile"
      "emoji.croissant" => "Croissant"
      "emoji.cross" => "Latin cross"
      "emoji.crossed_flags" => "Crossed flags"
      "emoji.crossed_swords" => "Crossed swords"
      "" => "Crown"
      "emoji.cruise_ship" => "Passenger ship"
      "emoji.crutch" => "Crutch"
      "emoji.cry" => "Crying face"
      "emoji.crying_cat_face" => "Crying cat"
      "emoji.crystal_ball" => "Crystal ball"
      "emoji.cucumber" => "Cucumber"
      "emoji.cup_with_straw" => "Cup with straw"
      "emoji.cupcake" => "Cupcake"
      "emoji.cupid" => "Heart with arrow"
      "emoji.curling_stone" => "Curling stone"
      "emoji.curly_haired" => "Curly hair"
      "emoji.curly_loop" => "Curly loop"
      "emoji.currency_exchange" => "Currency exchange"
      "emoji.curry" => "Curry rice"
      "emoji.custard" => "Custard"
      "emoji.customs" => "Customs"
      "emoji.cut_of_meat" => "Cut of meat"
      "emoji.cyclone" => "Cyclone"
      "emoji.dagger" => "Dagger"
      "emoji.dancer" => "Woman dancing"
      "emoji.dancer_tone1" => "Woman dancing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone2" => "Woman dancing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone3" => "Woman dancing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone4" => "Woman dancing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.dancer_tone5" => "Woman dancing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.dango" => "Dango"
      "emoji.dark_sunglasses" => "Sunglasses"
      "emoji.dart" => "Direct hit"
      "emoji.dash" => "Dashing away"
      "" => "Calendar"
      "emoji.deaf_man" => "Deaf man"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone1" => "Deaf man: light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone2" => "Deaf man: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone3" => "Deaf man: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone4" => "Deaf man: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_man_tone5" => "Deaf man: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person" => "Deaf person"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone1" => "Deaf person: light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone2" => "Deaf person: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone3" => "Deaf person: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone4" => "Deaf person: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_person_tone5" => "Deaf person: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman" => "Deaf woman"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone1" => "Deaf woman: light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone2" => "Deaf woman: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone3" => "Deaf woman: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone4" => "Deaf woman: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deaf_woman_tone5" => "Deaf woman: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.deciduous_tree" => "Deciduous tree"
      "emoji.deer" => "Deer"
      "emoji.department_store" => "Department store"
      "emoji.desert" => "Desert"
      "emoji.desktop" => "Desktop computer"
      "emoji.detective" => "Detective"
      "emoji.detective_tone1" => "Detective: light skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone2" => "Detective: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone3" => "Detective: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone4" => "Detective: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.detective_tone5" => "Detective: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside" => "Diamond with a dot"
      "" => "Diamond suit"
      "emoji.disappointed" => "Disappointed face"
      "emoji.disappointed_relieved" => "Sad but relieved face"
      "emoji.disguised_face" => "Disguised face"
      "emoji.dividers" => "Card index dividers"
      "emoji.diving_mask" => "Diving mask"
      "emoji.diya_lamp" => "Diya lamp"
      "emoji.dizzy" => "Dizzy"
      "emoji.dizzy_face" => "Dizzy face"
      "emoji.dna" => "Dna"
      "emoji.do_not_litter" => "No littering"
      "emoji.dodo" => "Dodo"
      "" => "Dog face"
      "emoji.dog2" => "Dog"
      "emoji.dollar" => "Dollar banknote"
      "emoji.dolls" => "Japanese dolls"
      "emoji.dolphin" => "Dolphin"
      "emoji.donkey" => "Donkey"
      "emoji.door" => "Door"
      "emoji.dotted_line_face" => "Dotted line face"
      "emoji.doughnut" => "Doughnut"
      "emoji.dove" => "Dove"
      "emoji.dragon" => "Dragon"
      "emoji.dragon_face" => "Dragon face"
      "emoji.dress" => "Dress"
      "emoji.dromedary_camel" => "Camel"
      "emoji.drooling_face" => "Drooling face"
      "emoji.drop_of_blood" => "Drop of blood"
      "emoji.droplet" => "Droplet"
      "emoji.drum" => "Drum"
      "" => "Duck"
      "emoji.dumpling" => "Dumpling"
      "emoji.dvd" => "Dvd"
      "emoji.e_mail" => "E-mail"
      "emoji.eagle" => "Eagle"
      "emoji.ear" => "Ear"
      "emoji.ear_of_rice" => "Sheaf of rice"
      "emoji.ear_tone1" => "Ear: light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone2" => "Ear: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone3" => "Ear: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone4" => "Ear: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_tone5" => "Ear: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid" => "Ear with hearing aid"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone1" => "Ear with hearing aid: light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone2" => "Ear with hearing aid: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone3" => "Ear with hearing aid: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone4" => "Ear with hearing aid: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.ear_with_hearing_aid_tone5" => "Ear with hearing aid: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.earth_africa" => "Globe showing Europe-Africa"
      "emoji.earth_americas" => "Globe showing Americas"
      "emoji.earth_asia" => "Globe showing Asia-Australia"
      "emoji.egg" => "Egg"
      "emoji.eggplant" => "Eggplant"
      "emoji.eight" => "Keycap: 8"
      "emoji.eight_pointed_black_star" => "Eight-pointed star"
      "emoji.eight_spoked_asterisk" => "Eight-spoked asterisk"
      "emoji.eject" => "Eject button"
      "emoji.electric_plug" => "Electric plug"
      "emoji.elephant" => "Elephant"
      "emoji.elevator" => "Elevator"
      "emoji.elf" => "Elf"
      "emoji.elf_tone1" => "Elf: light skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone2" => "Elf: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone3" => "Elf: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone4" => "Elf: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.elf_tone5" => "Elf: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.empty_nest" => "Empty nest"
      "emoji.end" => "END arrow"
      "emoji.england" => "Flag: England"
      "emoji.envelope" => "Envelope"
      "emoji.envelope_with_arrow" => "Envelope with arrow"
      "emoji.euro" => "Euro banknote"
      "emoji.european_castle" => "Castle"
      "emoji.european_post_office" => "Post office"
      "emoji.evergreen_tree" => "Evergreen tree"
      "emoji.exclamation" => "Exclamation mark"
      "emoji.exploding_head" => "Exploding head"
      "emoji.expressionless" => "Expressionless face"
      "emoji.eye" => "Eye"
      "emoji.eye_in_speech_bubble" => "Eye in speech bubble"
      "emoji.eyeglasses" => "Glasses"
      "emoji.eyes" => "Eyes"
      "emoji.face_exhaling" => "Face exhaling"
      "emoji.face_holding_back_tears" => "Face holding back tears"
      "emoji.face_in_clouds" => "Face in clouds"
      "emoji.face_vomiting" => "Face vomiting"
      "emoji.face_with_diagonal_mouth" => "Face with diagonal mouth"
      "emoji.face_with_hand_over_mouth" => "Face with hand over mouth"
      "emoji.face_with_monocle" => "Face with monocle"
      "emoji.face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth" => "Face with open eyes and hand over mouth"
      "emoji.face_with_peeking_eye" => "Face with peeking eye"
      "emoji.face_with_raised_eyebrow" => "Face with raised eyebrow"
      "emoji.face_with_spiral_eyes" => "Face with spiral eyes"
      "emoji.face_with_symbols_over_mouth" => "Face with symbols on mouth"
      "emoji.factory" => "Factory"
      "emoji.factory_worker" => "Factory worker"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone1" => "Factory worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone2" => "Factory worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone3" => "Factory worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone4" => "Factory worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.factory_worker_tone5" => "Factory worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy" => "Fairy"
      "emoji.fairy_tone1" => "Fairy: light skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone2" => "Fairy: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone3" => "Fairy: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone4" => "Fairy: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fairy_tone5" => "Fairy: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.falafel" => "Falafel"
      "emoji.fallen_leaf" => "Fallen leaf"
      "" => "Family"
      "emoji.family_man_boy" => "Family: man, boy"
      "emoji.family_man_boy_boy" => "Family: man, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_man_girl" => "Family: man, girl"
      "emoji.family_man_girl_boy" => "Family: man, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_man_girl_girl" => "Family: man, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_man_woman_boy" => "Family: man, woman, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmb" => "Family: man, man, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmbb" => "Family: man, man, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmg" => "Family: man, man, girl"
      "emoji.family_mmgb" => "Family: man, man, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_mmgg" => "Family: man, man, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_mwbb" => "Family: man, woman, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_mwg" => "Family: man, woman, girl"
      "emoji.family_mwgb" => "Family: man, woman, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_mwgg" => "Family: man, woman, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_woman_boy" => "Family: woman, boy"
      "emoji.family_woman_boy_boy" => "Family: woman, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_woman_girl" => "Family: woman, girl"
      "emoji.family_woman_girl_boy" => "Family: woman, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_woman_girl_girl" => "Family: woman, girl, girl"
      "emoji.family_wwb" => "Family: woman, woman, boy"
      "emoji.family_wwbb" => "Family: woman, woman, boy, boy"
      "emoji.family_wwg" => "Family: woman, woman, girl"
      "emoji.family_wwgb" => "Family: woman, woman, girl, boy"
      "emoji.family_wwgg" => "Family: woman, woman, girl, girl"
      "emoji.farmer" => "Farmer"
      "emoji.farmer_tone1" => "Farmer: light skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone2" => "Farmer: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone3" => "Farmer: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone4" => "Farmer: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.farmer_tone5" => "Farmer: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fast_forward" => "Fast-forward button"
      "emoji.fax" => "Fax machine"
      "emoji.fearful" => "Fearful face"
      "emoji.feather" => "Feather"
      "emoji.feet" => "Paw prints"
      "emoji.female_sign" => "Female sign"
      "emoji.ferris_wheel" => "Ferris wheel"
      "emoji.ferry" => "Ferry"
      "emoji.field_hockey" => "Field hockey"
      "emoji.file_cabinet" => "File cabinet"
      "emoji.file_folder" => "File folder"
      "emoji.film_frames" => "Film frames"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed" => "Crossed fingers"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone1" => "Crossed fingers: light skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone2" => "Crossed fingers: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone3" => "Crossed fingers: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone4" => "Crossed fingers: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fingers_crossed_tone5" => "Crossed fingers: dark skin tone"
      "" => "Fire"
      "emoji.fire_engine" => "Fire engine"
      "emoji.fire_extinguisher" => "Fire extinguisher"
      "emoji.firecracker" => "Firecracker"
      "emoji.firefighter" => "Firefighter"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone1" => "Firefighter: light skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone2" => "Firefighter: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone3" => "Firefighter: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone4" => "Firefighter: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.firefighter_tone5" => "Firefighter: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fireworks" => "Fireworks"
      "emoji.first_place" => "1st place medal"
      "emoji.first_quarter_moon" => "First quarter moon"
      "emoji.first_quarter_moon_with_face" => "First quarter moon face"
      "" => "Fish"
      "emoji.fish_cake" => "Fish cake with swirl"
      "emoji.fishing_pole_and_fish" => "Fishing pole"
      "emoji.fist" => "Raised fist"
      "emoji.fist_tone1" => "Raised fist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone2" => "Raised fist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone3" => "Raised fist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone4" => "Raised fist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.fist_tone5" => "Raised fist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.five" => "Keycap: 5"
      "emoji.flag_ac" => "Flag: Ascension Island"
      "emoji.flag_ad" => "Flag: Andorra"
      "emoji.flag_ae" => "Flag: United Arab Emirates"
      "emoji.flag_af" => "Flag: Afghanistan"
      "emoji.flag_ag" => "Flag: Antigua & Barbuda"
      "emoji.flag_ai" => "Flag: Anguilla"
      "emoji.flag_al" => "Flag: Albania"
      "emoji.flag_am" => "Flag: Armenia"
      "emoji.flag_ao" => "Flag: Angola"
      "emoji.flag_aq" => "Flag: Antarctica"
      "emoji.flag_ar" => "Flag: Argentina"
      "emoji.flag_as" => "Flag: American Samoa"
      "emoji.flag_at" => "Flag: Austria"
      "emoji.flag_au" => "Flag: Australia"
      "emoji.flag_aw" => "Flag: Aruba"
      "emoji.flag_ax" => "Flag: Åland Islands"
      "emoji.flag_az" => "Flag: Azerbaijan"
      "emoji.flag_ba" => "Flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina"
      "emoji.flag_bb" => "Flag: Barbados"
      "emoji.flag_bd" => "Flag: Bangladesh"
      "emoji.flag_be" => "Flag: Belgium"
      "emoji.flag_bf" => "Flag: Burkina Faso"
      "emoji.flag_bg" => "Flag: Bulgaria"
      "emoji.flag_bh" => "Flag: Bahrain"
      "emoji.flag_bi" => "Flag: Burundi"
      "emoji.flag_bj" => "Flag: Benin"
      "emoji.flag_bl" => "Flag: St. Barthélemy"
      "emoji.flag_black" => "Black flag"
      "emoji.flag_bm" => "Flag: Bermuda"
      "emoji.flag_bn" => "Flag: Brunei"
      "emoji.flag_bo" => "Flag: Bolivia"
      "emoji.flag_bq" => "Flag: Caribbean Netherlands"
      "emoji.flag_br" => "Flag: Brazil"
      "emoji.flag_bs" => "Flag: Bahamas"
      "emoji.flag_bt" => "Flag: Bhutan"
      "emoji.flag_bv" => "Flag: Bouvet Island"
      "emoji.flag_bw" => "Flag: Botswana"
      "emoji.flag_by" => "Flag: Belarus"
      "emoji.flag_bz" => "Flag: Belize"
      "emoji.flag_ca" => "Flag: Canada"
      "emoji.flag_cc" => "Flag: Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
      "emoji.flag_cd" => "Flag: Congo - Kinshasa"
      "emoji.flag_cf" => "Flag: Central African Republic"
      "emoji.flag_cg" => "Flag: Congo - Brazzaville"
      "emoji.flag_ch" => "Flag: Switzerland"
      "emoji.flag_ci" => "Flag: Côte d’Ivoire"
      "emoji.flag_ck" => "Flag: Cook Islands"
      "emoji.flag_cl" => "Flag: Chile"
      "emoji.flag_cm" => "Flag: Cameroon"
      "emoji.flag_cn" => "Flag: China"
      "emoji.flag_co" => "Flag: Colombia"
      "emoji.flag_cp" => "Flag: Clipperton Island"
      "emoji.flag_cr" => "Flag: Costa Rica"
      "emoji.flag_cu" => "Flag: Cuba"
      "emoji.flag_cv" => "Flag: Cape Verde"
      "emoji.flag_cw" => "Flag: Curaçao"
      "emoji.flag_cx" => "Flag: Christmas Island"
      "emoji.flag_cy" => "Flag: Cyprus"
      "emoji.flag_cz" => "Flag: Czechia"
      "emoji.flag_de" => "Flag: Germany"
      "emoji.flag_dg" => "Flag: Diego Garcia"
      "emoji.flag_dj" => "Flag: Djibouti"
      "emoji.flag_dk" => "Flag: Denmark"
      "emoji.flag_dm" => "Flag: Dominica"
      "emoji.flag_do" => "Flag: Dominican Republic"
      "emoji.flag_dz" => "Flag: Algeria"
      "emoji.flag_ea" => "Flag: Ceuta & Melilla"
      "emoji.flag_ec" => "Flag: Ecuador"
      "emoji.flag_ee" => "Flag: Estonia"
      "emoji.flag_eg" => "Flag: Egypt"
      "emoji.flag_eh" => "Flag: Western Sahara"
      "emoji.flag_er" => "Flag: Eritrea"
      "emoji.flag_es" => "Flag: Spain"
      "emoji.flag_et" => "Flag: Ethiopia"
      "emoji.flag_eu" => "Flag: European Union"
      "emoji.flag_fi" => "Flag: Finland"
      "emoji.flag_fj" => "Flag: Fiji"
      "emoji.flag_fk" => "Flag: Falkland Islands"
      "emoji.flag_fm" => "Flag: Micronesia"
      "emoji.flag_fo" => "Flag: Faroe Islands"
      "emoji.flag_fr" => "Flag: France"
      "emoji.flag_ga" => "Flag: Gabon"
      "emoji.flag_gb" => "Flag: United Kingdom"
      "emoji.flag_gd" => "Flag: Grenada"
      "emoji.flag_ge" => "Flag: Georgia"
      "emoji.flag_gf" => "Flag: French Guiana"
      "emoji.flag_gg" => "Flag: Guernsey"
      "emoji.flag_gh" => "Flag: Ghana"
      "emoji.flag_gi" => "Flag: Gibraltar"
      "emoji.flag_gl" => "Flag: Greenland"
      "emoji.flag_gm" => "Flag: Gambia"
      "emoji.flag_gn" => "Flag: Guinea"
      "emoji.flag_gp" => "Flag: Guadeloupe"
      "emoji.flag_gq" => "Flag: Equatorial Guinea"
      "emoji.flag_gr" => "Flag: Greece"
      "emoji.flag_gs" => "Flag: South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands"
      "emoji.flag_gt" => "Flag: Guatemala"
      "emoji.flag_gu" => "Flag: Guam"
      "emoji.flag_gw" => "Flag: Guinea-Bissau"
      "emoji.flag_gy" => "Flag: Guyana"
      "emoji.flag_hk" => "Flag: Hong Kong SAR China"
      "emoji.flag_hm" => "Flag: Heard & McDonald Islands"
      "emoji.flag_hn" => "Flag: Honduras"
      "emoji.flag_hr" => "Flag: Croatia"
      "emoji.flag_ht" => "Flag: Haiti"
      "emoji.flag_hu" => "Flag: Hungary"
      "emoji.flag_ic" => "Flag: Canary Islands"
      "emoji.flag_id" => "Flag: Indonesia"
      "emoji.flag_ie" => "Flag: Ireland"
      "emoji.flag_il" => "Flag: Israel"
      "emoji.flag_im" => "Flag: Isle of Man"
      "emoji.flag_in" => "Flag: India"
      "emoji.flag_io" => "Flag: British Indian Ocean Territory"
      "emoji.flag_iq" => "Flag: Iraq"
      "emoji.flag_ir" => "Flag: Iran"
      "emoji.flag_is" => "Flag: Iceland"
      "emoji.flag_it" => "Flag: Italy"
      "emoji.flag_je" => "Flag: Jersey"
      "emoji.flag_jm" => "Flag: Jamaica"
      "emoji.flag_jo" => "Flag: Jordan"
      "emoji.flag_jp" => "Flag: Japan"
      "emoji.flag_ke" => "Flag: Kenya"
      "emoji.flag_kg" => "Flag: Kyrgyzstan"
      "emoji.flag_kh" => "Flag: Cambodia"
      "emoji.flag_ki" => "Flag: Kiribati"
      "emoji.flag_km" => "Flag: Comoros"
      "emoji.flag_kn" => "Flag: St. Kitts & Nevis"
      "emoji.flag_kp" => "Flag: North Korea"
      "emoji.flag_kr" => "Flag: South Korea"
      "emoji.flag_kw" => "Flag: Kuwait"
      "emoji.flag_ky" => "Flag: Cayman Islands"
      "emoji.flag_kz" => "Flag: Kazakhstan"
      "emoji.flag_la" => "Flag: Laos"
      "emoji.flag_lb" => "Flag: Lebanon"
      "emoji.flag_lc" => "Flag: St. Lucia"
      "emoji.flag_li" => "Flag: Liechtenstein"
      "emoji.flag_lk" => "Flag: Sri Lanka"
      "emoji.flag_lr" => "Flag: Liberia"
      "emoji.flag_ls" => "Flag: Lesotho"
      "emoji.flag_lt" => "Flag: Lithuania"
      "emoji.flag_lu" => "Flag: Luxembourg"
      "emoji.flag_lv" => "Flag: Latvia"
      "emoji.flag_ly" => "Flag: Libya"
      "emoji.flag_ma" => "Flag: Morocco"
      "emoji.flag_mc" => "Flag: Monaco"
      "emoji.flag_md" => "Flag: Moldova"
      "emoji.flag_me" => "Flag: Montenegro"
      "emoji.flag_mf" => "Flag: St. Martin"
      "emoji.flag_mg" => "Flag: Madagascar"
      "emoji.flag_mh" => "Flag: Marshall Islands"
      "emoji.flag_mk" => "Flag: Macedonia"
      "emoji.flag_ml" => "Flag: Mali"
      "emoji.flag_mm" => "Flag: Myanmar (Burma)"
      "emoji.flag_mn" => "Flag: Mongolia"
      "emoji.flag_mo" => "Flag: Macao SAR China"
      "emoji.flag_mp" => "Flag: Northern Mariana Islands"
      "emoji.flag_mq" => "Flag: Martinique"
      "emoji.flag_mr" => "Flag: Mauritania"
      "emoji.flag_ms" => "Flag: Montserrat"
      "emoji.flag_mt" => "Flag: Malta"
      "emoji.flag_mu" => "Flag: Mauritius"
      "emoji.flag_mv" => "Flag: Maldives"
      "emoji.flag_mw" => "Flag: Malawi"
      "emoji.flag_mx" => "Flag: Mexico"
      "emoji.flag_my" => "Flag: Malaysia"
      "emoji.flag_mz" => "Flag: Mozambique"
      "emoji.flag_na" => "Flag: Namibia"
      "emoji.flag_nc" => "Flag: New Caledonia"
      "emoji.flag_ne" => "Flag: Niger"
      "emoji.flag_nf" => "Flag: Norfolk Island"
      "emoji.flag_ng" => "Flag: Nigeria"
      "emoji.flag_ni" => "Flag: Nicaragua"
      "emoji.flag_nl" => "Flag: Netherlands"
      "emoji.flag_no" => "Flag: Norway"
      "emoji.flag_np" => "Flag: Nepal"
      "emoji.flag_nr" => "Flag: Nauru"
      "emoji.flag_nu" => "Flag: Niue"
      "emoji.flag_nz" => "Flag: New Zealand"
      "emoji.flag_om" => "Flag: Oman"
      "emoji.flag_pa" => "Flag: Panama"
      "emoji.flag_pe" => "Flag: Peru"
      "emoji.flag_pf" => "Flag: French Polynesia"
      "emoji.flag_pg" => "Flag: Papua New Guinea"
      "emoji.flag_ph" => "Flag: Philippines"
      "emoji.flag_pk" => "Flag: Pakistan"
      "emoji.flag_pl" => "Flag: Poland"
      "emoji.flag_pm" => "Flag: St. Pierre & Miquelon"
      "emoji.flag_pn" => "Flag: Pitcairn Islands"
      "emoji.flag_pr" => "Flag: Puerto Rico"
      "emoji.flag_ps" => "Flag: Palestinian Territories"
      "emoji.flag_pt" => "Flag: Portugal"
      "emoji.flag_pw" => "Flag: Palau"
      "emoji.flag_py" => "Flag: Paraguay"
      "emoji.flag_qa" => "Flag: Qatar"
      "emoji.flag_re" => "Flag: Réunion"
      "emoji.flag_ro" => "Flag: Romania"
      "emoji.flag_rs" => "Flag: Serbia"
      "emoji.flag_ru" => "Flag: Russia"
      "emoji.flag_rw" => "Flag: Rwanda"
      "emoji.flag_sa" => "Flag: Saudi Arabia"
      "emoji.flag_sb" => "Flag: Solomon Islands"
      "emoji.flag_sc" => "Flag: Seychelles"
      "emoji.flag_sd" => "Flag: Sudan"
      "emoji.flag_se" => "Flag: Sweden"
      "emoji.flag_sg" => "Flag: Singapore"
      "emoji.flag_sh" => "Flag: St. Helena"
      "emoji.flag_si" => "Flag: Slovenia"
      "emoji.flag_sj" => "Flag: Svalbard & Jan Mayen"
      "emoji.flag_sk" => "Flag: Slovakia"
      "emoji.flag_sl" => "Flag: Sierra Leone"
      "emoji.flag_sm" => "Flag: San Marino"
      "emoji.flag_sn" => "Flag: Senegal"
      "emoji.flag_so" => "Flag: Somalia"
      "emoji.flag_sr" => "Flag: Suriname"
      "emoji.flag_ss" => "Flag: South Sudan"
      "emoji.flag_st" => "Flag: São Tomé & Príncipe"
      "emoji.flag_sv" => "Flag: El Salvador"
      "emoji.flag_sx" => "Flag: Sint Maarten"
      "emoji.flag_sy" => "Flag: Syria"
      "emoji.flag_sz" => "Flag: Eswatini"
      "emoji.flag_ta" => "Flag: Tristan da Cunha"
      "emoji.flag_tc" => "Flag: Turks & Caicos Islands"
      "emoji.flag_td" => "Flag: Chad"
      "emoji.flag_tf" => "Flag: French Southern Territories"
      "emoji.flag_tg" => "Flag: Togo"
      "emoji.flag_th" => "Flag: Thailand"
      "emoji.flag_tj" => "Flag: Tajikistan"
      "emoji.flag_tk" => "Flag: Tokelau"
      "emoji.flag_tl" => "Flag: Timor-Leste"
      "emoji.flag_tm" => "Flag: Turkmenistan"
      "emoji.flag_tn" => "Flag: Tunisia"
      "emoji.flag_to" => "Flag: Tonga"
      "emoji.flag_tr" => "Flag: Turkey"
      "emoji.flag_tt" => "Flag: Trinidad & Tobago"
      "emoji.flag_tv" => "Flag: Tuvalu"
      "emoji.flag_tw" => "Flag: Taiwan"
      "emoji.flag_tz" => "Flag: Tanzania"
      "emoji.flag_ua" => "Flag: Ukraine"
      "emoji.flag_ug" => "Flag: Uganda"
      "emoji.flag_um" => "Flag: U.S. Outlying Islands"
      "emoji.flag_us" => "Flag: United States"
      "emoji.flag_uy" => "Flag: Uruguay"
      "emoji.flag_uz" => "Flag: Uzbekistan"
      "emoji.flag_va" => "Flag: Vatican City"
      "emoji.flag_vc" => "Flag: St. Vincent & Grenadines"
      "emoji.flag_ve" => "Flag: Venezuela"
      "emoji.flag_vg" => "Flag: British Virgin Islands"
      "emoji.flag_vi" => "Flag: U.S. Virgin Islands"
      "emoji.flag_vn" => "Flag: Vietnam"
      "emoji.flag_vu" => "Flag: Vanuatu"
      "emoji.flag_wf" => "Flag: Wallis & Futuna"
      "emoji.flag_white" => "White flag"
      "emoji.flag_ws" => "Flag: Samoa"
      "emoji.flag_xk" => "Flag: Kosovo"
      "emoji.flag_ye" => "Flag: Yemen"
      "emoji.flag_yt" => "Flag: Mayotte"
      "emoji.flag_za" => "Flag: South Africa"
      "emoji.flag_zm" => "Flag: Zambia"
      "emoji.flag_zw" => "Flag: Zimbabwe"
      "emoji.flags" => "Carp streamer"
      "emoji.flamingo" => "Flamingo"
      "emoji.flashlight" => "Flashlight"
      "emoji.flatbread" => "Flatbread"
      "emoji.fleur_de_lis" => "Fleur-de-lis"
      "emoji.floppy_disk" => "Floppy disk"
      "emoji.flower_playing_cards" => "Flower playing cards"
      "emoji.flushed" => "Flushed face"
      "emoji.flute" => "Flute"
      "" => "Fly"
      "emoji.flying_disc" => "Flying disc"
      "emoji.flying_saucer" => "Flying saucer"
      "emoji.fog" => "Fog"
      "emoji.foggy" => "Foggy"
      "emoji.folding_hand_fan" => "Folding hand fan"
      "emoji.fondue" => "Fondue"
      "emoji.foot" => "Foot"
      "emoji.foot_tone1" => "Foot: light skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone2" => "Foot: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone3" => "Foot: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone4" => "Foot: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.foot_tone5" => "Foot: dark skin tone"
      "" => "American football"
      "emoji.footprints" => "Footprints"
      "emoji.fork_and_knife" => "Fork and knife"
      "emoji.fork_knife_plate" => "Fork and knife with plate"
      "emoji.fortune_cookie" => "Fortune cookie"
      "emoji.fountain" => "Fountain"
      "emoji.four" => "Keycap: 4"
      "emoji.four_leaf_clover" => "Four leaf clover"
      "" => "Fox"
      "emoji.frame_photo" => "Framed picture"
      "" => "FREE button"
      "emoji.french_bread" => "Baguette bread"
      "emoji.fried_shrimp" => "Fried shrimp"
      "emoji.fries" => "French fries"
      "emoji.frog" => "Frog"
      "emoji.frowning" => "Frowning face with open mouth"
      "emoji.frowning2" => "Frowning face"
      "emoji.fuelpump" => "Fuel pump"
      "emoji.full_moon" => "Full moon"
      "emoji.full_moon_with_face" => "Full moon face"
      "emoji.game_die" => "Game die"
      "emoji.garlic" => "Garlic"
      "emoji.gear" => "Gear"
      "emoji.gem" => "Gem stone"
      "emoji.gemini" => "Gemini"
      "emoji.genie" => "Genie"
      "emoji.ghost" => "Ghost"
      "" => "Wrapped gift"
      "emoji.gift_heart" => "Heart with ribbon"
      "emoji.ginger_root" => "Ginger root"
      "emoji.giraffe" => "Giraffe"
      "emoji.girl" => "Girl"
      "emoji.girl_tone1" => "Girl: light skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone2" => "Girl: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone3" => "Girl: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone4" => "Girl: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.girl_tone5" => "Girl: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.globe_with_meridians" => "Globe with meridians"
      "emoji.gloves" => "Gloves"
      "emoji.goal" => "Goal net"
      "emoji.goat" => "Goat"
      "emoji.goggles" => "Goggles"
      "" => "Flag in hole"
      "emoji.goose" => "Goose"
      "emoji.gorilla" => "Gorilla"
      "emoji.grapes" => "Grapes"
      "emoji.green_apple" => "Green apple"
      "emoji.green_book" => "Green book"
      "emoji.green_circle" => "Green circle"
      "emoji.green_heart" => "Green heart"
      "emoji.green_square" => "Green square"
      "emoji.grey_exclamation" => "White exclamation mark"
      "emoji.grey_heart" => "Grey heart"
      "emoji.grey_question" => "White question mark"
      "emoji.grimacing" => "Grimacing face"
      "emoji.grin" => "Beaming face with smiling eyes"
      "emoji.grinning" => "Grinning face"
      "emoji.guard" => "Guard"
      "emoji.guard_tone1" => "Guard: light skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone2" => "Guard: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone3" => "Guard: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone4" => "Guard: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.guard_tone5" => "Guard: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.guide_dog" => "Guide dog"
      "emoji.guitar" => "Guitar"
      "emoji.gun" => "Pistol"
      "emoji.hair_pick" => "Hair pick"
      "emoji.hamburger" => "Hamburger"
      "emoji.hammer" => "Hammer"
      "emoji.hammer_pick" => "Hammer and pick"
      "emoji.hamsa" => "Hamsa"
      "emoji.hamster" => "Hamster"
      "emoji.hand_splayed" => "Hand with fingers splayed"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone1" => "Hand with fingers splayed: light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone2" => "Hand with fingers splayed: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone3" => "Hand with fingers splayed: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone4" => "Hand with fingers splayed: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_splayed_tone5" => "Hand with fingers splayed: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone1" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone2" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone3" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone4" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed_tone5" => "Hand with index finger and thumb crossed: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handbag" => "Handbag"
      "emoji.handshake" => "Handshake"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1" => "Handshake: light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone2" => "Handshake: light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone3" => "Handshake: light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone4" => "Handshake: light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone1_tone5" => "Handshake: light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone1" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone3" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone4" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone2_tone5" => "Handshake: medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3" => "Handshake: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone1" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone2" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone4" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone3_tone5" => "Handshake: medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone1" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone2" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone3" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone4_tone5" => "Handshake: medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5" => "Handshake: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone1" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone2" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone3" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.handshake_tone5_tone4" => "Handshake: dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hash" => "Keycap: #"
      "emoji.hatched_chick" => "Front-facing baby chick"
      "emoji.hatching_chick" => "Hatching chick"
      "emoji.head_bandage" => "Face with head-bandage"
      "emoji.headphones" => "Headphone"
      "emoji.headstone" => "Headstone"
      "emoji.health_worker" => "Health worker"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone1" => "Health worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone2" => "Health worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone3" => "Health worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone4" => "Health worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.health_worker_tone5" => "Health worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.hear_no_evil" => "Hear-no-evil monkey"
      "emoji.heart" => "Red heart"
      "emoji.heart_decoration" => "Heart decoration"
      "emoji.heart_exclamation" => "Heart exclamation"
      "emoji.heart_eyes" => "Smiling face with heart-eyes"
      "emoji.heart_eyes_cat" => "Smiling cat with heart-eyes"
      "emoji.heart_hands" => "Heart hands"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone1" => "Heart hands: light skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone2" => "Heart hands: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone3" => "Heart hands: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone4" => "Heart hands: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_hands_tone5" => "Heart hands: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.heart_on_fire" => "Heart on fire"
      "emoji.heartbeat" => "Beating heart"
      "emoji.heartpulse" => "Growing heart"
      "emoji.hearts" => "Heart suit"
      "emoji.heavy_check_mark" => "Check mark"
      "emoji.heavy_division_sign" => "Division sign"
      "emoji.heavy_dollar_sign" => "Heavy dollar sign"
      "emoji.heavy_equals_sign" => "Heavy equals sign"
      "emoji.heavy_minus_sign" => "Minus sign"
      "emoji.heavy_multiplication_x" => "Multiplication sign"
      "emoji.heavy_plus_sign" => "Plus sign"
      "emoji.hedgehog" => "Hedgehog"
      "emoji.helicopter" => "Helicopter"
      "emoji.helmet_with_cross" => "Rescue worker’s helmet"
      "emoji.herb" => "Herb"
      "emoji.hibiscus" => "Hibiscus"
      "emoji.high_brightness" => "Bright button"
      "emoji.high_heel" => "High-heeled shoe"
      "emoji.hiking_boot" => "Hiking boot"
      "emoji.hindu_temple" => "Hindu temple"
      "emoji.hippopotamus" => "Hippopotamus"
      "" => "Ice hockey"
      "emoji.hole" => "Hole"
      "" => "Houses"
      "emoji.honey_pot" => "Honey pot"
      "emoji.hook" => "Hook"
      "" => "Horse face"
      "emoji.horse_racing" => "Horse racing"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone1" => "Horse racing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone2" => "Horse racing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone3" => "Horse racing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone4" => "Horse racing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.horse_racing_tone5" => "Horse racing: dark skin tone"
      "" => "Hospital"
      "emoji.hot_face" => "Hot face"
      "emoji.hot_pepper" => "Hot pepper"
      "emoji.hotdog" => "Hot dog"
      "emoji.hotel" => "Hotel"
      "emoji.hotsprings" => "Hot springs"
      "emoji.hourglass" => "Hourglass done"
      "emoji.hourglass_flowing_sand" => "Hourglass not done"
      "" => "House"
      "emoji.house_abandoned" => "Derelict house"
      "emoji.house_with_garden" => "House with garden"
      "emoji.hugging" => "Hugging face"
      "emoji.hushed" => "Hushed face"
      "emoji.hut" => "Hut"
      "emoji.hyacinth" => "Hyacinth"
      "emoji.ice_cream" => "Ice cream"
      "emoji.ice_cube" => "Ice cube"
      "emoji.ice_skate" => "Ice skate"
      "emoji.icecream" => "Soft ice cream"
      "" => "ID button"
      "emoji.identification_card" => "Identification card"
      "emoji.ideograph_advantage" => "Japanese “bargain” button"
      "emoji.imp" => "Angry face with horns"
      "emoji.inbox_tray" => "Inbox tray"
      "emoji.incoming_envelope" => "Incoming envelope"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer" => "Index pointing at the viewer"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone1" => "Index pointing at the viewer: light skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone2" => "Index pointing at the viewer: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone3" => "Index pointing at the viewer: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone4" => "Index pointing at the viewer: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.index_pointing_at_the_viewer_tone5" => "Index pointing at the viewer: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.infinity" => "Infinity"
      "emoji.information_source" => "Information"
      "emoji.innocent" => "Smiling face with halo"
      "emoji.interrobang" => "Exclamation question mark"
      "emoji.island" => "Desert island"
      "emoji.izakaya_lantern" => "Red paper lantern"
      "emoji.jack_o_lantern" => "Jack-o-lantern"
      "emoji.japan" => "Map of Japan"
      "emoji.japanese_castle" => "Japanese castle"
      "emoji.japanese_goblin" => "Goblin"
      "emoji.japanese_ogre" => "Ogre"
      "emoji.jar" => "Jar"
      "emoji.jeans" => "Jeans"
      "emoji.jellyfish" => "Jellyfish"
      "emoji.jigsaw" => "Puzzle piece"
      "" => "Face with tears of joy"
      "emoji.joy_cat" => "Cat with tears of joy"
      "emoji.joystick" => "Joystick"
      "emoji.judge" => "Judge"
      "emoji.judge_tone1" => "Judge: light skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone2" => "Judge: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone3" => "Judge: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone4" => "Judge: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.judge_tone5" => "Judge: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kaaba" => "Kaaba"
      "emoji.kangaroo" => "Kangaroo"
      "emoji.key" => "Key"
      "emoji.key2" => "Old key"
      "emoji.keyboard" => "Keyboard"
      "emoji.keycap_ten" => "Keycap: 10"
      "emoji.khanda" => "Khanda"
      "emoji.kimono" => "Kimono"
      "emoji.kiss" => "Kiss mark"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_man_man_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: man, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_mm" => "Kiss: man, man"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: person, person, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_person_person_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: person, person, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone1" => "Kiss: light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone2" => "Kiss: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone3" => "Kiss: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone4" => "Kiss: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_tone5" => "Kiss: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man" => "Kiss: woman, man"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_man_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, man, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone1_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone2_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-light skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone3_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone4_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, medium-dark skin tone, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone1" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone2" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone3" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_woman_woman_tone5_tone4" => "Kiss: woman, woman, dark skin tone, medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.kiss_ww" => "Kiss: woman, woman"
      "emoji.kissing" => "Kissing face"
      "emoji.kissing_cat" => "Kissing cat"
      "emoji.kissing_closed_eyes" => "Kissing face with closed eyes"
      "emoji.kissing_heart" => "Face blowing a kiss"
      "emoji.kissing_smiling_eyes" => "Kissing face with smiling eyes"
      "emoji.kite" => "Kite"
      "" => "Kiwi fruit"
      "emoji.knife" => "Kitchen knife"
      "emoji.knot" => "Knot"
      "emoji.koala" => "Koala"
      "emoji.koko" => "Japanese “here” button"
      "emoji.lab_coat" => "Lab coat"
      "emoji.label" => "Label"
      "emoji.lacrosse" => "Lacrosse"
      "emoji.ladder" => "Ladder"
      "emoji.lady_beetle" => "Lady beetle"
      "emoji.large_blue_diamond" => "Large blue diamond"
      "emoji.large_orange_diamond" => "Large orange diamond"
      "emoji.last_quarter_moon" => "Last quarter moon"
      "emoji.last_quarter_moon_with_face" => "Last quarter moon face"
      "emoji.laughing" => "Grinning squinting face"
      "emoji.leafy_green" => "Leafy green"
      "emoji.leaves" => "Leaf fluttering in wind"
      "emoji.ledger" => "Ledger"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist" => "Left-facing fist"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone1" => "Left-facing fist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone2" => "Left-facing fist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone3" => "Left-facing fist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone4" => "Left-facing fist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.left_facing_fist_tone5" => "Left-facing fist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.left_luggage" => "Left luggage"
      "emoji.left_right_arrow" => "Left-right arrow"
      "emoji.leftwards_arrow_with_hook" => "Right arrow curving left"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand" => "Leftwards hand"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone1" => "Leftwards hand: light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone2" => "Leftwards hand: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone3" => "Leftwards hand: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone4" => "Leftwards hand: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_hand_tone5" => "Leftwards hand: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand" => "Leftwards pushing hand"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone1" => "Leftwards pushing hand: light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone2" => "Leftwards pushing hand: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone3" => "Leftwards pushing hand: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone4" => "Leftwards pushing hand: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leftwards_pushing_hand_tone5" => "Leftwards pushing hand: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leg" => "Leg"
      "emoji.leg_tone1" => "Leg: light skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone2" => "Leg: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone3" => "Leg: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone4" => "Leg: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.leg_tone5" => "Leg: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.lemon" => "Lemon"
      "emoji.leo" => "Leo"
      "emoji.leopard" => "Leopard"
      "emoji.level_slider" => "Level slider"
      "emoji.levitate" => "Man in suit levitating"
      "emoji.levitate_tone1" => "Man in suit levitating: light skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone2" => "Man in suit levitating: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone3" => "Man in suit levitating: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone4" => "Man in suit levitating: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.levitate_tone5" => "Man in suit levitating: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.libra" => "Libra"
      "emoji.light_blue_heart" => "Light blue heart"
      "emoji.light_rail" => "Light rail"
      "" => "Link"
      "emoji.lion_face" => "Lion"
      "emoji.lips" => "Mouth"
      "emoji.lipstick" => "Lipstick"
      "emoji.lizard" => "Lizard"
      "emoji.llama" => "Llama"
      "emoji.lobster" => "Lobster"
      "emoji.lock" => "Locked"
      "emoji.lock_with_ink_pen" => "Locked with pen"
      "emoji.lollipop" => "Lollipop"
      "emoji.long_drum" => "Long drum"
      "emoji.loop" => "Double curly loop"
      "emoji.lotus" => "Lotus"
      "emoji.loud_sound" => "Speaker high volume"
      "emoji.loudspeaker" => "Loudspeaker"
      "emoji.love_hotel" => "Love hotel"
      "emoji.love_letter" => "Love letter"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture" => "Love-you gesture"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone1" => "Love-you gesture: light skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone2" => "Love-you gesture: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone3" => "Love-you gesture: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone4" => "Love-you gesture: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.love_you_gesture_tone5" => "Love-you gesture: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.low_battery" => "Low battery"
      "emoji.low_brightness" => "Dim button"
      "emoji.luggage" => "Luggage"
      "emoji.lungs" => "Lungs"
      "emoji.lying_face" => "Lying face"
      "emoji.m" => "Circled M"
      "emoji.mag" => "Magnifying glass tilted left"
      "emoji.mag_right" => "Magnifying glass tilted right"
      "emoji.mage" => "Mage"
      "emoji.mage_tone1" => "Mage: light skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone2" => "Mage: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone3" => "Mage: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone4" => "Mage: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.mage_tone5" => "Mage: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.magic_wand" => "Magic wand"
      "emoji.magnet" => "Magnet"
      "emoji.mahjong" => "Mahjong red dragon"
      "emoji.mailbox" => "Closed mailbox with raised flag"
      "emoji.mailbox_closed" => "Closed mailbox with lowered flag"
      "emoji.mailbox_with_mail" => "Open mailbox with raised flag"
      "emoji.mailbox_with_no_mail" => "Open mailbox with lowered flag"
      "emoji.male_sign" => "Male sign"
      "emoji.mammoth" => "Mammoth"
      "" => "Man"
      "emoji.man_artist" => "Man artist"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone1" => "Man artist: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone2" => "Man artist: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone3" => "Man artist: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone4" => "Man artist: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_artist_tone5" => "Man artist: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut" => "Man astronaut"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone1" => "Man astronaut: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone2" => "Man astronaut: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone3" => "Man astronaut: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone4" => "Man astronaut: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_astronaut_tone5" => "Man astronaut: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald" => "Man: bald"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone1" => "Man, bald: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone2" => "Man, bald: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone3" => "Man, bald: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone4" => "Man, bald: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bald_tone5" => "Man, bald: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_beard" => "Man: beard"
      "emoji.man_biking" => "Man biking"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone1" => "Man biking: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone2" => "Man biking: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone3" => "Man biking: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone4" => "Man biking: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_biking_tone5" => "Man biking: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball" => "Man bouncing ball"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone1" => "Man bouncing ball: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone2" => "Man bouncing ball: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone3" => "Man bouncing ball: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone4" => "Man bouncing ball: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bouncing_ball_tone5" => "Man bouncing ball: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing" => "Man bowing"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone1" => "Man bowing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone2" => "Man bowing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone3" => "Man bowing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone4" => "Man bowing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_bowing_tone5" => "Man bowing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling" => "Man cartwheeling"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone1" => "Man cartwheeling: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone2" => "Man cartwheeling: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone3" => "Man cartwheeling: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone4" => "Man cartwheeling: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cartwheeling_tone5" => "Man cartwheeling: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing" => "Man climbing"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone1" => "Man climbing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone2" => "Man climbing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone3" => "Man climbing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone4" => "Man climbing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_climbing_tone5" => "Man climbing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker" => "Man construction worker"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone1" => "Man construction worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone2" => "Man construction worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone3" => "Man construction worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone4" => "Man construction worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_construction_worker_tone5" => "Man construction worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook" => "Man cook"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone1" => "Man cook: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone2" => "Man cook: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone3" => "Man cook: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone4" => "Man cook: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_cook_tone5" => "Man cook: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired" => "Man: curly hair"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone1" => "Man, curly haired: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone2" => "Man, curly haired: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone3" => "Man, curly haired: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone4" => "Man, curly haired: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_curly_haired_tone5" => "Man, curly haired: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing" => "Man dancing"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone1" => "Man dancing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone2" => "Man dancing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone3" => "Man dancing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone4" => "Man dancing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_dancing_tone5" => "Man dancing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective" => "Man detective"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone1" => "Man detective: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone2" => "Man detective: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone3" => "Man detective: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone4" => "Man detective: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_detective_tone5" => "Man detective: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf" => "Man elf"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone1" => "Man elf: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone2" => "Man elf: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone3" => "Man elf: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone4" => "Man elf: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_elf_tone5" => "Man elf: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming" => "Man facepalming"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone1" => "Man facepalming: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone2" => "Man facepalming: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone3" => "Man facepalming: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone4" => "Man facepalming: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_facepalming_tone5" => "Man facepalming: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker" => "Man factory worker"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone1" => "Man factory worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone2" => "Man factory worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone3" => "Man factory worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone4" => "Man factory worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_factory_worker_tone5" => "Man factory worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy" => "Man fairy"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone1" => "Man fairy: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone2" => "Man fairy: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone3" => "Man fairy: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone4" => "Man fairy: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_fairy_tone5" => "Man fairy: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer" => "Man farmer"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone1" => "Man farmer: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone2" => "Man farmer: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone3" => "Man farmer: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone4" => "Man farmer: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_farmer_tone5" => "Man farmer: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby" => "Man feeding baby"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone1" => "Man feeding baby: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone2" => "Man feeding baby: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone3" => "Man feeding baby: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone4" => "Man feeding baby: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_feeding_baby_tone5" => "Man feeding baby: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter" => "Man firefighter"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone1" => "Man firefighter: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone2" => "Man firefighter: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone3" => "Man firefighter: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone4" => "Man firefighter: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_firefighter_tone5" => "Man firefighter: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning" => "Man frowning"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone1" => "Man frowning: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone2" => "Man frowning: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone3" => "Man frowning: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone4" => "Man frowning: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_frowning_tone5" => "Man frowning: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_genie" => "Man genie"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no" => "Man gesturing NO"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone1" => "Man gesturing NO: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone2" => "Man gesturing NO: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone3" => "Man gesturing NO: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone4" => "Man gesturing NO: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_no_tone5" => "Man gesturing NO: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok" => "Man gesturing OK"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone1" => "Man gesturing OK: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone2" => "Man gesturing OK: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone3" => "Man gesturing OK: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone4" => "Man gesturing OK: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_gesturing_ok_tone5" => "Man gesturing OK: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage" => "Man getting massage"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone1" => "Man getting massage: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone2" => "Man getting massage: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone3" => "Man getting massage: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone4" => "Man getting massage: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_face_massage_tone5" => "Man getting massage: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut" => "Man getting haircut"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone1" => "Man getting haircut: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone2" => "Man getting haircut: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone3" => "Man getting haircut: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone4" => "Man getting haircut: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_getting_haircut_tone5" => "Man getting haircut: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing" => "Man golfing"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone1" => "Man golfing: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone2" => "Man golfing: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone3" => "Man golfing: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone4" => "Man golfing: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_golfing_tone5" => "Man golfing: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard" => "Man guard"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone1" => "Man guard: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone2" => "Man guard: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone3" => "Man guard: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone4" => "Man guard: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_guard_tone5" => "Man guard: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker" => "Man health worker"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone1" => "Man health worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone2" => "Man health worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone3" => "Man health worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone4" => "Man health worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_health_worker_tone5" => "Man health worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position" => "Man in lotus position"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone1" => "Man in lotus position: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone2" => "Man in lotus position: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone3" => "Man in lotus position: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone4" => "Man in lotus position: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_lotus_position_tone5" => "Man in lotus position: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair" => "Man in manual wheelchair"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone1" => "Man in manual wheelchair: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone2" => "Man in manual wheelchair: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone3" => "Man in manual wheelchair: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone4" => "Man in manual wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_manual_wheelchair_tone5" => "Man in manual wheelchair: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair" => "Man in motorized wheelchair"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone1" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone2" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone3" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone4" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_motorized_wheelchair_tone5" => "Man in motorized wheelchair: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room" => "Man in steamy room"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone1" => "Man in steamy room: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone2" => "Man in steamy room: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone3" => "Man in steamy room: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone4" => "Man in steamy room: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_steamy_room_tone5" => "Man in steamy room: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo" => "Man in tuxedo"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone1" => "Man in tuxedo: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone2" => "Man in tuxedo: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone3" => "Man in tuxedo: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone4" => "Man in tuxedo: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_in_tuxedo_tone5" => "Man in tuxedo: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge" => "Man judge"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone1" => "Man judge: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone2" => "Man judge: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone3" => "Man judge: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone4" => "Man judge: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_judge_tone5" => "Man judge: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling" => "Man juggling"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone1" => "Man juggling: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone2" => "Man juggling: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone3" => "Man juggling: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone4" => "Man juggling: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_juggling_tone5" => "Man juggling: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling" => "Man kneeling"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone1" => "Man kneeling: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone2" => "Man kneeling: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone3" => "Man kneeling: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone4" => "Man kneeling: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_kneeling_tone5" => "Man kneeling: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights" => "Man lifting weights"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone1" => "Man lifting weights: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone2" => "Man lifting weights: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone3" => "Man lifting weights: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone4" => "Man lifting weights: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_lifting_weights_tone5" => "Man lifting weights: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage" => "Man mage"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone1" => "Man mage: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone2" => "Man mage: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone3" => "Man mage: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone4" => "Man mage: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mage_tone5" => "Man mage: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic" => "Man mechanic"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone1" => "Man mechanic: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone2" => "Man mechanic: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone3" => "Man mechanic: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone4" => "Man mechanic: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mechanic_tone5" => "Man mechanic: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking" => "Man mountain biking"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone1" => "Man mountain biking: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone2" => "Man mountain biking: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone3" => "Man mountain biking: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone4" => "Man mountain biking: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_mountain_biking_tone5" => "Man mountain biking: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker" => "Man office worker"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone1" => "Man office worker: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone2" => "Man office worker: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone3" => "Man office worker: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone4" => "Man office worker: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_office_worker_tone5" => "Man office worker: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot" => "Man pilot"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone1" => "Man pilot: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone2" => "Man pilot: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone3" => "Man pilot: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone4" => "Man pilot: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_pilot_tone5" => "Man pilot: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball" => "Man playing handball"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone1" => "Man playing handball: light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone2" => "Man playing handball: medium-light skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone3" => "Man playing handball: medium skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone4" => "Man playing handball: medium-dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_handball_tone5" => "Man playing handball: dark skin tone"
      "emoji.man_playing_water_polo" => "Man playing water polo"
      "emoji.man_playing_water_polo_tone1" => "Man playing water polo: light skin tone"
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For those who served


Massive ability to turn you off.
Full Member
  • Mar 25, 2011
    Trinity County Ca
    Given the state of our Nation would you advise your child to enlist?? As someone who didn't serve but has the utmost respect for those that have, I find myself advising my son against it. One year ago I was very much for it but as we transition into
    this pseudo communist regime, I'd prefer my son not be apart of it. What say the bretheren??
    Given the state of our Nation would you advise your child to enlist?? As someone who didn't serve but has the utmost respect for those that have, I find myself advising my son against it. One year ago I was very much for it but as we transition into
    this pseudo communist regime, I'd prefer my son not be apart of it. What say the bretheren??
    Nope. Get a job or go to college. Go to a trade HS. I'm currently being medically retired, and I'm very happy I am.

    I was in the Navy when Regan was POTUS. I am proud to have served. When my wife boasts about my service, I kinda cringe because I don't want my 8 of 10 year old to get the idea that " Dad did it so I will too." When I served gays were in the closet, and the POTUS thought of us as a national treasure.

    It might be better than jail. It might be better than playing videogames in dad's basement. It might be better than addiction. But today I see nothing that makes service better than a trade, a job or schooling.

    It's great that your son hears and considers your advice. The payment you MUST give him for hearing you is respect for his decision.

    By the way tell him not to trust the recuiter.
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    Nope. Get a job or go to college. Go to a trade HS. I'm currently being medically retired, and I'm very happy I am.

    That's the direction currently. I'm a lineman...started the trade at 19. He is headed that direction also. Graduates in June, spent the last two summers working for D.O.E. Lot's of vet's there with encouragement to serve....of course we still had high hopes during summer.
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    I would not recommend USA military service under the incoming administration.

    But if your son really wants to serve...
    There is always Israel or Foreign Legion....

    My buddy was looking into French Foreign legion when we were getting out. 10 years to retirement instead of 20 and a new identity when you get out sounded pretty good.
    There are ways to serve like wildland firefighter that he should look into. You get the feel good of serving your country, the adrenaline rush, gov equipment, occasional helicopter ride, chance to be smoke jumper, less political bull crap, and no situations that might compromise your morals or wake you up in the middle of the night.. and you can leave any time. Under fema though..
    • Like
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    My buddy was looking into French Foreign legion when we were getting out. 10 years to retirement instead of 20 and a new identity when you get out sounded pretty good.
    The Legion looks after it’s guys. Far as I know, you can be wanted on a Murder warrant in the US and if FBI shows up looking for you, Legion tells em to pound sand.
    If you ever watched the Game of Thrones show, they’re kinda like the Nights Watch. I’m sure they get some interesting characters. Have very seriously thought about joining, but not liking the current direction of pretty much any western country.. much less any eastern nation lol
    The Legion looks after it’s guys. Far as I know, you can be wanted on a Murder warrant in the US and if FBI shows up looking for you, Legion tells em to pound sand.
    If you ever watched the Game of Thrones show, they’re kinda like the Nights Watch. I’m sure they get some interesting characters. Have very seriously thought about joining, but not liking the current direction of pretty much any western country.. much less any eastern nation lol
    I’m getting to old and have the family thing going on now. I’ve often though of that as a retirement option though. I was kinda worried they would wear you out in 10 years to the point all you could do is retire. That and I was just a nothing special 11b
    My son is set on joining after high school, and I'm ok with it. I guess! Want him to go to college, but he doesn't see himself in school after high school. Just trying to make life easier for him after service, if he doesn't stay in for 20 yrs. That degree would be a big help for him afterwards, but then again some people nowadays struggling for a job. With a degree. Just my opinion! I served 8 and no regrets.

    Semper Fi
    My brother and I served. We both retired from the Army. 20+

    We are separated by too many years. He did 3 yrs in Nam. When I was called up for Middle East-first go round. I did not want him there, it bothered me. We talked about about how to keep him out of that, after what he did to serve previously. It was weird having those talks.

    I have three sons. And I tell them plain.

    Join the Air Force. If you gotta go there.

    We are getting to a point where service is not what it use to be IMO.

    I do not want to think of my kids doing what I did. That is truth for me. If'n ya gotta go - do it in ways that makes sense to those involved.

    Anyone who serves, in any way - will not come back the same way they left.

    It is all a growth, we cannot define or control.

    Better or worse? Remains to be seen. I'm voting better but there are dues to pay.

    An opinion.
    Can't really say. The military is definitely nothing like when I was at Bragg 30 years ago. I'd like to think it would be good for a young person to join up, and get as much training as they can, then GTFO. Have the training to fall back on should the skills ever be needed in the future. But I don't know if there's anything they can teach nowadays that makes it worth joining up. Probably better off to just get some private training at Gunsite or similar places.
    My son is set on joining after high school, and I'm ok with it. I guess! Want him to go to college, but he doesn't see himself in school after high school. Just trying to make life easier for him after service, if he doesn't stay in for 20 yrs. That degree would be a big help for him afterwards, but then again some people nowadays struggling for a job. With a degree. Just my opinion! I served 8 and no regrets.

    Semper Fi
    I’m just glad I got out before osama oops meant obummer
    The answer is yes, and you guys surprise me. Military service not only provides thousands of dollars for your kids to get a college degree but encourages lifelong learning and self-improvement. They also get to see how easy we have it here in America by visiting foreign countries - that education alone is worth it
    The future is in the trades...not college, not school. Become a pipefitter!
    Nothing like meeting someone from another state making 4x as much as you, double time instead of time and a half for overtime, and getting per diem while your working 7/12’s till “the jobs done”.
    Then there’s the local welders getting a hourly rate for their truck too.
    I served over 31 years.

    I did not take an oath to serve any particular president -- some whom I loathe to this day.

    I, and many in my immediate and extended families, swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I served to protect the nation, our people, and our way of life, and was willing to give my life in their defense. My son has taken that same oath and serves.

    If Joe Biden's government demands a loyalty oath directly to him (or anyone else, or to a specific political party), I'd say there's a significant difference of opinion coming.
    It's great that your son hears and considers your advice. The payment you MUST give him for hearing you is respect for his decision.
    Yes, I've been blessed with great kids. 3 of my own and 3 bonus. Not always easy...but rewarding. We don't always agree but will listen to each other.

    Thanks for the responses. I honestly expected alot of one side or the other. Good to hear all sides. Hell....I didn't realize joining the legion was a
    • Like
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    Was in the army from 06-13 and I watched the train coming off the rails each year that passed and gtfo while the gettin was good. Grateful for the experience, the two degreee I busted my ass for when I got out and the free tshirts but if my kid ever asks me to serve it's a big fat no from me chief but like others have said....if you gotta go....air force public affairs buddy or at least some job that will directly translate something useful later in life.
    I can only assume from this response that you’ve never been involved in wildland firefighting, particularly as associated with the USDA FS.
    I’m doing it in Alaska. I just found out about it last year and wish I woulda known about it sooner.. but am obviously green. It seems to be a great fit for me for the reasons stated but obviously am not a expert yet. Kinda like the army sends you on hometown recruiting right outa basic so you don’t scare people away with your F the A attitude.
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    My son wanted to serve, spent his last couple years in high school with marine corp in mind after graduation — 1 week before graduating he was diagnosed with MS

    He’s 21 now, has the MS under control but that ended any thoughts for the Marine corp

    I never served, I can remember back when I was 18 or 19 — the recuiter’s name was Sgt. Larsen — we spoke on and off over the phone occasionally — One day my dad answered, I heard him say “Sgt. Larsen, stop calling here — I was drafted into Vietnam, you’re not taking my son”. Never heard from Sgt. Larsen again

    There are times that I regret not joining — one of my very few regrets in life
    please please Don’t let your kid go some libtard college and get brainwashed by some hippy while piling up debt. I would still recommend it, you make good friends, make memories and do stuff that no one else does. 4 years is nothing In the grand scheme of things, if he doesn’t like it then he can use his GI bill for trade school.
    Last edited:
    I flew air attack and recon airplanes for many years for both the state and feds and thus, hung out around tanker bases and helicopter operators/operations quite a bit. The amount of politicking, good old boy chronyism, and wanton wastefulness in the name of spending the budget, was disgraceful. When it came to allocating resources, awarding contracts, and making staff decisions, particularly when the type one fire management teams got involved, anyone with a conscious should have lost sleep. It was fun to be a part of a big fire and the average guy out there doing the work was great. Highly recommend. However, it’s not without political BS and morally questionable behavior.
    Thanks for the heads up. I just turned 40 and want to do it as long as I’m able. One of my great uncles was a smoke jumper and wrote a book about it. I don’t expect to be around long enough to get into the politics as once I’m to broken to do line stuff I’ll find my own pasture.
    • Like
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    I flew air attack and recon airplanes for many years for both the state and feds and thus, hung out around tanker bases and helicopter operators/operations quite a bit. The amount of politicking, good old boy chronyism, and wanton wastefulness in the name of spending the budget, was disgraceful. When it came to allocating resources, awarding contracts, and making staff decisions, particularly when the type one fire management teams got involved, anyone with a conscious should have lost sleep. It was fun to be a part of a big fire and the average guy out there doing the work was great. Highly recommend. However, it’s not without political BS and morally questionable behavior.
    It's all about the organization. From adolescence till now aerial ff was my dad's business....still love it. Guys on the ground do a great job. Feds managing a fire.....thats another thread.
    please please Don’t let your kid go some libtard college and get brainwashed by some hippy while piling up debt. I would still recommend it, you make good friends, make memories and do stuff that no one else does. 4 years is nothing In the grand scheme of things, if he doesn’t like it then he can use his GI bill for trade school. chance of that. His political beliefs are well forged. Not because it's what I told him. I've always encouraged my kids to use critical thinking and form their own opinions.
    When I served, I felt I was on the most winning-est team there was and I was proud to serve and do my job, did I bitch from time to time?? Hell yes I did.
    When Uncle Sam told me to pack my bags, I did, period.
    I'm glad I felt the way I did back then, now, not so much.
    I do have one son in the A.F. and at this time he feels the way his dad did back then and I'm proud of that. He is not going to make a career out of it tho.
    ETA: I was in during the Carter thru Bush Jr. years (1977 thru 1998).
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    I’ve got 21 years in right now. The military is going to military no matter who is president.

    I’m a different person from when I first joined. Some good, some bad, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

    Every boy has to earn and learn his way. If they want to serve, I wouldn’t persuade them not to. I see all my buddies working their asses off to get by. I’m paid, and about to retire and enjoy the fruits of my labor as a fairly young guy. The rewards came with sacrifice, but that’s what I signed up for. I joined to kick in doors and pull triggers, and I got all I wanted. Boy am I glad no one convinced me to join the Airforce.
    I'd say join the army for the life experience. It'll give him plenty of stories and memories for later. I recommend he does 3-4 years and then get out. I did 6 years army, and should have left at 3 1/2 when I had the chance. If he can put up with the bullshit the army throws at him, any other job is cake! That's my experience anyway.
    I have friends that stayed in and from what it sounds like, the PC/BS intervention that was within kissing distance when I got out has rigorously affixed itself on the military's backside. Congress and the upper level leadership is fucking with our liason to the "real world" and it makes me no more happy now than it did when I got out.

    Between the Biden administration, Covid, PC, gender studies/trials, etc.. etc... I'd suggest a "steer clear", but 18 y/o me wouldn't listen to 30 y/o me anyway.
    I'm pro Army.
    Did my twenty, plus.
    My family has served for generations.
    No regrets.
    You get out what you put in.
    Don't worry about the politics, it's not in your ROE.
    Definitely go for the "elite", you'll do more, see more, and make a difference.
    And your CT/MRI scans make great conversation pieces over a few beers.
    I'm pro Army.
    Did my twenty, plus.
    My family has served for generations.
    No regrets.
    You get out what you put in.
    Don't worry about the politics, it's not in your ROE.
    Definitely go for the "elite", you'll do more, see more, and make a difference.
    And your CT/MRI scans make great conversation pieces over a few beers.
    I feel you brother.
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    My dad was KIA Camp Enari, 1969.
    I enlisted USMC. My Mamma cried. I'd do it again.
    I always felt that guys enlist in the Air Force to get technical training, the Navy to see exotic ports of call, the Army to save for college. All worthy endeavors and still serving the nation.
    But MEN enlist in the Marines to go shoot the fucking enemy.
    Holy shit this thread was not what I expected.

    I have no issue with my son enlisting after HS to do whatever he wanted. His service is to the nation, not the ass cheeks in the seat.

    Some of you seem to have forgotten that, but you’re entitled to that opinion.

    Our nation needs the willing and capable youth to keep us above water. If the physically and mentally strong aren’t enlisting, then the weak masses will be pushed into it.

    Be the change you want to see. Let them be the change they want to see.

    Raise them with the skills to survive in society and equally as well in the field. They’ll choose their path and we should support their interests...that’s all we can do as parents.

    Best of luck to your kid with whatever he chooses. 🍻
    You know I’ve thought about this a lot now that I have 4 sons. There are some things I feel I must say.

    I was 24 when I finally signed up so had a different perspective than most and managed to have a few young guys looking up to me. This was natural to me as I was the oldest child of 4. It’s a little bit harder when you loose someone you taught to drive and would take fishing on the weekends.

    The real eye opener for me though was when I’d casually ask these young kids “if we are given orders to take guns from Americans what are you gonna do?” Most of em would say something to the effect of “I don’t know, follow orders I guess” this was 2004 before our turn in Iraq.

    I think about these 25000 troops surrounding our capital as I write this. I think of how my last cop encounter went down. How a young kid wrecks into my car and is fleeing the scene but I’m the one treated like a big bad wolf. I think about the judge that tries to tell me I cannot have a weapon in my house even.. despite the fact I have not committed or been convicted of a crime. Despite how blatantly unconstitutional.. Despite the fact there is a family in my house.. despite the fact we’ve had bear in our yard. I see the writing on the wall.

    I always thought I would not encourage or discourage. I always thought I would just tell them the good and the bad. Of course I always thought the constitution was our anchor.

    To be old and wise you must first be young and stupid. I’ve just now come to terms with how bad my issues are. Issues I tried to distance myself from. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I can’t get along with society just to finally figure out society cant get along with guys like me. I can’t tell you how many times someone would be poking at me just to get all scared when I stand up and roar.

    I’ve had some very dark days. I survived though. I survived that period when you get back and feel invincible. I survived the va and all their psychoactive pills. I survived Obama’s right wing radicalization report. Got married and had a kid. Had a hoa send me letters if I didn’t mow my lawn.

    Then a messy divorce and not being able to see my son ripped all my scabs off. All I could think about was dark. Then all the guys I lost. One in particular. I was constantly reliving everything. Not enough alcohol. Not enough women, not enough weed, I got really close to ending it all. But I survived.

    Now I see the righting on the wall. It’s no longer if but when we fight for our rights.
    Guys like me can’t wait forever for the unavoidable. I just pray I can wait long enough to make a difference. I just need to do everything I can to ensure my kids know freedom.

    When all is said and done all you can really do is make sure your son has as much information as possible to make the best decision he can. Don’t trust any recruiters and if he is going in then pick the best branch and best job. Be sure to make it work for ya. I had no plans on going to college but was able to use my g.i. Bill when I really needed it to get a welding cert and provide for my family while I went to school. I almost didn’t pay the 100 a month for a year... because when your getting 300? A month 100 is a lot. Sorry I got a little long winded on ya there but I took a oath. I hear it calling.
    America needs young guys to take that oath and old men to honor it.

    When I look left and right at my breathren, I see patriots that put Americanism and friendship before political party. Among the mature, older active service members, I see a desire to work through the systems instead of popping off about fighting a civil war in our own land. It's definitely not that they wouldn't be there if the time comes. On the contrary, they will be the leaders on both sides, as they were in all of our previous wars. It's just that they recognize the value of the institution that our forefathers already fought and died for. They recognize that our national tribe is greater than the sums of its constituent tribes.

    I don't see many pure civilians acting that way, these days. You may join for any of the reasons you did, but it will still make you consider the inherent goodness in our country and way of life and nurture the desire to preserve it. A greater good, if you will.
    Last edited:
    Given the state of our Nation would you advise your child to enlist?? As someone who didn't serve but has the utmost respect for those that have, I find myself advising my son against it. One year ago I was very much for it but as we transition into
    this pseudo communist regime, I'd prefer my son not be apart of it. What say the bretheren??


    The officer corps that I joined so many years ago seems to be now corrupt to the core above junior officer level.
    So now people want their kids to rack up college debt cause it's going to be paid off by the GOV??

    My kid did 8 years, got PLENTY of real world out.....makes $ degree...

    The conversation should not be about "joining", it should be about what occupation/career field they want to pursue.

    The officer corps that I joined so many years ago seems to be now corrupt to the core above junior officer level.
    agree totally with the comment on Field Rank and beyond... I would go no further than Major or Lt. Commander... the junior ranks are the most recently trained and most likely the most currently capable in the field anyway... which is where the strength would be in numbers anyway
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    @HeavyAssault Is on the right conversation topic. Not so much about if or why you serve, but what you do. Find a technical field that is in high demand in the real world. Make .mil pay for the education and get some hands on in whatever branch you want that has the field. If they pay attention, they’ll know when it’s time to walk away. Take that knowledge and skill to the workforce and make some money with it. Looking back on my 20, that would be the only thing I would ever do different.
    Thanks to guys like you for giving me the heads up. I'm doing exactly that. Just got my degree in Ops Research (like data science), and hopefully I'm well set up to make the transition.