I was able to get out this morning after a few months of work and our new baby consuming the majority of my time. As I made my way into the field, just after daylight, I glanced and saw what I thought was two young deer. Turned out to be two scruffy coyotes. I crawled my way to an elevated spot in the field, and was able to do so without being busted. I was in the wide open and knew my chances were slim. I got the rifle set up and fumbled for my phone for my dope. The shot was 475 yds. After the shot I saw two coyotes busting ass out of the field. I was bummed. I continued to sit for a few minutes and even called for a bit to maybe coax them back out. I decided to go look for any sign of a hit where the dog stood. To my suprise I walked up to find this. The 300 SMK absolutely flatened him. I couldn't even see him lying in the grass from my firing position. It was a great start to a hot summer day here in Tennessee.