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Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

My time to brag

Once upon a time, roughly 15 years ago, I was asked (told actually) to prepare and give a presentation to the State Wide Teachers meeting. My subject, How to regain a disruptive student’s attention. It was a classic Randy Pousch style head fake. My real subject, “if you are not having fun, you are not learning, Only Rote memorizing.”

The day before the presentation was to be given, I came down with a serious cold, chills, fever, the entire plethora of symptoms. I was a sick fellow.

I had one of the spotlight times, I was given the nicest room, plenty of extra nice giveaway gifts, the whole nice yards. Backing out simply was not gonna happen

I have been and remain a talented public speaker. (That’s why I was given the opportunity).

Brenda had to drive me to Lafayette to the campus of ULL. The morning of the presentation, she did not have to lead me like Jill biden had to, but everything else had to be done.

Unlike jolten joe, When I walked in the room, I turned on like a light bulb. Of all the presentations and speeches and lessons I have ever given, it was the very best. I seriously kept everyone eyes forward for the entire 1.5 hour presentation. I even truly amazed at myself.

When the crowd left the room, the light went out, Brenda all but had to help me to the car and we notified my supervisor that I would not be attending any other parts of the meeting. We drove the three hours home. And I stayed in bed for two more days

When I saw Jill leading joe around like he was a toddler just learning to walk and talk, it reminded me of that day. Unlike joe, I still have some cognitive abilities. (And sure had some that late February day.).

“Under the ruse of giving an academic lecture, I was trying to put myself in a bottle that would one day wash up on the beach for my children.” Randy Pausch from the Last Lecture. His last major speech before he died at the age of 47

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