Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Back in 2016, we were preparing a back country elk pack trip- my uncle, cousin, his 10yo step daughter and me. I had my wife pick up my portion of the grocery list, which included bacon. Being helpful and health-conscious, she dutifully did the shopping and loaded the cooler.
Day one in camp, 9 head of stock and a very comfortable camp set up, we started shaking out supplies for breakfast. Eggs, check, toast, check, turkey bacon ch… what the hell??!! Never heard the end of that- bringing turkey bacon to elk camp- blasphemy!! Needled and prodded about that all week and still, every time we talk, someone has to bring up the turkey bacon SNAFU.
Bacon comes from hogs, plain and simple. Going to couple local places that always want to know if turkey bacon is ok in/on dishes 🙄
I have to explain to the waitresses that there is no such thing as turkey bacon , that bacon is made from pork belly. My wife gets a little irritated with me when I do that :ROFLMAO:
Bacon comes from hogs, plain and simple. Going to couple local places that always want to know if turkey bacon is ok in/on dishes 🙄
I have to explain to the waitresses that there is no such thing as turkey bacon , that bacon is made from pork belly. My wife gets a little irritated with me when I do that :ROFLMAO:
There’s nothing anyone could say regarding every single nuance, benefit or other lecture in the realm of bacon that wasn’t brought up several times in the first day. From outright disgust to passive aggressive snippets and muted muttering under the breath while we’re all supposed to be sleeping. The mules even started acting up with me.
Si, I've tried it, not impressed.

Thinking over to another thread I still haven't tried Halal bacon (beef bacon) ... kosher I guess ... it doesn't sound bad but I don't see how it can taste like real pork bacon ... I'll try it one day, maybe even wrap some dove in some.

I have an Iranian neighbor that gave me a pound of beef bacon from our local butcher shop.
It's really, really good, but it's not bacon.
Si, I've tried it, not impressed.

Thinking over to another thread I still haven't tried Halal bacon (beef bacon) ... kosher I guess ... it doesn't sound bad but I don't see how it can taste like real pork bacon ... I'll try it one day, maybe even wrap some dove in some.
Turkey bacon is ok... if cooked in pork fat.

I got some beef bacon as a gift a couple of years ago and it was... ok. Could not get past the beef taste.

At the same time, I got some wild boar bacon. Holy shit that stuff was amazing! I'm going hog hunting in Feb and am going to slice off as much porkbelly and bacon as I can... to cure and smoke here.

Anything is bacon if you slice it thin enough. That does not mean it's bacon!

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Don't ask questions you may not want the answer to.

Sadly, sometimes when people get old, allergies can pop up that never existed before or the severity of which may have be muted by youthful vigor are now released like the Kraken.

Consuming dairy has a few effects on me now which are quite pronounced and very uncomfortable especially if I consume it on a regular basis.

One is lymph nodes start swelling and circulation goes to shit. Another is the left leg swells like a balloon and crusty, bleeding, pus oozing sores form on my calf. Sinuses get totally clogged and I also get a permanent nose bleed, like every time I blow my nose it's 70% blood and scab mixed with 30% snot. My ass becomes a mud laser and bleeds like a stuck pig. The diarrhea and ass bleeding only takes one bowl of cereal and milk or one ice cream cone, the rest takes a little time to build up.

Stop consuming dairy for a couple three weeks and all those symptoms start subsiding.

But I like cheese, who doesn't, and the thought of eating cheese weakens my mind like a pronoun splitting incel listening to a Kamaltoe speech on a tape loop so I fall for the marketing once in a while an try it.

Sentenced to life without cheese. Probably karma, maybe I was Genghis Kahn's torch bearer in a former life and burned down hundreds of villages.

Some claim there are pic rules in this thread but I haven't seen those rules.

It kinda looks like this only more blood and more pus. Doctor's call it eczema and prescribe a spray which helps the sores but doesn't do anything for the swelling, diarrhea, nosebleeds or ass bleeds.

“Raw” milk and its byproducts could well change your life. You would probably have to interact with “tinfoil wackos and anarchists” though. Your call.
43X where have you been all my life!

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They’re a nice little rig! I see lots of em come through the shop. I liked the 43, the X feels way mo betta to me. The newer 365xl/macro/…… are nice little pistols too. Hell, I even like my wife’s hellcat pro!! There’s lots of neat little stuff today.
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I remember when gas prices were less than half that.
When I got my DL's in '84 leaded gas was still a thing and it was 56 cents a gallon.
When I started driving it was $0.25...and you got a free glass! First year out of HS I was pumping gas part time...that's when the first "oil embargo" hit. Gas went up to $0.32...which doesn't seem like much today but that was almost a 30% increase!
When I started driving it was $0.25...and you got a free glass! First year out of HS I was pumping gas part time...that's when the first "oil embargo" hit. Gas went up to $0.32...which doesn't seem like much today but that was almost a 30% increase!
I remember those free glass days. People would go to get a complete set.

Phillips 66 gave a free book on fishing tips that I nagged my mother to stop for. My grandmother sitting in the back seat told her not to spoil me. The old bitch hated me.

I hope she's burning in hell right now.
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I remember those free glass days. People would go to get a complete set.

Phillips 66 gave a free book on fishing tips that I nagged my mother to stop for. My grandmother sitting in the back seat told her not to spoil me. The old bitch hated me.

I hope she's burning in hell right now.
Dang, what a sad thought. My one and only loved me to death. (My other died when I was quite young, I never knew her however, being the resident asshole of the world, I probably did not weigh too heavily in her want to like department)

Can’t imagine Anna not loving any of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. But she was OLD TIME German, girls had to learn to work. (Some of the girls, especially from an earlier marriage were not too thrilled to be under her tutelage). Now the boys and men, we were treated like something only slightly less than gods. Except during the spring, when EVERYONE had to gather in the boathouse and put a fresh coat of varnish on the 28 foot E-Scow and in the cottage’s garage to put a fresh coat of varnish on the family Chris-Craft. She was the task master who always jumped right into the work herself.

The E-Scow at speed, fast enough to pull a waterskier


Otto and Anna Kirste, not long after they were married.

My 1967 thunderbird could be filled (25 gallon tank) for less than $9.00 back in 72' . They had S&H and Goldbond stamps that were used to get items when you filled up the sheet. :LOL: and dinasours roamed the land...
S&H green stamps and Blue chip stamps......

And Ethyl wasn't just an old womans name.
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I remember those free glass days. People would go to get a complete set.

Phillips 66 gave a free book on fishing tips that I nagged my mother to stop for. My grandmother sitting in the back seat told her not to spoil me. The old bitch hated me.

I hope she's burning in hell right now.


I put a lot of tigers in tanks working for my dad and uncle.
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