Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)


So have you figured out no one here is really a fan of hand feeding wild animals? You're welcome to what you want to do, but you might reconsider posting videos.

Dude get over yourself.

I enjoy the videos and many others do too.

I get it, some people don’t like the idea and have voiced their opinions. Don’t like it? Don't click play.


I called it!

Thanks, Lawless.

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Lincoln...maybe, except he basically suspended the Constitution and paved the way for an over-reaching federal government
Teddy...fuck him
FDR...fuck him, set him on fire, then run over him with your car
Reagan...check, even though the whole Hughes amendment thing
Trump #1...maybe except he trusted too many wolves in sheep's clothing
Trump far, so good
Dukes is the best mayo.

Miracle Whip is the same as pineapple on pizza.
A commie undermining program to desensitize Americans to accept crap substitutes in food, to be spread to all other things too.

Any supporters are questionable and should be investigated for “activities unAmerican in nature”.

That is all