Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

Don't ask questions you may not want the answer to.

Sadly, sometimes when people get old, allergies can pop up that never existed before or the severity of which may have be muted by youthful vigor are now released like the Kraken.

Consuming dairy has a few effects on me now which are quite pronounced and very uncomfortable especially if I consume it on a regular basis.

One is lymph nodes start swelling and circulation goes to shit. Another is the left leg swells like a balloon and crusty, bleeding, pus oozing sores form on my calf. Sinuses get totally clogged and I also get a permanent nose bleed, like every time I blow my nose it's 70% blood and scab mixed with 30% snot. My ass becomes a mud laser and bleeds like a stuck pig. The diarrhea and ass bleeding only takes one bowl of cereal and milk or one ice cream cone, the rest takes a little time to build up.

Stop consuming dairy for a couple three weeks and all those symptoms start subsiding.

But I like cheese, who doesn't, and the thought of eating cheese weakens my mind like a pronoun splitting incel listening to a Kamaltoe speech on a tape loop so I fall for the marketing once in a while an try it.

Sentenced to life without cheese. Probably karma, maybe I was Genghis Kahn's torch bearer in a former life and burned down hundreds of villages.

Some claim there are pic rules in this thread but I haven't seen those rules.

It kinda looks like this only more blood and more pus. Doctor's call it eczema and prescribe a spray which helps the sores but doesn't do anything for the swelling, diarrhea, nosebleeds or ass bleeds.


try goats milk cheese, italian parmesan cheese made in italy not the fake stuff. see if you can find unpasteurised milk and yoghurt. go a meat diet if even the raw dairy products give you issues. ive somehow minimised my back pain and shoulder pain by mainly eating beef (salted of course), bananas, almonds, cream with coffee instead of milk, pure maple syrup or pure honey for sweetness. i have the odd citrus fruit and minimal carbs ie bread, and if i have bread, its just lebbo bread with 3 ingredients, flour, salt and water. not big on veg either.

also, have a look at what Mikhaila Peterson's issues were from a toddler

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Si, I've tried it, not impressed.

Thinking over to another thread I still haven't tried Halal bacon (beef bacon) ... kosher I guess ... it doesn't sound bad but I don't see how it can taste like real pork bacon ... I'll try it one day, maybe even wrap some dove in some.

first time i had it it fucked my head. mouth told me it was beef, eyes told me it was bacon. a friend came for an unannounced visit to the country from the shitsmoke, blew his mind also.
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About 20 years ago an Orangeburg County Council chairman pulled an underhanded amish scheme that involved selling the county owned ORMC to a private firm and was convicted and sent to the federal pen.
After serving a year of his sentence Rep. Jim Clyburn pulled some strings to get him released and hired him as a field representative to work out of Clyburn's Columbia S.C. office.
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try goats milk cheese, italian parmesan cheese made in italy not the fake stuff. see if you can find unpasteurised milk and yoghurt

I have, absolutely love that tangy flavor of goat cheese and Italian cheeses made from sheep's milk. Unfortunately I seem to react to all of them.

The Mayo site covers it in more scientific detail, words like atopic dermatitis, inflammation, enteropathy and proctocolitis. It's mostly considered a kid's disease and, theoretically, most kids grow out of it. I've had chronic sinus issues all my life, I think I'm just one of those kids who never grew out of it and it just got worse as I got older. If you live long enough you get all the prizes, mom used to say "getting old ain't for pussies".

Around the time I went beyond the point of no return I was eating HEB guacatillo which contains "cream fresca".

It's insane how many things you think of or are labeled as "non-dairy" or "milk free" contain dairy derivatives. Whey seems to be a big one for me and that shit is in everything ... bread, sausage (all kinds, some pepperonis and salamis), flavored chips, protein bars, protein drinks, almost anything in a wrapper or a cup that markets itself as "high protein" gets its protein boost from added whey.

Milk allergy is an atypical immune system response to milk and products containing milk. It's one of the most common food allergies in children. Cow's milk is the usual cause of milk allergy, but milk from sheep, goats, buffalo and other mammals also can cause a reaction.

First all gay sheep farm , not only are the owners gay but all the animals are gay as well , as you can imagine they got all subsidies that exist and then some when they apply with supergay sheep

Of course they collect go fund me bucks as well.
Gay sheep don't have it easy. They are usually sent to the slaughterhouse because they don't fulfill their "role" in everyday breeding. But before they could become salami, we bought them from breeders all over Germany and brought them to a small farm in Löhne. There they can now love whoever they want for the rest of their lives.
But air and love alone are not enough - sheep need food and medicine (at least from time to time) and that costs money. We also want to add more gay sheep to our flock: because the more sheep, the more rainbow wool. And the more rainbow wool, the more help for the queer community. We call that a win-win-win situation. So help us and them by becoming a sponsor! One euro covers the costs of another happy day on the farm, including the cost of feed, regular vaccinations, medical care and transport to fresh pastures.''

Who is behind Rainbow Wool?

Farmer Michael Stücke shepherds the world’s first gay sheep flock on his farm in Löhne. Together with his sheep, a bunch of people and organisations he wants to support the queer community all over the world. The LSVD+ (Federation Queer Diversity) is our charity partner and the largest non-governmental LGBT rights organisation in Germany. It is part of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA). Together with the pro-bono support of a Cologne based advertising agency we’re using creativity to make the world a little bit better.

I have a gay ram in my herd. What now?
Well, then you've come to the right place! Instead of sending him to the slaughterhouse, he can become part of our Rainbow Wool herd and live, love and support queer people on Michael Stücke's farm. Great, isn't it? Write to us ...