I don't think I've ever heard Watermelon in Easter Hay on the radio... Which is amazing.Wow. Superb. I grew up on his usual radio stuff, but compositions like this seemed to not get air time.
This is one of the greatest guitar solo's ever written/performed. And noone has heard it.
Watermelon in Easter Hay - Wikipedia
And Joe's Garage (the album) is so prescient and so amazingly predicts so much of the future, that Zappa should be regarded as a cultural Nostradamus. The Album was his response to everything from crazies like Estes Kefauver (tried to ban comic books) to Tipper Gore (pushed for labeling music and banning lyrics)... to the culture of 'regulation' to get around the Constitution. And he destroys the music/film/entertainment industry as contributing to the stupidification of America. Listen to the whole album, especially "The Central Scrutinizer" parts. It's beyond brilliant!