Based on previous videos from the guy posted above (Washington Gun Law), approved Form1 cans are approved. This sounds like a "great reset." Deny everything and start over. I mean, where on the Form 1 do you state the materials from which you are making the can? I can't Form 4 pipe and caps from Lowes. And, while I don't have the machinery to mill parts from raw stock, there are people that do. If one were going to cut the parts from raw billets of metal, a Form 1 IS the appropriate form. And, and, Quiet Bore was requiring Form 1 approvals before shipping kits, so one doesn't even need to be in possession of any materials to make a can before getting approval. I foresee a lot of litigation and then a "walk back," though it will take a few years... Maybe a new congress can slap the taste out of the ATF's mouth, but I doubt it.